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    15 minutes
      Mania - Welcome to necrobabes! 

4 incredible scenes of beautiful death, ********* and cut throats, gasping for air and general mayhem! Watch as gia divine, lissa, aspen struggle for life, win at death and all the while with bouncing tits, screeches, slobbering and bulging necks!  Wednesday Harrington Finds a Dead Friend
    7 minutes
      Wednesday Harrington Finds a Dead Friend - Oh how yummy!
     Stripper Killer
    14 minutes
      Stripper Killer - Contains: Hand ******** (2), Sexual situations, Explicit Nudity, Violence, Rag Dolling, Tongue Protrusion, Eyes open death

Two ladies of the night are called to the residence of Michael, a man on a mission. He wants pussy; good pussy. He calls a friend who sends over two very hot blondes with the guarantee that they will deliver. They arrive and he gets right to business, asking them to do things neither of them are prepared to do. He tossed a wad of large bills and tells them again what he wants. They say no, that he is sick. They decide to leave, and as the shorter blond walks away he smacks the other blond in the face, knocking her out. He jumps up and grabs the other one, pulling her back to the couch and bending her over the arm of it.

Given his size, it doesn't take him long to overpower her and take her as he pleases. She screams and begs for mercy, but he does not hear her pleas. He flips her onto his lap and keeps pounding into her tightness, all the while holding her tightly against him so she can't squirm away. They topple onto the ********** **** and, tired of her whining, he decides he can't leave her alive to report the crime. Who would believe a stupid stripper anyway? Well, he wanted to make sure she wouldn't squeal. As he crushes the air from her windpipe the other **** ***** up. She screams at him to get off of her, to stop what he is doing. He laughs and tells her to shut up. She finally only can mutter "oh my god" as she watches the other **** die on her lap.

He tosses the smaller blond aside to get his hands around the taller one. She doesn't have a chance. By now he is caught in a crazed rage and only out to save his own murderous, sleazy ass. He pushes her onto the table and squeezes tightly around her neck. All she can do is gurgle. Her tongue protrudes grotesquely out of her mouth and she can only kick in protest. Eventually she loses and her body goes limp.

He undresses her to check out the merchandise he didn't have to pay for nor got a piece of, but hey, you can't have it all. He dumps her on the couch. As a souvenir he snips some pubic hair from the shorter blond before calling one of his buddies. He has to get rid of these two fast.  Now Leasing
    12 minutes
      Now Leasing - Zeyda is a home owner acting as her own agent. She has a place she needs to rent out or she'll lose it. She's pretty desperate to get it out of her hands. Unknown to her, the latest prospective tenant has been watching her for a while and has his own plans when he sets up a meeting with her at the place. Before she arrives, he lets himself in and busies himself setting up a nice surprise for zeyda in the garage -- a rope with a noose at the end.

he finishes his prep and goes to wait for zeyda. She arrives and meets him out front. They greet and introduce and go inside. He suggests before they tour the place that she tell him about it. Zeyda gets them a ***** from the fridge -- trying to loosen him up so he'll take the place -- and they sit on the couch. As they start talking, he comments about her tongue being blue. Zeyda sticks out her tongue, showing it to him, and suggests that maybe he could help her with that. He asks what that's about, and she leans forward, touching his thigh, and tells him she really, really needs this place off her hands. Curious, despite his intent to **** her, he asks what she means. She starts to suck her candy suggestively and says she'll suck his cock until he cums and gets her tongue all white. She squeezes the inside of his thigh. He tells her that sounds real nice. So zeyda takes the candy out of her mouth and then leans into him for some kissing. While she is doing that, her hand goes down to his pants and she undoes them. Then zeyda smiles and gets on her knees in front of him and gives him a nice, slow blowjob. He watches her with open-mouthed fascination and ecstacy, unable to believe his luck, until it bursts. Zeyda frowns at the mess and says she'll go get something to clean it up. She smoothes her jacket, then disappears. He gets himself together. She gets herself together too, straightening her shirt collar a little and her pony tail. She makes a yucky face. She can't believe she just did that and she grabs a rag to clean up the sticky mess before going back in. He's ready for the tour as she blots up his jizz.

she tells him paperwork first and as they start she walks in on the stool under the noose in the other room. She asks what's the hell, and since her back is turned, he takes out his rag and puts it over her face from behind and drags her back out of the room. Zeyda struggles, but the ********** powerful stuff and she doesn't struggle long. Once she goes limp, he lets her drop. The stuff won't last long so he works quickly, rolling her onto her front and tying her hands behind her back with a cord. He pulls her head up and back and sees that she's not totally out. He needs to get on with it, so he pulls her up and she groans in protest. Half-conscious, she clumsily moves forward as he pushes her back into the room.

they find themselves going to the stool. Zeyda is still out of it as he gets her in there, but she's coming around. He reaches for the rope and pulls the noose over zeyda's head and she makes a groggy face as he tightens it around her neck. He grabs the other end and pulls hard on it. Zeyda snaps out of it as the rope tightens and she is ****** to step onto the stool to avoid being suspended by the neck. She gags and ****** as he pulls the rope taut above her head and secures the rope. On her toes on the stool, zeyda can hardly protest, but she tries anyway as he goes down to her feet and ties them together, too. "what are you doing?" she manages as he does this, but once he's done, he looks her over -- her head slightly tilted to one side, her back a little arched because her hands are tied tightly behind her -- and he unceremoniously kicks the stool away.

zeyda's tongue protrudes at the end of the drop as the noose tightens. She squirms and wiggles, trying to free her hands and kick her legs, but she is just wiggling at the end of the rope, **********. He lets her swing like that for a minute or so, all tied up, then decides he wants to see her kick, so he reaches down and undoes the bond holding her legs. Zeyda kicks and twists, her tongue out, her eyes wide, but it's a useless struggle as her own body weight pulls the rope steadily tighter around her neck. Something is still missing, so he goes up behind her, and lifts her up, momentarily stopping the ever-tightening rope. Zeyda gasps for breath at the reprieve, but he's just being cruel, undoing the buttons on her jacket. Now he can see her tits bouncing beneath her soft shirt. He waits until her struggling slows, zeyda staring blankly and mostly death twitches, before finishing his "picture" by untying her hands, taking off her jacket, and unbuttoning her blouse to watch her tits jiggle as she jerks, then dies. He takes her down and leaves her dead in the house, her blouse undone.
     Wednesday Harringtons Home Invasion
    27 minutes
      Wednesday Harringtons Home Invasion - He breaks in. She doesn't know. Will she win the fight or lose the war?  Wednesday Harrington is a Mob Boss Capped
    8 minutes
      Wednesday Harrington is a Mob Boss Capped - She's so bad. He's going to make her pay.
     Sun God Sacrifice
    13 minutes
      Sun God Sacrifice - Contains: Explicit Nudity, Ritualistic Sacrifice Themes, Belly Stabbing, XXX Sexual Situations, Throat Slashing

Sunny and Tasha star as two worshippers of the sun God Ra. They have come out to this isolated place to offer themselves to this unseen God. Sunny rubs and fondles the willing and ethereal Tasha, speaking up to the God as she prepares her friend for offering. Tasha prays and begs to be offered, exposing her tight body to her ****** and to the sun God. Finally she thrusts her belly up to the sky and Sunny impales her soft stomach with a huge knife, cutting deep into her abdomen.Tasha groans in ecstasy as the ***** spills from her belly. Sunny pulls the knife from her sun-worshipping ****** with a loud splash and rubs her body lustily, hoping to please their sun God.

As her life's ***** pours from her, Tasha continues to groan in pleasure, asking to be taken. She is finally granted her wish. She lays softly on the ground and expires.Sunny stands to celebrate the offering of her friend, asking for love, fertility, and lots of sex, plus unending sunlight. She dances in abandon.Soon a booming voice shouts down over her, thanking her for her offering. She looks and her sun God appears before her. She laughs in giddy worship. His form is perfect. Muscular and large in all the right places. She thanks him for gracing her with his presence. He instructs her to show him what she has offered to him, which she does. They dance around the corpse of her beautiful friend.

He then asks her to offer herself to him. She says anything he wants he can have. He grants her the wish of lots of sex. They fuck. They dance and pray more as she celebrates this incredible gift. He asks her to dance for him, he wants to watch her lovely soft form.He asks her if she is still his willing disciple. She says yes, he can have anything of her. He takes her into his arms and slashes her across the throat with the same knife she used to killed her friend. ***** sprays from her neck as he watches in delight. Soon she falls to her knees, then to the ground, writhing around, ******* and struggling to breathe. Her lungs fill with *****, and her sun God demands her soul. She finally gives in. She fades from existence, and her sun God, satisfied with their sacrifice, does the same.

He leaves their beautiful bodies to lay in the sun, and takes their spirits back to his world.  Red Rock Killer
    10 minutes
      Red Rock Killer - He lurks in the crevices of the Red Rock Canyon. He catches lone female hikers as they explore the wilderness. Bodies are strewn everywhere, yet the authorities cannot seem to find him. But HE finds THEM. Pretty young women tired from the heat and sun. They are easy prey.

He slowly ****** them with his garrotte, subduing them into submission. He peels away their sweaty clothing, revealing young fresh skin, his for the taking. 

He controls their bodies as he sees fit, then leaves them in the desert and goes back on the hunt....
     Final Workout
    22 minutes
      Final Workout - First original clip for necrobabes since 2007! We are back!

alura is a physical trainer with a mean streak. Clark is coming to her for some fitness training. His muscles are tight and he needs a good stretch. She puts him through the paces but is such a total bitch to him that he starts fighting back, eventually fighting her physically. He could have been turned on by her but her shitty attitude simply makes him mad.

they continue to tussle until he gives in and she tells him exactly what it is that she wants....His cock. She pulls it from his shorts and climbs on. She gets in to fucking him so much that she starts to have a heart attack. He doesn't take notice and keep fucking her.

she collapses in a heap. He thinks she tired from screwing, but soon discovers she is dead. He tries to revive her but fails, and moves her body this way and that attempting to get a reaction from her. After some body play he drags her from the room....  Sweet Hippie Chicks
    1 minutes
      Sweet Hippie Chicks - Contains: ******** via **********, Violence, ******, Knock Out, Nudity, Eye Check, Mouth Check, Limb Play, Multiple Angle Scenes, Ragdolling, Post Mortem, Breast Play.

It is summer and love is in the air! As part of an annual festival, young and naïve hippies flock to the northwest to indulge in a bit of sun and free love. Two such young ladies have met Yogi Babarama, an "ethereal and spirited man" with a sordid past unknown to the two silly and overly trusting *****. He preaches to them the virtues of free love and lightness; they are so caught up in his "teachings" that they barely notice his crossing into forbidden territory - he preaches that only through sexual expression can they be truly enlightened. He "helps" them by removing their clothing..

One of the ***** finally realizes what a douche he is, but it is too late..he punches her square in the jaw and she is knocked out cold.

He moves to the other stupid hippie and asks her is she still believes as he pulls of his wig, revealing his hidden identity! Before she can say anything, he attacks her and ********* her mercilessly in the daylight! She fights and struggles to be free, but her weak mind coupled with her weak body betray her and she cannot match his strength. Her neck turns various shades of purple and blue from the pressure of his fingers until she finally succumbs to his violent onslaught.

He plays with her dead body for awhile then moves to his next ******.

He flops the *********** **** around and manipulates her body while having his way with her pliable titties. She awakens just as he is wrapping his long fingers around her neck. He shakes her violently, her head bobbing around on her neck, almost ripping off from the ***** of his rattling of her. He pulls her to her feet by her neck, and applies a final amount of iron fisted pressure until she collapses.

He picks up her limp body after checking her for any signs of life, then drops her onto her dumb hippie friend.

He finds his wig, gets back into character and makes his way back to the festival. Plenty of love sick idiots dressed up like fairies to kill.
     Deadly Intruder
    25 minutes
      Deadly Intruder - She has ben lured by him to his hotel room. It's enticing to think about, but to do it is something totally different. He shows her no mercy...why would he?

She begs him to go easy on her, cries she'll do anything as long as she gets out alive.

He takes her on a journey or torment and sexual explosion... needs to end. And it does..with a tight ligature around her neck.   Mania
    17 minutes
      Mania - 4 incredible scenes of beautiful death, ********* and cut throats, gasping for air and general mayhem! Watch as gia divine, lissa, aspen struggle for life, win at death and all the while with bouncing tits, screeches, slobbering and bulging necks, impaled tummys and gooshing wounds!
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    Oceans Entertainment Group has been in the business of creating Erotic Horror since 1997. You’ll find al of our content here - NECROBABES, SLAUGHTERHOUSE, GASPERS, and HORRORGASM. We use special FX is reasonable amounts, and unlike most mainstream film makers use real sets and not too much CGI. We have created countless custom videos as well, so if you would like us to make a special movie just for you, let us know! We update 4 times a week, check back often for our new releases!

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