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    10 minutes
Starring: Lexxi w/ Monster X

***FULL 1920X1080 HD***  **LOTS OF POV**

The monster is at it again, attacking Lexxi in her room as she is about to get dressed. He over powers her and pushes her limits as he ravages her, groping and pumping her with his monster love. She absolutely hates it and fights him off a bit. He is relentless and pulls her close to him pounding her and raping her against her will. She uses her arms to try and push him away but he is too powerful and hisses at her in disapproval. He continues to pound her, pulling her around the bed to get better leverage and penetration. He is on a mission to rape, ravage, menace, and molest Lexxi much to her dismay and disgust. After pounding her and breasts shaking and her absolute disgust he cums inside of her with vigor and enthusiasm. After he is finished with her he exits still letting her know she is going to get again soon one of these days. The Monster loves Lexxi!

More great monster rape. You think this monster has a thing for Lexxi? I know you do too! I know I do. CB

Run Time: 10:00 minutes
File Size: 390 MB 	Format: .MP4
    8 minutes
Starring: Savannah Costello w/ Rex

Savannah is chilling at home waiting for her big shot boyfriend to get back to town. She walks to the kitchen in her panties, grabs something cool to drink from the fridge showing off her sexy belly and perfect breasts. She is startled by a noise, turning around to see it is her Man's bodyguard Rex. She asks him why he is there and he tells her Tony has a message for her and he is not too happy with the guy she has been cheating with. He shoots her in the belly before she can answer and explain it was her brother from out of town. She is in much pain, clutching and doubling over from the slug to the buttonhole. She goes down to her ass, groaning in pain from the shot to the tummy. She shows the wound as the blood pours from her belly. She complains that he shot her in the belly, and why did he not just kill her. He explains that it was a dick move but Tony wanted her to suffer before she died. She yells at him that it was disrespectful, and hurts. He pops her in the right breast, right on the nipple. She clutches fast, screaming and grunting to him in pain, writhing on the floor. She screams at him to finish her off, and so he pops her in the other tit, and she groans more, hurting bad. She looks at him as she bucks and heaves in pain, "Well aren't you going to finish me off?", and so he puts it right to her heart, and lower breast and pops her, the slug going through her heart, and she reacts with a great deal of pain and terror in her face, she is struggling to stay alive as she twitches, and bucks, kicking for a few seconds before she winds down to nothing, and then she goes still, wide eyed and mouth agape. She is dead, and four holes deep in wounds, bleeding a bit on the white floor in the kitchen. Rex goes to the floor, grabbing her legs and pulling her out to show her body and check her out, then he comments on how she is a mess, and leaves her to be viewed from many angles, and panned from many different perspectives. What a lovely dead girl Savannah is!
    29 minutes
Starring: Shy Toker w/ Chris B.

Chris is a laid back, quiet physical therapist who works at a clinic in town, and sometimes in his own place in the woods. He has been doing therapy on a young female client who tore her ACL and needs to rehab to get back to work. It is a long process and this session will be the last in a few months he has been working on her weekly. The sweet nineteen year old has really grown on him and he has no clue that she is now obsessed with him, even though he is an older man, and she has no clue weather he is even straight, never seeing him with a girl or talking about a girlfriend. After doing some massage and stretching her bad knee, he tells her to get more comfortable, usually she has shorts and a tshirt for easy access to the linking muscles and bones to be worked. She tells him that she would like to make this session extra long, and would like to continue to see him, even off the books. He still doesn't pick up the vibe and when she disrobes, she is in a sexy nighty, no panties, shaved bare, and looking really sexy. He asks if she just came from her boyfriends and she tells him she doesn't have a boyfriend and wore the sexy lingerie just for him. He is flattered and doesn't seem to push the idea away. He tells her first he must explain something, in fact the only thing that gets him off is doing role playing with the few gals he has met in his life that would even participate. He explains the situation and tells her that he loves to role play animal slaughter, using rope, binding his lovers and playing with them while they are bound, then running a sharp knife around there bodies and their necks. She is getting wet just thinking about it as he caresses her, kissing her neck and rubbing her arms and shoulders. He plays with her more, rubbing her breasts and then her tummy and ass. He grabs the rope and knife then starts to play with her more, removing her nighty and rubbing her ass and pussy which puts her into a frenzy. He whispers in her ears and she is putty in his hands. He ties her hands behind her back and grabs the sharp knife, running it to and fro on her soft sexy neck, not too hard so it cuts, but so she feels it. He continues to play with her and asks her if she wants him inside her while he plays and she begs him yes. He puts it in and starts fucking her from behind as he drags the knife across her neck over and over, grabbing her hips with the off hand and ramming himself into her. She moans in pleasure getting so close to climax and as soon as they both are orgasming, he drags the knife deep through her throat, even sawing back and forth(SHOWN A COUPLE TIMES FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES) until she gags and blood gushes from her neck. He pulls her head back and drops her to the floor. He rolls her dead body over so he ca see her face, which is covered in a bit of blood. He unties her hands and then rolls her onto her back. He goes to get some wipes to clean her pretty face up, and her body is panned and viewed from every angle showing her sexy toned figure, bare feet, and white teeth. When he comes back he wipes the little bits of blood from her face so he can see her better, then a bit on her hair. After he finishes cleaning her up he caresses her face and breasts one last time before he goes to get cleaned up and her body is viewed again.

Wow Shy is very sexy and so cute. When she moans or makes any sexy sounds I know I rise to attention. What a great find. Thanks for the support. Chris

Run Time: 29:29 minutes
File Size: 700 MB 	Format: .MP4
    8 minutes
Starring: Savannah Costello w/ Belle

This time Belle is taking out Savannah in the Den as she patrols in her men's night shirt, and guards the upstairs. Belle sneaks up behind her and reverse choke holds her from behind. Savannah fights hard but Belle is a sly sentry, with all the moves necessary to knock her out cold. As Savannah weakens, she goes limp, mostly, and Belle lays her on the sofa, then hoists her up on to the arm of the sofa, so that her head extends over the arm, and her arms are sticking out. She is wearing gloves and long black boots, with a G-String, and the long, oxford type men's shirt, in light blue. Belle extends her neck, lifting her head for a kiss, then undressing, then some loving on her breasts, belly, and lots of kisses where the guard responds in a shy at first, but fully kissing by a couple minutes. After playing with the guard, she kisses more, then she wakes up a bit, so the sentry grabs her throat and chokes her out till she is passed out again. She kisses her a bit more, checking her body one last time, then she grabs Savannah's head, and snaps her neck in the same position, Savannah is now dead, eyes closed, still hanging over the sofa arm, but limp. As Belle leaves she grabs both guns, and then exits down the hall, down the stairs. Savannah's body is panned and displayed, and viewed.
Run Time: 8:00 minutes
File Size: 175 MB 	Format: .WMV
    28 minutes
      FWG AGENCY CUTBACKS - Starring: Coco and Scarlet

Coco and Scarlet play Government Agents that are in certain situations, where cutbacks are needed, and unfortunately one out of them is cut every time. Different attire, different guns, different type death scenes with so many fantastic death scenes, not just short little skits, but real death scenes, just no blood. Belly shots, head shots, shot in the back, shot with machine guns, and from many different angles.

Enjoy Coco and Scarlet as they do the best  death scenes, and and kill scenes. Their acting ability is above and beyond, and they look so sexy in the skirts and heels! Whoa!!

There is also a nice Gag Reel of outtakes...CB  BLITZ TACTICS 1
    4 minutes
Starring: Mercy West and Lexxi

FULL 1920 x 1080HD

The Agents from FALL OF THE GUARDS have some catching up to do, so to keep cleaning house of the SHADO SENTRY GUARDS they must play catch up, so the sexy Agent Lexxi wants to have some fun so she catches the guards attention and they come at each other and start grappling. It looks even until Agent Lexxi throws a knee, then grabs the guards arms holding them over her head until she is trying to tap out, Lexxi lets her go to the ground and starts to kick her, after a couple, one to the head she is out cold. Agent Lexxi kicks the ko'd guard in the hip to roll her flat on her back. The Agent puts her shoe on the chin of the guard and with a flick snap, it breaks her neck. (Shown 2x angles) After she cracks her neck she kneels down checking her pulse while she unbuttons the shirt. She raises her arms abo0v her head then plays with her breasts before they discuss leaving to check the next one while playing with her face and mouth. They comment on the shame they ave to leave. 

Body pans of the dead Shado Guard. CB

Run Time: 4:20 minutes
File Size: 170 MB	Format: .MP4
    17 minutes

Starring: Belle Fatale as: Detective Martin and Freya as Spider Woman

A long list of missing persons from this area has detective Erica Martin coming the specific region where the disappearances have all occurred. She is alone, only her service weapon, a radio, and dressed in heels and skirt, with a button down top, not really the best attire for traipsing through the woods looking for a killer, who leaves no trace of the victims. As she moves tactically through the woods, down an old service road, Erica encounters all kinds of bugs and webs, one thing she really does not like is spiders, and spider webs. Ironically enough, moving behind her without a trace, A Spider Woman, moving quickly like a shadow through the woods from tree to tree without a noise. Erica is freaked out by all the bugs but keeps her composure. The spider playfully grabs a stick from the ground, snapping it loudly so it startles the Detective, and she spins around pointing her gun. The spider loves to have fun with her prey before ever feasting on her. There is a process, and to feed on this woman's juices and fluids, she must get her ripe and ready. Part of that process is the chase and the on set of fear and adrenaline pumping through her veins increasing the blood flow. The spider moves again, and Erica makes a call on the radio, sounding confident, but also mentioning there are a shit ton of bugs and it is creeping her out. After she tells HQ she needs NO Backup, the spider licks her chops and spills copious amounts of saliva readying her mouth for the feats of blood, cum, and plasma. She breaks another stick startling Erica who spins around and sees something out the corner of her eye. She is freaked out but keeps her stance, the Spider advances and breakneck speed and is upon her, shredding the detective's top with one swipe of her sharp claws, and disappearing into the brush, only to reappear and do the same thing to her bottoms skirt, and biting her on the ass twice, sinking her fangs and getting the first dose of venom in the detective's body, then vanishing into thin air. Erica trips staggers and falls face first in the dirt, writhing in pain from the bites. She moves around in agony, then quickly jumps up with blurred vision from the toxic venom that renders the victims helpless, but still fully aware, awake, and with enhanced physical feelings. As Eric spins around firing of her pistol at thin air, the spider makes herself seen and the Detective starts to back up pointing the gun but not being able to fire for some reason, the toxins are in full effect. She keeps backing up and the spider taunts as Erica backs straight into the web, immediately being entangled in the web and flailing freaking out as the spider laughs and taunts Erica. As she gets caught even more into the web trying furiously to escape but just making it worse every time she tries to break free. The spider knows this is part of the process and it is time to stimulate the body to bring forth the juices. She moves around to her back behind the web, reaching through and twisting and pulling on the detective's nipples to get the blood flowing. The spider moves around and takes a big bite into Erica's breasts, immediately the detective moans in pain and pleasure, sounding like she is having sex, slowly getting more and more into it as the spider sucks her breast, then massaging the nipples with her bloody tongue, almost vampire in nature. Erica moans in pleasure and pain as the venom takes effect more so in her sexual organs. She starts to buck and heave, moving around and breathing heavily as the spider has her way with her. She bites her breasts again and sucks them hard, leaving bite marks and tons of blood and plasma leaking out. After she sucks the breasts and the Detective is in full swing of her first assignment as a feast for a spider, and definitely her last. She asks the Spider, "what are you and what do you want from me?" "You are my food, and I am preparing you for my feast." the spider relied with a chuckle, then returned to her, but this time she was focusing on her panties, then removing them with a shred of her sharp claws. She starts to touch and massage her clit, stimulating the pussy to make the blood and juices taste best. She flicks her tong, biting the detective's pussy, blood and cum start to leak out as she is going full bore on her pussy. Erica is in convulsions orgasming and going into shock at the same time, her eyes rolling back in her head as the spider drains her body of its juices. She is relentlessly sucking and getting as much as she can, Erica is fading quickly and starts to buck and shake hard, then dies, but the spider keeps going and revives her for one last orgasm and final spurt of blood and juices to take in for her feast. As Erica's body revives, her eyes stay wide, but her body shakes and orgasms hard as the spider drains her of everything she desires, the cream of the crop. The Spider pulls back checking her work and laughing maniacally, removing the shell of a woman left on the web. The detective is limp and drained, and falls to the ground as she is released from the web. The Spider will continue to take what it needs over the next few hours and days, so she rolls the body over and drags her off into the woods to her pile of bones and hair.  HIS FAVORITE SLAUGHTER
    34 minutes
Starring: Lexxi w/ Chris B.


After meeting at a fetish event, Chris and Lexxi decide to take it to a whole another level and hang out together in the real world to have some fun. Lexxi shows up to his place in daisy duke's, flip flops, and a top, looking so sexy. he invites her in and they hit it off talking about the fun they have had and will have. Lexxi is obviously as horny as Chris so they start to make out and get pretty heavy, fast. Before long, after some major groping and handling, Chris puts his cock inside her and she rides him, it is a wild one too. They fuck hard and fast and lots of moans when they both climax for a long time, and then holding each other as they finish. They make out some more and Chris sends her to get cleaned up before they Role Play. When she comes back he is in the kitchen with his ropes, knife and a pad for her to kneel on. he talks to her and explains, she is hot and horny and wants more. He plays with her and ties her up, hands together, feet together, then connected with a third rope to hog tie her. He toys with her kissing her neck and extending it as he pulls her hair. He caresses her and then grabs the knife, she is so turned on by him and his slaughter fantasy. He plays with her more teasing her over and over with her neck extended playing with the sharp knife. After much teasing he goes through with it, slicing her throat deep, over and over to make sure he is all the way through the windpipe. She bleeds out as he extends her to the floor, then to her side. He removes the ropes after she is completely dead, then kisses and caresses her body before positioning her and then exiting for body views and pans of the sexy, beautiful, dead Lexxi.

Wow i had fun, lets just say that! This is a really great, and sexually explicit clip, enjoy! CB

Run Time: 33:58 minutes
File Size: 600 MB 	Format: .MP4
    19 minutes
Horrorman manip #1
Starring: Belle Fatale w/ Jigsy

As she works in her office trying to pinpoint the whereabouts of the operative trying to take her and her agency out, the counter agent \"White\" observes, sneaks in and strangles her with a very thin black cord. The strangle is abundant with upskirt views and leg shots, with lots of eyes and different angles of the kill.

There are also a couple of different death scenes with \"eyes open\" and \"eyes closed\" scenes.

Belle at her best with a really hot strangle. Thanks CB

Run Time: 9:00 minutes
File Size: 400 MB 	Format: .MP4
    11 minutes
Starring: SaraLiz
w/ Doc Chavez &
Rex Hardcastle as: "Eliminator"

A busy video game developer is trying to finish his final level so he can get paid for his mods. He asks his hot girlfriend to make him a sandwich, and she is too busy hanging around in her panties and half shirt, texting her friend Jenny. She brushes him off but she has no idea about his new mod he will unlock, code name: Eliminator, who is a real like life form that generates when you unlock the level, and does the dirty work for you. After getting no sandwich and a bunch of lip, he unlocks the shooter and controls him to the target. When he appears without any sound she is startled and just says, "Honey one of your weird gaming friends is here". The drone announces himself as Eliminator and steps to square up with her. He pulls out his long silenced .40 s&w, and raises it at belly level. From the other room, on his monitor the controller cocks the hammer, and pulls the trigger. She is stunned with a shot half way between the navel and the mons pubis. She clutches as the blood begins to trickle out, she looks up at the expressionless lifeform who is getting into position for the next shot, as she slides down the fridge to the floor. Eliminator bends down and points the silenced gun pointblank to her right breast, then the controller pulls back and pops her, the slug going through her tit out the other side leaving an exit wound. She is in much pain as she flounders on the floor, clutching her breast and her belly, bleeding good from all 3 holes. She squirms, bucks, and kicks getting her legs in the other direction. The Eliminator is controlled to get square for the next shot, which is right in the clitoris. He bends down, aims and shoots her point blank right in the snatch as she cries out in pain, grabbing her pussy as the blood comes leaking out through her panties. He steps up and says, "target eliminated" and disappears off screen. She bucks and heaves, clawing at her wounds until she spits and coughs up a bunch of blood, and then dies. Having finished his game with success, he heads into the kitchen to see his handy work. He grabs some scissors to cut her tshirt and panties off to see the marks. He adds that the shots and aim are right on, so now he can get paid for his game. Successful, he says that it's too bloody to make a sandwich so it's burgers again tonight and exits for more body pans.
Lot's of fun, and awesome fetish! What a great talent SaraLiz is, not to mention my great actors, who really enjoy the fun! CB
    37 minutes
Starring: Lexxi w/ John Wood

Lexxi is new at the construction company. Two months have passed and she is up to her scheming ways already. She waits till everyone is gone for the day and walks into the boss' office. He is surprised to see her, thinking she had gone home earlier in the day with everyone else. She says, "I wanted to wait till everyone was gone to talk to you". Mr. W says, "How do you like working for the construction company Lexxi"?, "It is great except for the pay, I have expensive taste and need my raise now". "I can do way better and more stuff for you, like this". She grabs his cock from his drawers and starts to tug and lick his long shaft. She sucks him so good licking and sucking his dick. He cannot resist so they stand up and he starts to grab her ass, her Lacey Thigh High clad, sexy, long legs are lifted off the ground as he passionately kisses her, and then puts her up on the big desk. He rubs her pussy through her sexy, expensive panties, and grabs her perfect c cups through her bra to match. He gets her so riled up they move to the leather sofa to get more comfy and they do. They make out heavy and he fingers and licks her snatch to get her going even more. She is raring to go so they stand up and undress each other with so much passion the room is consumed with it. They start to have sex in many different positions, he does her so good, she moans with pleasure, meeting him with every push, every stroke. She gets on top and cums so hard she squirts a stream from her pussy, he then takes her doggy, by now she is trembling with desire. He fucks her hard and finishes inside her. After some winding down, making out, they sit on the couch.

Lexxi gets that look in her eye like she is up to no good and walks to his desk. She pulls a picture out of his wallet, "So this is your wife and daughter huh?" "Would be a shame for them to find out about today." Mr. W's face turns red and he gets so mad he grabs her in a choke hold, taking her down to the sofa. She fights hard but he chokes her out till she passes out in about a minutes time. While she is unconscious he grabs some rope out of his truck, and makes a call to his Superintendent. "Hey, are you pouring concrete tomorrow at the site?" "Great I think I will throw on the boots and come join you, I need to get out of the office" "Yes, i will be there early back filling the forms so we can pour, I will bring the coffee and donuts."

What he is going to do now is strangle Lexxi to death so he can go bury her in the footing of the high rise he is building, along with the other two girls that supposedly "Quit", after trying to blackmail for more money. He wakes her up, then forces her to suck him off, forcing the BJ so hard that he blows his load all over her face and neck. he leaves her there to beg for her life before he comes with the rope. She sees him coming and starts to run to the door, but he loops it over her head and pulls her to the sofa. She files around the sofa, working to live, working so hard, choking, gasping, drooling, and spitting, trying to claw at the rope to free herself, but to no avail. he chokes her all over the couch, then gets her upright to finish her off. She is on her knees at first but ends up on her butt, thigh highs still on her feet, kicking, twitching, drooling, until she is no more. Mr. W says to her "I will never let my company that has been passed down for many generations be swindled by some stupid greedy bitch." "Tomorrow i will bury you in the earth and concrete".

He flops her on the floor, then looks at her neck, seeing the red marks from the rope digging in. He grabs his clothes and shoes, while body views and gazing happens, then he drags her off scene, still eyes wide, and tongue out, dead.

Fantastic movie all the way through. I have been holding on to a few Lexxi customs that I will put out every once in a while. Here we go! Enjoy everyone's hard work, including Lexxi and the crew! CB

Run Time: 36:35 minutes
File Size: 595 MB 	Format: .WMV
    36 minutes
Starring: Ryanne w/ Chris B.

Chris is trying to sell his condo on the south side of town and he got a great reference from his friend about this hot, young, real estate broker that can help him sell for a good price. She comes over and talks to Chris about the place and prices, when they go upstairs to discuss the terms and see the bedroom she catches him in a lie, saying he is a bachelor, when there are woman's clothing in his closet. He tells her his girlfriend disappeared and they have not been able to find her, and she freaks, wanting to leave, and he knocks her out. He plays with her body, undressing her slowly, starting with her shirt, then her shoes, stockings and bra, her breasts are so nice to touch and feel, but he sees that neck and wants to strangle her before he can have his way with her. After more flopping and limp play Chris gets behind her, wrapping one of the stockings around her neck, crossing it in the back and getting it tight before he wakes her up, when she comes tyo and sees where she is she freaks and throws a fit, thrashing about, slapping his face, and trying to claw him. She fights long and hard, he keeps her upright for a great deal, but she is a hard fighter and goes for a long while till her pretty death stare shows up like the sun. She is so beautiful with the mark of the stocking on her neck, blended with the blue eyes, and red hair. Chris new this would look great on the green sheets, so he had a great plan. After she is dead, he plays with her body, finishing undressing, and playing with her bush and hot tits. Then when he is ready he fucks her dead body until he cums inside her. then he leaves her there after more kissing and caressing of the body. He is all his tonight so he positions her to lay spread eagle on the bed till he returns.


Starring: Ryanne and Chris B
Run Time: 35:00 minutes

File Size: 495 MB 	Format: .WMV
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