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  • Hot To Be Headless
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    10 minutes

One girl (Chloe) invites a friend (Faye) over to a her boyfriend's apartment...she has just moved in with him and has learned he is really into some kinky things. They are having a few drinks and getting silly, so Chloe asks Faye if she liked to go into her boyfriend's secret room....the scene changes as they enter a room with a guillotine. It is set up for a kneeling beheading.  Faye is ecstatic...she has always had a bondage and beheading fantasy...she asks if it is real...Chloe responds, that it is just a prop...very safe.  So Faye sits down on the plank and begins fooling around, posing her legs....touching the blade....opening the lunette.

She then asks Chloe if she can put her head in it....Chloe responds "sure", but I should probably tie you up if you are going to be properly beheaded." She ties  Faye's hands behind her back and they are both musing over the idea of beheading. how hot they'd look without their heads, what their boyfriends might do with their headless bodies, etc. Chloe then places Faye in the guillotine in a kneeling position.  We see her body in total from the side.

They are still playing around, Chloe admiring Faye's legs, etc. Faye muses about her fantasy, how hot it is to be in the guillotine, how helpless she feels, and how much she actually would now like to lose her head.  Chloe responds "I can arrange that" and releases the guillotine, thinking it is still just a prop. But surprise, Faye is beheaded....she gives a little kick as her head drops and we see it fall into the basket.

Chloe is horrified that she has beheaded her friend. She pulls her off the we see Faye in a chair, headless, hands still tied behind her back.  Chloe is in the process of putting herself into the guillotine, then handcuffs her hands behind her own back.  She can't live with the thought of killing her friend.  She muses over the though of what her boyfriend will do when he finds two headless women in his play room.

The clip ends with both headless women, still bound, sitting down, crossing their legs in NBM fashion.

Starring: Chloe Toy and Faye
Keywords: guillotine, headless, magic, suicide, surreal  OLIVE GUILLOTINED
    9 minutes
Activist Olive is detained somewhere in a prison cell, guilty of conspiracy against the government. A guy enters and brings her out to the execution room, where the guillotine is waiting for her.
She lets the guys do the job and behaves proud until her head finally falls.

Olive's headless body remains in the prison building for later disposal: the guy who previously picked her up comes back in and starts by taking the handcuffs off her wrists. He then takes off the dress, leaving the body completely naked. He hesitates. He begins groping her ass and inspecting her vagina, as she can no longer complain about anything. He grows excited, takes his dick out and gets intrigued by using the guillotined revolutionary's hand on it. After a bit he moves to her feet, and begins slapping his dick on the soles, before kneeling down and jerking off while worshipping the activist girl's soles.
    15 minutes

Fiona pops in the executioner's room claiming to have her head cut, as she's been condemned for a traffic offence and her appointment had been set for that day. The executioner (POV camera) is a bit embarrassed to say that the guillotine is off at the moment, so theoretically he can't do her. But, since it's not her fault, he says she can come back one month later, but she prefers to have her head taken now as she already made plans, travelled there, etc.
So the executioner tells her that he may call Ammalia, a colleague who is skilled enough to take her head with a sword while kneeling on a gross wooden crate, and Fiona is totally fine with that. The important thing for her is that her head is taken off that day and she doesn't have to reschedule.
He calls her and she says she can come, so they start waiting for her; in the meantime, Fiona asks questions about the process, wonders how much it hurts, how long it takes and what will happen to her body. She also tests the position on the crate as she prefers to help the swords-woman in taking her head off, so it's good to be trained.
Finally Ammalia arrives bringing her sword, they have a brief and friendly chat, then Fiona is asked to kneel down and let Ammalia take her head; she gladly does that, in a relaxed mood, and Ammalia smoothly cuts it off with one blow.
We see the headless body dropping on the crate, as the two executioners joke and get ready to pick her body up.

Please note the beheading part is effective but very quick and not elaborate at all; the core of the clip is the willing mood, and the long talking about her beheading all along the video.

Run Time: 14:33 minutes
File Size: 565 MB 	Format: .WMV
    13 minutes

Carley wants to play a game: he ties her real sister to a chair, takes a stopwatch and stops her breath with her hand. She wants to see how long Jodie can hold her breath, and push her limit. Of course Jodie is not happy about it, but she\'s tied up so there\'s nothing she can do.Carley does it several times, each time for longer, until the last time she kills Jodie
    14 minutes

Secretary Montse has failed at her tasks. The boss has the contract at hand, and things are pretty clear: she failed, she is going to lose her head!
But, before proceeding she is ordered to kneel down and give head the usual way: sucking his cock. She then loses head by the sword  HALLOWEEN MODELS TRIBUTE
    23 minutes

Anastasia is a very successful model, but she has a secret: she sold her soul to the Devil, and every year she must pay a very special, bloody tribute...
This year, international model Caroline Pierce is her victim: she meets her and they socialize. They will have to do a girl/girl shooting soon, so they decide to start getting some intimacy and getting to know each other. A very gentle  and soft lesbian scene begins, but at some point Anastasia takes a chloro rag and chloroforms Caroline as soon as the turns her back to her! There is a struggle, but finally Caroline is defeated, rolls her eyes, and she is unconscious...

Anastasia starts handling and stripping her body until Caroline is naked except her heels. At that point she lays her body on the floor, face down. Her neck on a kitchen chopping block. She gets a big cleaver, and with a single blow cuts Caroline Pierce's head off! The body is ready for the ritual...

Scene fades back in showing Anastasia on her knees, in a dark room, where Caroline's headless body had been laid naked on the ground. Anastasia starts to strip, and evokes the Devil by masturbating in front of Caroline's headless body.
Soon the Devil comes in, making growling sounds; Anastasia starts wanking his cock using Caroline Pierce's dead hand, but soon the headless body's arm gets animated by the Devil itself, Natural Body Magic style, and keeps wanking him off spontaneously. Anastasia has now her hands free, and can show her boobs and finger herself in front of the Devil, who keeps being masturbated by Caroline Pierce's headless body.

Finally the Devil cums, right onto Anastasia's tits, and this is the aim of the ritual, which will give Anastasia another successful year in modelling. Caroline Pierce's arms slides down dead again. The Devil vanishes away.

Anastasia wakes up in her bedroom, as if all has been a dream... But no, she's naked, and the Devil's cum is still splattered on her tits. She is happy, all went well. She is all right for one more year.
Suddenly, something moves in the room: Caroline Pierce, dressed as a ghost, is standing in front of her, and approaches her in a scary way.... "Do you think you're the only one who does deals with the Devil?", she says.
Anastasia gets strangled by Caroline Pierce, who then poses her body ion the bed and offers her to Satan, for another year of success in modelling...

Run Time: 23:12 minutes
File Size: 766 MB 	Format: .AVI
Category: Surreal
    16 minutes

The scene opens up with a condemned prisoner (P), a remorseless hired killer, sitting in a chair as she awaits her executioner (E). She is quite famous for seducing, then poisoning her victims.  She is wearing a long, orange prison shirt but no pants (she is wearing panties or a thong). Her legs are bare and she is wearing high heel  shoes.
Her upper body has straps around it and her hands are bound/strapped to her sides.  She crosses her legs as she waits.
The executioner arrives and tells her it is now time for her execution.

E – That is an interesting outfit for you to wear for your execution.  It seems as though you’ve lost your pants…something you are quite famous for.   It’s now time to pay for your crimes….are you ready to take your last walk?

P- I’m glad you like it….since you’re going to hang me and I’ll be doing a sexy little dance on the gallows, I thought I’d show off my legs one last time.  They are quite lovely don’t you think? And the heels really accentuate my calves.     Unfortunately, I suppose it’ll be a long dance, since you don’t believe in a long drop here…a short drop hanging is very cruel, you know….you’re going to force me to twist and turn and strangle to death.  Do you make all ofyour women prisoners do a long rope dance? 

E- Actually, we don’t.  As much as I’d like to see your gallows dance, I have to tell you that we are very considerate of our condemned prisoners, especially famous ones like yourself,  so I’m told I can give you a choice…we have just received a new device…a guillotine to be specific.  So your choice…the blade or the noose….which do you prefer?

P-  (sarcastically) Can I have a couple of years to think about it?

E- Of course not…if you don’t choose, then I will choose for you…

P- Well…let me weigh those options.  On one hand, the noose is a very slow death…but at the end, this lovely body of mine will be intact. And I’m very sure all of you would enjoy my little dance at the end of the rope…these gorgeous stems of mine swinging back and forth, spinning around at eye level.  Do you think it will hurt much?

E- History would suggest it will…but you are painting a very sexy picture…perhaps the noose is a good choice for you.

P- On the other hand, I’m guessing a beheading would be very quick…but also messy, would it not? And I wonder how I’d look without my head?  Do you think my head would be conscious for a while after it was chopped off?  I’ve heard this has happened before….And how could I show off my legs? (sarcastically) All the effort I’ve put into my outfit…what do you think? I’ve really gotten my mind around being hanged, and now you’ve given me this choice…

E- A beheading would be very quick.. and given your history,  I’m sure you’ll do your best to attract attention to your legs. (annoyed) Anyways, enough of this, you need to choose….

P-Okay, okay…I’m not really into extended pain.  I’ll choose the guillotine… you may take my head. Do you think you could hold it up so I could see my headless body one last time?  That would be worth the price of admission, I think (sarcastically).

E-I’ll do my best to meet your needs…let’s go.

He stands her up and leads her to the guillotine.  It is set up with the long bascule for a prone beheading.

He walks her around it and shows her its features.

P-It seems so small…you said this just arrived…has it been used before? I want to ensure its going to do the job….if I’m going to lose my head, I want it to be quick. One stroke and done.

E-I have plenty of experience with this…it is only new to this prison. I assure you it will strike off your head cleanly…before you know it, you’ll have a close up view of the basket.

She sits on the bascule, crosses her legs, while he prepares the  guillotine. He opens up the lunette. He has her lay face down, pushes her head under the blade and closes the lunette….he begins to strap her in, while her legs kick slowly/gently. She stops him…


E- What? No more delays…let’s get on with this…

P- No! I want you turn me around, with my face up! I want to see the blade drop!

E- That is very unusual…why do you want to do that? It will only frighten you more….

P-No…I’m actually getting turned on at the thought of losing my head…I want to see the blade drop…come on, you can hardly refuse my last request.

Annoyed, he opens the lunette, and helps her turn around, closes it back on her neck. She looks up and smiles. He straps her upper body.

P- This is too much. Wow!

He begins to strap her lower body…she stops him

P-Leave my legs free…you promised I could show them off!

She crosses her legs, several times.

P- I’m ready when you are.  Behead me now…please…before I lose my nerve.

He releases the blade. We see the head drop into the basket.  The body shudder, but Her legs remain crossed (much like in the April script you did for me).   He REMOVES THE BASKET and carries it away. The camera pans the scene, and we see the headless body on the guillotine from all angles.

The scene switches, and we see the headless body on a medical table, face down.  He fondles and admires her legs.  We see the body from above and the side. He rolls the body over,  and again fondles the legs.  We see the camera angle from above and the side.


He bends the legs at the knee and forces a legjob at the knee and between the ankles. The heels remain on.

The scene ends in an NBM scene, with the headless body wearing her heels and seated crossing her legs...we hear the thoughts of the executed killer, musing over the outcome of her execution and how she must now look without her head....

Starring: Olive
Keywords: guillotine, execution, headless, handling, magic, morgue, necro  BOOB ISSUE ON THE GUILLOTINE
    15 minutes

Here comes the new horizontal guillotine!

Cassie has to be guillotined because of a traffic offence. She gets escorted in by two attendants (one is POV camera), hands cuffed behind her back, looking annoyed but obedient.
But soon a problem comes out: when they try to fit her face down on the machine, they realize her neck can't go through the hole because her boobs are too big: the machine is simply not designed to handle that!

It's an embarrassing moment: they keep trying but there's no way. Cassie is very annoyed by that, as she was expecting a very quick and smooth thing. She grows fussed. She blames them to be incompetent and expects them to take her head now and in a smooth way. She doesn't want to wait any longer.
In the end they agree to do her face up, so she gets handcuffed on the front and strapped to the machine. Things still go too slow, so Cassie keeps complaining. But, finally, they release the blade and her head falls. Cassie's body instantly goes limp but keeps spasming a little bit, causing her boobs to bounce.

The guys can finally talk, about how fussy this lady was, and about her boobs, which caused so much trouble. They are curious to see them, so they expose and start touching them. They take snaps with the phone. They recall how fussy she had been and now want to make fun of her: Ammalia starts to kiss and lick the bare boobs, they laugh as no protest comes from Cassie anymore.
Ammalia also takes the high heels and skirt off Cassie's body, keeping them for herself; she shows off her bare soles to the camera. They also look for any jewellery to steal off Cassie's body but find none.

In the end the sexy fussy lady's body lays headless on the guillotine, plundered of everything, the big boobs exposed and violated. She can no longer complain about it!

Run Time: 15:25 minutes
File Size: 677 MB Format: .WMV
Category: Surreal
    14 minutes

The scene is a bondage model/damsel in distress peril video and photography shoot for a bondage and leg fetish website. The model (A) arrives wearing a short skirt/blouse (in the John Willie/Gwendolyn tradition) and stiletto heels (alternately a latex or leather outfit….I don’t know what costuming is available).  The photographer explains that he will be tying her up and she will be posing in a variety of positions that highlight her “peril” but are focused on her legs. The guillotine is in the room, but currently covered up.  I would like this filmed so that her legs are viewable in their entirety throughout the video.

He asks her to put her hair up, and he binds her upper body tightly…hands behind her back, ropes around her elbow etc. He then directs her to pose in a variety of scenes, showing her “terror” and featuring her legs…writhing to get of her bonds, etc. She is moving around the covered guillotine, even sitting on the plank, crossing her legs, and wondering what it is under the sheet…he defers these questions as he tells her he wants to record her actual “shock” when she sees what it is…

He gets a phone call and excuses himself, and her curiosity gets the better of her and she manages to get the cover off of the guillotine while he is out of the room.  It is set up for a kneeling beheading. She is a little panicked at first, and asks him what it is all about when he returns….

He tells her he was hoping that she unveiled it as a camera has captured her shock. He assures her it is just a harmless prop and part of the scene. He tells her he would like to place her in it…she is unsure and resists, but he calms her and tells her it is just a prop. She tells him she is worried he’ll trick her or that it would accidently cut off her head, but  reassures her.

He has her pose on the plank in all sorts of positions with her legs, then finally asks if she is ready to put her head in the lunette under the blade… she is nervous, but she says she trusts him. Slowly and cautiously, she kneels down and she stares at the machine.

She is reluctant at first, but you convince her, and over time she slides into the lunette and you pull the stocks down. She is nervous at first, but kind of excited by it once her neck is under the blade.  She comments about how sharp it looked and how both scared and turned people must have been when faced with execution by the device. She asks how she might look without a head…you reassure her that although she would look great, that she needn’t worry about that…it is all safe.

She then muses about what it would be like to lose her head, how it is actually kind of a turn on to think about being a damsel in distress and having her head actually cut off, what you do with her once she was headless….and you both kind of laugh it off.

You tell her to act like she is really going to be beheaded and act afraid….in response, she “begs” you to save her head.  After a little of this, you ask her to now act like she wants to be beheaded…she’s getting into it and starts “begging” you to behead her…you ask her to do it, again and again….she’s getting into it, overacting… finally say, “well, if you insist”…she realizes what you are going to do, cries “no” but you release the blade…

..Her body shudders, legs kick.  The camera focuses on her headless body….you remove the leather basket….

Scene switches to an NBM scene with headless body on a chair, crossing her legs.

Starring: Lycy Lume
Keywords: guillotine, willing, surreal  HEADLESS FOOT HUMILIATION
    16 minutes

The headsman walks in the prison cell. Sophia is sitting on a chair, hands cuffed behind her back, looking a bit nervous but still rather dominant. Time for her execution has finally come.

She notices the headsman can't stop looking at her legs and feet.
In her head she already envisions that creep groping her legs undisturbed just after her execution when she can no longer kick him away. Free to enjoy himself, slip her high heels off and enjoy her feet without her permission. And there is nothing she can do about it!
She is weirded out because this will be the first time her feet are abused and not served. But she has an evil idea...
She decides to turn it into a final epic humiliation, actually forcing him to do that and making him believe it's an order from her and not an abuse by him.

She hints that she has beautiful legs, she noticed he has been admiring them a lot. Maybe executing her is not that urgent and she can give him a show first? After all she's going to lose her head soon, so why don't they have some fun first?
She invites him to get to his knees and enjoy the show...

From a low angle where we see her soles in front and her face behind, looking dominant, she starts a POV domination session.
She talks and bewitches him into falling in love with her legs and feet, but denying them to him, saying that he can only have these once she is beheaded. That he will do it, that he wants to do it. That she wants him to do it... That he MUST do that actually, it's an an order coming from a mistress. He's nothing but a loser, and she is still a goddess even without her head, and he is still being a loser, and he actually doesn't deserve to have her in her full and alive conditions at all, so doing that on her headless body will be a further form of degradation for him. And the fact that he might be caught doing that, being shamed and lose his job because of that, is a plus. She definitely hopes so, she laughs at him and she remarks that it's an order, he is now under her spell and must carry that on regardless of how dangerous it is.

Scene fades back in the execution room. She walks first and actually directs the headsman who now behaves submissive.

- That this is making her execution funny, and it is actually amusing to think that her feet are going to be worshipped after her beheading

- That it makes perfect sense, as she is still the goddess and he is still the loser, even without her head. So it's his duty to serve her feet

- That, while he does so, he must be FULLY AWARE that he's allowed to do it only because she is headless, as it's the only way she can tolerate him.
He should never dare to think he can do anything with her as long as she is alive

- That it's really amusing to think that her headless body will lead him into trouble, causing him to lose his job. And what about the public shame! And what will the girls think of him? She can't stop laughing

- Finally, still giggling at him, she calmly orders him
"Now behead me and do what you have to do. I am looking forward to it. Make sure you lick my soles as I expect you to. Good luck loser."

Sophia's body spasms a few times and things seem to go different than expected: he gets up, takes the basket off and disposes of the head, mumbling things like there is no way he's putting his job at risk for the stupid nonsense orders of a headless Mistress.

But he can't stop staring at these legs, and her words echo in his head putting him under her spell... He drops on his knees, begins caressing and kissing her calves, slipping the shoes off, kissing and worshipping these feet, sucking each toe and running his tongue up from the heels until the soles are visibly wet.
He sinks his face between the soles, and remains still, waiting for someone to arrive and catch him.
    39 minutes

Spectacular beheading effect showing the head falling into the basket !!

Vaguely inspired by Psycho movie, rendered in Technicolor old movie effect to reproduce a vintage look.

Olive spends a night at Mick Bates' motel, as she is escaping after having stolen some diamonds. After she gets changed in a sexier outfit, she is offered a drugged drink by the creepy host, passes out, and the creep starts to play with her feet.
Scene fades back in, Olive wakes up tied up, gagged and blindfolded next to a guillotine but she can't see it. She realizes she's going to lose her head only when she's strapped to the machine and the creep takes the blindfold off.

Postmortem scene showing the creep stripping the headless body and fucking its feet

Starring: Olive
Keywords: guillotine, headless, execution, feet, footjob, handling, limp_play, stripping, unconsious
    21 minutes

Hannah has a death fetish and wants to die. She tried hanging herself before but that didn't work out. She sits on a chair, crossing het beautiful legs frequently while her executioner explains that there will be no return. He orders her to stand up so we'll see her sexy body. She's a bit nervous now when the executioner ties her arms and tapes her wrists. They're talking about what he's going to do with her body afterwards. He explains her that this would be the last time to use her mouth for a blowjob. He takes out his dig and Hannah sucks his cock wth pleasure. He puts her into position on the guillotine and she starts blowing his dig again. She's not wearing panties and we'll get a nice view of her shaven pussy.

Her last words are: "BEHEAD ME NOW" and we'll see the blade dropping and her head explicitly falling into the basket.

A Masterpiece !!

Starring: Hannah
Keywords: guillotine, headless, execution, oral, willing, surreal
803 MB
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