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    8 minutes

A woman sits on a chair, hands bound behind her, awaiting execution...she is frightened and sits pensively, crossing her legs. She is wearing a short skirt, heels and a blouse. 

the executioner arrives, and asks if she is easy to lose her head...she is surprised...she thought she would be hanged. The idea of beheading is repulsive to her...she doesn't want a bloody, messy death. He taunts her, telling her how he will hold her bloody head up...if she is lucky, she will see her leggy headless body one last time. all of his victims seem to remain conscious for a little bit of time. She asks if it will hurt...he says it most certainly will...he says she should think about being beheaded and still conscious, knowing she is dead....she is now very upset as he stands her up and leads her to the guillotine.

he brings  her to the is set up for a kneeling beheading. She doesn't want to look at it, but he forces her to...he walks her around it, telling her how it will strike off her her head will end up on a pike, while her lovely body...well, he'll leave that to her imagination....he is certain all the witnesses watching will be aroused...especially him.

He forces her to kneel and she struggles as he places her in the lunette.... She pleads for her life...We see her anxious face from inside the basket as she begs him to not take her head....

The camera lingers on the scene of her in the guillotine from the side...he finally announces it is time for her to lose her head...the blade drops, we see the head fall...and he removes the basket with her head in it. We see the headless body in the machine.

Ends in NbM fashion with her bound in the chair, legs crossed.

Starring: Laura Smith
Keywords: Execution, Guillotine, Headless, Magic  PRISONER BRIONY GUILLOTINED
    9 minutes
Young Briony has been arrested and condemned to the guillotine because of being drunk on a Saturday night; she appears in prison uniform before the executioner, and they start discussing about the punishment being too much compared to the crime. Anyway, Briony is resigned and the executioner can do nothing but his job, so they both cooperate in getting this beheading done.

In order to warn her, the executioner will count from 10 to 0 and then release the blade. Thanks to our brilliant special effects guy HeadHunterz, the blade is shown dropping on Briony''s body, which jumps up as a jet of blood gets sprayed high in the air.

A couple of random shots of the executioner manipulating the stripped headless body follow.
    14 minutes

a MUST for sword fans!

Winter's Master has decided to get rid of her slave and get another one. So, after a bondage session, he tells her that he's going to roast her. Winter does not complain, she accepts her fate, and lets him tie her up again with ropes, to be prepared for the tin. It's a sensual sophisticated bondage scene, during which she makes sensual expressions of total submission.
Finally, she is tied tight and held up by her arms; her neck is stretched forward, ready for the cut - But, before that, the Master caresses her neck and face with the sword, and Winter delivers some orgasmic expressions... Then he makes his mark, and with one single blow he chops off Winter's head.

The effect is PRETTY good, we see the head coming off and falling down, as her body remains suspended by the arms, headless...

Starring: Winter
Keywords: execution, bondage, surreal, sword, willing

Run Time: 10:48
    12 minutes

Bendy has a debt of 100 000 USD. She comes to an agency that buys and sells bodyparts. She is going to sell something to cover her debt but she is told that the only part that worth such sum is her head. In fact, after she shows the man she is a contortionist so her body parts are very flexible, the man says that these limbs are too flexible and would be rejected by most people. The only thing they can sell is her head. She is shocked but after some hesitation she agrees as having no choice.
The money is transferred to her account and she comes next day. Bendy asked how are they going to behead her. She is said \"with axe\". She agrees.
Bendy is lead to the block, kneels and place her head on it. The executioner makes a mark at her neck and asks if Bendy is ready. She asks to give her just one second. She comforts herself then closes her eyes and says \"Chop off my head now\". The executioner chops off her head with one blow.

The details are just the same as in all previous videos: close up neck views, etc.

Starring: Bendy
Keywords: axe, willing, surreal
110 MB
    12 minutes

The videographer and model have been paid an enormous amount of money by a third party to film an actual beheading. The model has an incurable illness and wants the money to take care of her family...she is actually being spared a painful lingering death and is grateful. She has a cheerful disposition throughout.

The film is shot from the perspective of a live most of the camera angles capture the action in full frame. The videographer is occasionally shown with a camera filming shots from inside the basket etc.  So the video is a video about making a video...does that make sense? So the model and the videographer often talk to the camera

In the end the model starts to change her mind, but it's too late: the blade gets released and the head rolls

Ends in NBM style as usual showing headless body crossing its legs

Starring: Kasia
Keywords: guillotine, execution, headless, willing, magic, suicide, reality_pov,surreal 
    28 minutes

One of my best works to date, the making of "Laura Guillotine Execution", with a twist. This clip is exceptionally different, a true reality shoot where you get to see the model as a person, the backstage, the making of a custom video.
This is uncut footage of the shooting of the custom which was released last week, and you can see Laura asking questions, acting, messing up scenes because she has the giggles, and much more. 
You have to watch this video and "Laura Guillotine Execution" to understand what I mean and fully appreciate the erotic potential of this one.

Model Laura is in the studio, having a shooting break on the couch, eating a snack. She asks "What's next?". I introduce the next custom request, an execution clip where she loses her head on a guillotine. She is a bit surprised but fine. We will learn later that Laura doesn't even know what a guillotine is, but she trusts me as a producer, and is actually curious about that strange machine, so we shoot the custom clip in a very relaxed and easy going way. Laura is unaware that I'm filming the whole process; she keeps giggling, even when her neck is locked in the lunette and she has to act about losing her head. She has to imagine the blade drops, her body jerks and goes limp. She does that scene well, so I have everything I need for the custom. I am horny.
The basket camera catches her joyful smile and giggle when I tell her that the scene was good. She cannot even realize I have released the blade for real, and, in the middle of her giggle, she has her head chopped off and her body jerks again, but this time for real, dropping on one side but being held up by the guillotine belt. It is suddenly silence, a drastic change of mood after over 25 minutes of smiling and being totally professional.
I approach the headless body, take off the handcuffs and play with these hot hands; then I pull up her skirt exposing her fabulous thighs and bum, which I slap to enjoy the lack of response and the end of the professional experience. Now it's no longer a producer and a model working, but a weirdo playing with a headless model's body in his hands. I grope her feet, they feel so nice at touch... She would have never allowed anything like this as it was over her limits as a model, but I plan to spend the rest of the day pleasing myself with that body, regardless of her will, as that now belongs to me. I will have fun.
Her head lays in the basket in a bloody, dead expression; she didn't have the time to realize what happened.

To be continued?
    13 minutes

As usual, the scene is filmed so that the models legs are in full view all the time.The scene opens with a young woman seated in a chair in a submissive posture. She is wearing a short skirt/dress and stiletto heels. Her legs are bare. She sits and quietly crosses her legs, looking pensive and almost sad. She doesnt have much expression on her face.

A man enters the room carrying rope/handcuffs. He is an executioner and it is time for the woman to go to her death. He tells her that she will be beheaded.she looks at him sadly. She wasnt aware of the manner of her execution until that moment. She looks back at the ground. She simply says okay

He hands her something to tie back her hair, then has her stand and binds her hands behind her back. He has her sit again and goes behind her to check her hair.she passes inspection it is off her neck. Except for acknowledging his instructions, she is silent.

He stands her up and leads her to the guillotine. She struggles slightly, but submits. We see the guillotine from the side view. The blade is down and the basket is missing. It is set up for a kneeling beheading. He has her sit on the plank while he prepares the guillotine. She crosses her legs, with her head still down her chest heaves as she appears to be silently crying.. He retrieves the basket and installs it, then lifts the blade, she is startled by the sounds.he explains to her what he is doing.

He tells her it is time, and stands her up.he has her kneel. He tries to push her head into the lunette and she silently resists a little, but soon her head is locked in the stock. He straps her in. We watch her struggle a little bit, trying to free her hands and neck...she groans a little as she her struggles are futile. He can't help but admire her beauty and her legs in particular....and he shares these thoughts with her.
After some struggle, he tells her it is time to release the blade she is silent and just nods.

The blade drops, and her head is shown going into the basket. Her body and legs twitch and kick quite a bit then she is still.

He removes the basket while the headless body remains motionless. The camera poses on the headless body still on the guillotine.

The scene ends with the headless woman, still bound, posed on a chair. She crosses her legs seductively.  HEADLESS LEGS OLIVE
    16 minutes

The scene opens up with a condemned prisoner (P), a remorseless hired killer, sitting in a chair as she awaits her executioner (E). She is quite famous for seducing, then poisoning her victims.  She is wearing a long, orange prison shirt but no pants (she is wearing panties or a thong). Her legs are bare and she is wearing high heel  shoes.
Her upper body has straps around it and her hands are bound/strapped to her sides.  She crosses her legs as she waits.
The executioner arrives and tells her it is now time for her execution.

E – That is an interesting outfit for you to wear for your execution.  It seems as though you’ve lost your pants…something you are quite famous for.   It’s now time to pay for your crimes….are you ready to take your last walk?

P- I’m glad you like it….since you’re going to hang me and I’ll be doing a sexy little dance on the gallows, I thought I’d show off my legs one last time.  They are quite lovely don’t you think? And the heels really accentuate my calves.     Unfortunately, I suppose it’ll be a long dance, since you don’t believe in a long drop here…a short drop hanging is very cruel, you know….you’re going to force me to twist and turn and strangle to death.  Do you make all ofyour women prisoners do a long rope dance? 

E- Actually, we don’t.  As much as I’d like to see your gallows dance, I have to tell you that we are very considerate of our condemned prisoners, especially famous ones like yourself,  so I’m told I can give you a choice…we have just received a new device…a guillotine to be specific.  So your choice…the blade or the noose….which do you prefer?

P-  (sarcastically) Can I have a couple of years to think about it?

E- Of course not…if you don’t choose, then I will choose for you…

P- Well…let me weigh those options.  On one hand, the noose is a very slow death…but at the end, this lovely body of mine will be intact. And I’m very sure all of you would enjoy my little dance at the end of the rope…these gorgeous stems of mine swinging back and forth, spinning around at eye level.  Do you think it will hurt much?

E- History would suggest it will…but you are painting a very sexy picture…perhaps the noose is a good choice for you.

P- On the other hand, I’m guessing a beheading would be very quick…but also messy, would it not? And I wonder how I’d look without my head?  Do you think my head would be conscious for a while after it was chopped off?  I’ve heard this has happened before….And how could I show off my legs? (sarcastically) All the effort I’ve put into my outfit…what do you think? I’ve really gotten my mind around being hanged, and now you’ve given me this choice…

E- A beheading would be very quick.. and given your history,  I’m sure you’ll do your best to attract attention to your legs. (annoyed) Anyways, enough of this, you need to choose….

P-Okay, okay…I’m not really into extended pain.  I’ll choose the guillotine… you may take my head. Do you think you could hold it up so I could see my headless body one last time?  That would be worth the price of admission, I think (sarcastically).

E-I’ll do my best to meet your needs…let’s go.

He stands her up and leads her to the guillotine.  It is set up with the long bascule for a prone beheading.

He walks her around it and shows her its features.

P-It seems so small…you said this just arrived…has it been used before? I want to ensure its going to do the job….if I’m going to lose my head, I want it to be quick. One stroke and done.

E-I have plenty of experience with this…it is only new to this prison. I assure you it will strike off your head cleanly…before you know it, you’ll have a close up view of the basket.

She sits on the bascule, crosses her legs, while he prepares the  guillotine. He opens up the lunette. He has her lay face down, pushes her head under the blade and closes the lunette….he begins to strap her in, while her legs kick slowly/gently. She stops him…


E- What? No more delays…let’s get on with this…

P- No! I want you turn me around, with my face up! I want to see the blade drop!

E- That is very unusual…why do you want to do that? It will only frighten you more….

P-No…I’m actually getting turned on at the thought of losing my head…I want to see the blade drop…come on, you can hardly refuse my last request.

Annoyed, he opens the lunette, and helps her turn around, closes it back on her neck. She looks up and smiles. He straps her upper body.

P- This is too much. Wow!

He begins to strap her lower body…she stops him

P-Leave my legs free…you promised I could show them off!

She crosses her legs, several times.

P- I’m ready when you are.  Behead me now…please…before I lose my nerve.

He releases the blade. We see the head drop into the basket.  The body shudder, but Her legs remain crossed (much like in the April script you did for me).   He REMOVES THE BASKET and carries it away. The camera pans the scene, and we see the headless body on the guillotine from all angles.

The scene switches, and we see the headless body on a medical table, face down.  He fondles and admires her legs.  We see the body from above and the side. He rolls the body over,  and again fondles the legs.  We see the camera angle from above and the side.


He bends the legs at the knee and forces a legjob at the knee and between the ankles. The heels remain on.

The scene ends in an NBM scene, with the headless body wearing her heels and seated crossing her legs...we hear the thoughts of the executed killer, musing over the outcome of her execution and how she must now look without her head....

Starring: Olive
Keywords: guillotine, execution, headless, handling, magic, morgue, necro
    14 minutes

FINALLY. You have seen and loved Olive years ago, in the first two clips which were mostly attempts to shoot the proper story.
This is it, the definitive clip: the full concept story, a real guillotine, explicit headless shots, explicit content. Olive looks like a real subversive, and plays the part really well: brave, angry, and finally headless... This is it.

Subversive Olive has made plans with others to boycott the new president elections, and save the country from ruin. She is aware she might get caught and executed, but she feels she has to do it: "If I don't do this now, what's gonna happen to ALL of us?", she says. She has heart, she is brave, she is fighting for her ideas. She's confident everything is going to be ok.
But it doesn't.

We see captured Olive being forced in front of the prison camera, to get her mugshots - Front and side. She is angry, hard to handle. She has been caught...
That night, in the prison cell, she can't sleep: she feels her neck, which she knows is going to be sliced in two the next day. She thinks about her situation, her fate, the fact that by taking her head off they are making her looking like the typical sheep person: no identity, no ideas, nothing at all.

On the next day, subversive Olive is forced onto the guillotine. She is angry, even harder to handle. She is brave, shows no sign of regretting... She still believes in her ideals, while the military guy would love to see her scared in tears - But, until the last moment, Olive doesn't lose her dignity. The blade falls, and she loses her head.
We see the head actually rolling into the basket, and her headless body relaxing on the plank. Olive is no more, the military guy approaches the body and gives is a solid grope on her ass. For the first time, angry Olive is not protesting any longer.

Scene fades back in showing Olive's headless body in a room, on a slab. The military guy is there, and proceeds undressing the body until it's fully naked. It's so strange to see the subversive like that, quiet and faceless after so much fighting... And it's even stranger to see all is fine and legit when the military guy takes his cock out and begins to give himself a handjob using Olive's hands. The subversive can't say anything anymore, her physical shape is at the service of her enemy's pleasure, who can do whatever he wants, always thinking how unique and valuable this person was, and how useless and anonymous is now...

Keywords: execution, guillotine, handling, headless, inspection, morgue, stripping

    13 minutes
      GUILLOTINED AGAINST THE CLOCK SARA - Sexy spy Sara has been captured in a foreign country and is on death row. She manages to secretly get in contact with her country and expects to be saved before she gets guillotined... But time is running out, and soon she is lead to the execution room where the headsman (POV) is going to take her head. But she is very confident as she is pretty sure they're coming to save her. All she needs is to try gaining time and delay her execution as more as possible... So she keeps trying to talk to the camera/headsman, being seductive, almost dominant,

looking not scared at all. She even manages to have one handcuff removed so her hands are free.

Occasionally the headsman tries to push her to the guillotine, as it's time, but she keeps asking for some more minutes. When time is getting shorter, she goes for the teasing ways and starts taking off her clothing, piece by piece, slowly entertaining the executioner as she hopes they're getting there to interrupt the execution... The headsman keeps pushing her, and she keeps trying to find some way to delay the moment... But at some point it no longer works, and she realizes she has to lay down on the machine and get strapped to it. She becomes more scared, less confident. Things have gone wrong, and the blade finally falls.

Video includes the classic fall of the blade from behind, plus a bonus POV fall from the blade perspective, falling on Sara's neck and actually slicing it!

Plus, at the end we see Sara's severed head being held by the hair and dangled. The trick is pretty basic and the scene is dark, but the result is super effective! And Sara's deadle expression and sexy lips make everything so erotic...

Starring: Sara
Keywords: guillotine, execution, reality_pov, stripping
     DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted
    28 minutes
      DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted - DETECTIVE LIZBON Apology Accepted

Starring: Coco and Steevie w/ Rex

Almost a month has passed since Detective Lizbon was beaten, shocked with a taser, then raped by a diplomat, who's father runs the largest corporation in the first world, so he gets full immunity wherever he goes. The investigator for the Agency Detective Lizbon, who is still on the detail to protect the Diplomat wants a documented apology for the harm he caused her, and wants it to be mediated. Before arriving at the safe house to meet the Diplomat, Coco gets dressed up in a skirt and high heels, always wanting to look fashionable in public. With her badge tethered to her skirt, and her service weapon, .40 caliber pistol, tucked into the small of her back, she arrives. Before she got to the address, the Diplomat, and another crime friend of his, sex trafficker, and serial rapist Steevie, make plans to take her out, and have some fun in the mean time.

Detective Lizbon arrives, she comes in the door and is introduced to Steevie, not recognizing that she is the hoodlum that she tried to collar a few years back when she was a rookie, but never could finger. Steevie is very professional, explaining the apology, and how there are no weapons allowed at the safe house. She sees the Diplomat Rex, and his eyes bite right through her, she stammers back and gets frightened, covering herself, knowing that he has special vision powers where he can see under layers of clothing. She is very uncomfortable, but carries on, giving up her weapon, since they have none, and she is a strong fighter. She just wants the apology. As Steevie finishes the pat down, she takes the weapon to the safe, and offers Detective Lizbon a beverage. The sexy, and nervous agent says she will take some herb tea to calm her down, and so the disguised serial rapist makes her some tea, but adds a debilitating drug that will make her incapacitated for hours, which is more than they need to finish her off before she can go public with the apology. As she drinks the tea, and the Diplomat gives his spiel, patronizing her, and finally letting her know he is, well, sorry for what is to happen, and before long, she is staggering and falls in the arms of Steevie, who hoists her up so the Diplomat can take some shots to her face and body. The two take turns beating her down, punching her and kicking her all over her body, including the torso, face, tits, and pussy, they beat her senseless, making every shot count as planned. They beat her and toss her around, one holding her arms, while the other has their way groping and punching her.

After a long and tragic beating, Detective Lizbon, still trying to fight back, but drugged and helpless, gets knocked to the ground, then stripped and groped, including the vaginal claw, that makes her scream in pain. The diplomat asks her if she remembers their first meeting, and lets her know this is going to end way worse. After removing her panties, he sticks his dick in her and she screams out in pain. Steevie holds her down while he has his way, and she uses her fingers to gag Lizbon as she is being raped and defiled. He pounds her hard, forcing her legs high, her bare feet flexing and then limp with waves of drugged euphoria. He starts to choke her as he is about to climax, choking her hard as her face turns red, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. As he finishes cumming, she passes out, eyes half open and white from her eyes rolling up in her head.

The two perps get up, leaving her on the hard wood floor slightly moaning and out. The diplomat drags her up and puts her in a big chair in the corner, her pussy still oozing his cum, and her cunt glistening from all the juices. Steevei suggests a nice rope to finish her off, so she grabs one from the other room, and comes back to kill the Detective so she will not talk about what really happened. She starts to stir and try to fight back, but she is weak. They both grab one end of the rope and the middle is around her sexy neck, getting tighter as she tries to struggle. They pull super tight and it wakes her up a bit, she tries to fight and the adrenaline rushes into her body, she kicks her legs, but her arms are being held with the other hands not pulling on her death rope. She fights and tries to stick around but the strangle her hard, eventually letting her arms free so they can see her struggle a bit. Her arms are weak, and she is losing the battle. Her legs stiffen up and rattle with her whole body, her glistening vagina bounces up and down like a bobber in a lake, then finally going still after a lot of twitching. After a few seconds she is totally still, eyes open, tongue slightly protruding and swollen. She fought hard but lost the battle, and now she is dead. The two perps remove the rope from her neck leaving a scar and red burns on her neck. They leave to celebrate with a drink, and she is left in the chair, dead, and alone. Her body is panned and viewed in her sexy death pose.

This production is by far one of our best, and all that acted and helped with the scene did a wonderful job. Lot's of punching and kicking, a beat down and assault on Detective Lizbon, then her death, what a great vid. Enjoy. CB  HEAD AMPUTATION
    12 minutes

Amber has been having strong headaches for long time and nothing seems to work. She's annoyed. She goes back to the doctor and agrees to go for the last option: having her head amputated.
There is a surreal discussion during which the doctor does his best to help her getting a smooth and painless treatment, but this annoys Amber who keeps asking to hurry up and cut off her head because she can't cope with the headache anymore.

Epic beheading effect, we see the head falling into the basket.

Then we see the headless body on the table (headless is implied), while the doctor makes a phone call as he plans to give it away for money

Starring: Amber
Keywords: guillotine, handling, medical, surreal, willing

Run Time: 12:26
558 MB
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