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    10 minutes

Starring: Mira Green, Max
«Your new movie are as GREAT as always! It will be better if we add Mira’s commander’s voice in the movie, but it is already amazing! Mira is so sexy in this white skirt! Thank you so much!»
Customer’s Review 
Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Blood, Dead Body, Stripping of Dead Body, Many Times Shooting, Death Stare 


Mira Green – A well trained spy girl. She wears white cheongsam, no bra, white stockings, high heels.

Mira Green’s Clothes
Male – An enemy agent.
1.Mira Green is the best and most sexy spy in her agency. She has been hunting down an enemy agent for a year. Now, she finally has a chance to approach the enemy.
2.The enemy knew Mira Green was coming and hiding in his apartment.
3.Mira Green took a pistol and walked into the enemy's apartment. She searched the apartment carefully, but there was no sign of the enemy.
4.Mira Green believed the emeny had already escaped. She was disappointed and reporting to her commander. (Now she is in the enemy's bedroom)
5.When Mira Green was reporting, the enemy spotted Mira Green and pointed a gun at her. The enemy asked Mira Green to drop her gun. (The radio communication between her and the commander is still connecting. The commander told her to obey the enemy to keep her safe.)Mira Green obeyed unwillingly and droped the gun. She beged the enemy unwillingly. 
 6.The enemy asked Mira Green to please him. Mira Green has no choice but to seduce the enemy with her body. She rubbed her breasts and touched the nipples (she did not take off her clothes). Unlike what her commander asked, she hopes when the enemy was distracted, she could take the gun and kill the enemy. 
7.But the enemy did not give her a chance. Just as she was touching her nipples, the enemy fired two shots, which happened to hit both of her nipples precisely.
8.Mira Green groaned very painfully, but she persisted. She tried to take a gun but just before she was about to shoot, the enemy fired again. This time several bullets hit Mira Green's breast and belly.
9. Mira Green finally fell, groaning in pain. Her commander could hear her groaning through the radio, he was careful and nervous, because his best girl is now dying.

10.After groaning for a while, once again Mira Green holded up her gun and tried to shoot. The enemy shot in her heart and finish her. (May be the enemy humiliate Mira Green to her commander, through the radio)
11.The enemy came up and inspected Mira Green's body. Took off Mira Green's dress and played her body.
12.The last is a close-up of Mira Green's body, her eyes are full of unwillingness.


    38 minutes
«I did like the video very much. Scarlett did amazing acting job. She acted the crawling, pain and defibrillation very well. I liked that you used a lot of blood, and the special effects were good. The camera work was also very good.»
Customer’s Review 
Long story about female scientist who was shot by sniper. Great actress Scarlett Fandera acts very long agony and trying to survive. Very gory film!
If you like tragic end the film ends for you at 25-27 minute. If you like happy ends you can see her recovery through a pacemaker and survival and resurrection
Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Sniper, Office, Very Much Blood, Very Long Agony, Reanimation, Medicine, Gory, Professional Acting 
CAST: Scarlett Fandera, Alex

Detailed Plot
Attempted Scientist Assassination

Scene 1 (5 MINUTES)

Scarlett is a very intelligent, very smart scientist working on a secret government project. A spy agency has been ordered to kill her to stop her work. One day Scarlett works late in the research lab. She leaves the research building late at night. She goes to her car in parking lot. All of sudden man with rifle (POV) shoots her when she is near her car. The bullet enters in her back and exists just below her rib cage. She feels a sharp stinging pain, but quickly realizes what happened and acts quickly. She hides behind her car to avoid being shot again. What follows is Scarlett very intelligently hiding from the shooter by moving between cars, walls, or barriers in the parking lot. The shooter shoots at her many times but the bullets are blocked or deflected by the objects Scarlett ducks behind. Eventually the shooter can't find Scarlett. She uses this time to run back into the building, go into one of the rooms, lock the door and hide behind a desk.

Scene 2 (20 Mintues)

5 Minutes

Now she has time to inspect her injury. She looks down to see her clothes covered in blood. She realizes she need to put pressure on the wound. Also she need to gag her mouth so she doesn't scream from the terrible pain. She takes off her shirt, cuts a small cloth from it, and ties it around her mouth. Then she puts the shirt on the bullet wound to put pressure on it. Then using her cellphone she will call the Scientist Protection Agency (SPA). This government agency is tasked with protection of high value scientists. In a whispering voice she tells them the situation and asks them to come save her from the shooter and bring medical help to save her life. They tell her they are coming they tell her to stay calm, stay hidden, try to not let pain sounds as much as possible. Then they tell they know where is from her tracker device implanted in her arm. She agrees and hangs up.

15 Minutes

By then, she had lost good amount of blood. There is blood around the injury area, blood on her shirt, blood lines going down stomach to her her legs all the way to her ankle, blood going down the sides of her body, blood from the entry wound going down her back. She continues to pressure the bullet wound with the shirt. She feels weak and sits down against the wall. She suffers in pain and pulls her knees to her face. She withers and moans in pain for several minutes. She is afraid she will die. She suffers in pain and agony for several minutes. She then slowly slides to the ground. She twists and turns in pain on the ground for several minutes. She tries hard to just moan in pain but not to scream so the shooter does not hear her. Then she suddenly passes out. Screen fades to black.

Scene 3 (12 MIN)

Scarlett heart stops. Every high value scientist has an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implanted into their chest by the SPA to help save them in this case. This internal defibrillator will shock the heart when its stops or beats irregularly. The device will shock Scarlett's heart many times over 10 minutes. The actress will simulate this by moving her chest and stomach up then down in a shock pattern. The shocks will become gradually stronger with time. Finally, one of the shocks will bring her pulse back. She wakes up. She sits up scared and breathing heavily as if she just woke up from a nightmare. She gets a call from the SPA that they killed the shooter and coming to get her.  
Clip Time: 37 Minutes
Actress: Scarlett
Actress Clothing: Black skirt + Red underwear + Yellow Bra + White camisole
Effects: Digital heart rhythm monitor bottom corner of screen  + heart rate sounds
    9 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Luiza and Lara and also Dan and Alex 

The Empress and her faithful servant dine in the refectory when the sect of killers of queens penetrates the castle. They cut their throats in the most severe way. Blood splashes like a river, filling their breasts. They die with terrific death stares. Killers drink their blood and leave bare bleeding bodies on the table like meat

If you like this movie
    13 minutes
And Just For 10$!!

Brave Cowgirl: Lilia
Villain Girl: Maya
Tournament #1 winner: Luiza
Tournament#2 looser: Yana
Cowgirl’s Boyfriend: Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Shooting, Duel, Cowgirls, Bargirls, Jeans, Hat, Realistic weapon, shooting to the heart, surprise reaction, postmortem views 
From Customer Review
«After this the world never be the same, after this some dreams came true....

Your cowgirl video 1 is absolutely stunning!
Thank you that it was made in a promised short time and some great parts of film are extra (i. e. one more short girls’ gunfight and cowgirl being horny at the moment she is watching their duel).

I hardly can choose what props and elements are the best. Just everything is wonderfull – the clothes of the girls like their tight trousers, boots, hats, elegant blouses, guns. 

Simply all the intentions and wishes are fully realized, the desired atmosphere is achieved. The both girls are beautiful, very tender. They perfectly express their characters – eagerness and naivety of the “spoiled” cowgirl and experience, calm and arrogance of the villain. The concentration before the fight, surprise of the loser, quick death scene and (again) the winner’s calmness. All  this is perfectly played». 


In some saloon in the south of Texas a young cowgirl sits. She wears tight, light brown leather trousers with elegant black boots and a very tight satin white blouse put into the trousers. At her waist there is a gun holster. 

In this village a dead or alive competition takes place. Its winner will get a big sum of money at the end. But first each participant of this tournament must go through the several deadly gunfights (three rounds) in order to kill the opponents, get to the final, beat the last rival and win the prize. On the door of the saloon there is a big notice which announces the competition. 

The young cowgirl decided to participate in this hazardous tournament. 
She is the youngest daughter of a rich landlord so she is also a little bit spoiled. She starts to be bored with her comfortable life and desires to have some risky adventure. So when she was announced about this competition she immediately decided to participate in it.  She has always been skilled at gun shooting but so far she fired just on nonliving targets or she hunted animals so she finds this competition as a good opportunity to try shooting in some more exciting way. 

Now in the saloon she waits for the first round of the tournament. 

And well.... she is not scared at all..... instead of being nervous she rather feels very horny. Even now when the decisive moment has arrived she cannot help considering this precarious gunfight just as ane erotic fun for her.  

So she sits frivolously in the chair with her legs put widely apart and drinks some whisky that is on the table beside her. And she cannot resist touching and stroking slightly her lap and inner sight of her thighs. Then she slowly unfastens one more button on her blouse. Her charming throat and gentle chest so far fully revealed is now exposed even more provocatively. And she continues touching her throat and chest tenderly with her eyes delightfully narrowing and being full of irresistible desire. 

During these sensitive whiles her boyfriend enters the saloon. When she sees  him she immediately stops playing with herself and sets the look of good girl. But her blouse stays unfasten..... 
Anyway... she is not much impressed by her boyfriend. He does not represent a true man for her. She rather treats him like a younger brother.... But he is worried about her girlfriend and tries to warn her. 

A female villain is the first opponent of our young cowgirl. 
The villain is a gorgeous young woman too. She is in a tight black blouse, light blue jeans and boots. She is widely known as a very good shooter that has already killed a lot of people in the gunfights.

“Hi dear.... You are really courageous I must admit. But you do not have a chance!” the villain says to the young cowgirl. 
“Hmm.... probably I am just looking at the first victim of this whole action. My fingers are already itching” answers the cowgirl very provocatively just to challenge her rival. 

Then both female gunslingers take their guns out of their holsters. And the villain is much faster. The villain’s bullet hits the young cowgirl in her chest. When she is hit she just make very silent and short scream like she suddenly got scared of something. Then she falls on her back and is in a painfull agony. Her vital organs are damaged so her body uncontrollably jerks for a while, she gasps confusedly and then dies, her gun still lying in her hand. She has her hands and legs wide spread and her dead eyes stare emptily on the sky. Even now her dead face with open mouth has the marks of a big surprise. The blood is oozing on her chest. 

So the villain not the cowgirl slowly blows the smoke from her gun. The cowgirl’s boyfriend rushes to her lying body. But he can just see that she is dead.

The villain also slowly approaches to the cowgirl’s corpse. She kneels down to her lifeless body and she touches scornfully cowgirl’s cold chin. She takes the cowgirl’s abandoned gun and looks at it with a pleasant expression. 

“Oh, sweetheart, I can still feel the warmth of your fingers on the handle....” the villains says with a satisfied voice looking at the cowgirl’s gun.... 
“Well.... you know” continues the villain now to the desperate boyfriend. “This game is not for such rookies. She should have realized it.....What a waste, then, such a nice body....”. And she stands up and slowly leaves the place. 

And her boyfriend is not just a coward. So his thoughts starts to be filthy..... 

The elements should be:
- confidence of the young cowgirl and feeling horny before her gunfight starts that is both expressed in touching herself and also in a short dialogue with her boyfriend and playing how she blows out the smoke from her gun at the end of duel,
- cowgirl sitting on chair frivolously with her legs apart,
- kissing her boyfriend good bye when she leaves to have the gunfight, 
- her slow walking to the place of gunfight with both hands on her hips, 
- smiling at her boyfriend closely before the fight starts, 
- girls verbally provoking each other before the gunfight,
- detailed shots on the standing girls, their faces/eyes/lips and whole bodies, their legs standing wide apart, fingers ready near the handle just before the gunfight starts, “leg through” shots can also be,
- short realistic and surprised agony of the cowgirl with a short and silent scream at the beginning, gasping, body jerking, 
- lying on back, death stare, leg show, legs apart, mouth open (blood oozing from mouth possible),
- tight clothes in the cowgirl style (the young cowgirl who lose the gun battle in light blouse), waist or shoulder gun holsters, gloves, jeans, blouses etc., 
- blood on cowgirl’s chest,
- a desperate boyfriend at the end and a sarcastic talk of the female winner over the cowgirl’s corpse,
- boyfriend cannot help touching dead girl’s body (full nudity is not necessary),
- please, subtitles 

If you like this movie 
    25 minutes
Two Brave Sexy Girls kill 6 men shooting, beating, stabbing and crushing their eggs to bloody mess!!!! 

«What an INCREDIBLE film!! I've watched it many times already. Just outstanding. I particularly like Mira Green's acting (played the role to perfection) as well as Max's reactions. They both really sold id. Li and Alex were wonderful as well. Thank you guys so much - I am a very happy customer!»
Customer’s Review 

Story: Mira Green and Li serve justice against a gang of rapists. Each encounter will be one woman vs. one man. The woman will win each encounter with some sort of brutal groin attack as a finishing move.

Actors: Mira Green and Li as vigilante women. Max and one other man (strong/tall/tough-looking actor preferred) as rapists/criminals. Each man will play the role of three criminals. Please have the men wearing different masks or balaclavas and different clothes for each role if needed.

Location: Takes place outside (similar to Covid Massacre).

Note for the groin attacks: The main thing that’s important to me is that the ballbusting attacks look very hard and as realistic as possible. Please make note of both points throughout the movie:
•	I would really like the actresses to kick with the momentum of her whole body to make it look like she’s putting her full force into it (not simply lifting up the leg while the rest of her body stays still). She should naturally move her arms and body as she’s kicking, and grunt/yell “hi-yaaa!” as if she is kicking for real).
•	Also, please have the woman’s foot or knee make contact from underneath his balls (not from the front like a push-kick). The male actor may wish to wear a groin cup for his safety, so that the woman’s kicks can look more painful.

Introduction scene (1-2 minutes):

The introduction scene is just a black screen with a few pages of text that appear on the screen. Please have a woman’s voice reading the text as it appears:

“My city used to be peaceful and quiet. The perfect place, really.

But lately, it has been anything but that. A gang of six notorious rapists has haunted the city. They have kidnapped over a dozen women and held them captive. Raping them, violating them, doing unspeakable things to them, until they are never the same again.

Our corrupt justice system has turned a blind eye since the criminals are wealthy and influential. These assholes fill the pockets of the police and the judges with money.

And so that’s where my friend and I come in. My name is Mira Green. My friend is Li. Some might say that we are just ordinary women. And they might be right. But I would say we’re smarter, tougher, more lethal... 

...and we know exactly where to aim. This is our story of justice. This is our story of revenge.”

(Throughout this scene, while the woman is reading, there is some ominous music in the background. Occasionally, we hear a man laughing evilly in the background. We also hear some occasional female voices crying out in the background, out of fear or pain, or pleading some lines like “No please, don’t hurt me!” “You can’t do that to me!” etc.)

Scene 1 (4-5 minutes, starring mostly Mira Green and criminal #1 played by Max):

Wardrobe: Mira Green and Li are wearing normal casual clothes. Both are wearing skimpy lingerie underneath. This scene will focus on Mira Green’s first encounter.

Mira Green and Li are hiding out at the location where the rapists are.

Mira Green: Are you ready to do this?
Li: Of course. Are you ready?
Mira Green: Hell yes. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time.
Li: There are six of them. Let’s split up. Three for you, three for me.
Mira Green: You got it. I’ll meet you back here afterwards. Just be careful.
Li: You be careful too. And Mira Green…
Mira Green: Yes?
Li (smiles): Make it hurt. You know where to aim to finish them off.
Mira Green (smiling back): Of course, where else? I wasn’t born yesterday.

Li disappears, and Mira Green sneaks up to encounter the first thug.

Mira Green taps him on the shoulder. He turns around, surprised.

Thug: What the hell are you doing here?!
Mira Green: What, don’t you like what you see?

She takes off her clothes and strips down to her lingerie. The man lets down his guard and is staring at her. She smiles at him. Suddenly, she delivers a hard front kick to his balls while yelling, “Hi-yaa!”. (Important: Camera angle must be filmed from a very low angle between the man's legs, but behind him, so that you can see Mira Green’s kicking leg coming up between the man's legs. Please remember to have the actress kicking with the full momentum of her body!)

The man falls to the floor, grabbing his groin in pain. “You bitch!!” he yells. They begin to fight. The two of them fight for a few minutes, and are evenly matched. During this fight, there are a variety of attacks, like a normal fight. (Mira Green should perform only rare groin attacks here...mostly kicks and punches to head, face, body, etc.). Feel free to choreograph as you wish...does not have to be too complex or fancy.
Near the end of the fight, Mira Green is finally able to stun the thug. She now gets ready to finish him off with three front kicks to the balls. (Again, please remember to have Mira Green use her whole body’s momentum to make these kicks look realistic and painful!)
Before she does this though, she starts to remove her bra and panties so that she is nude (she can leave her shoes on if she prefers). As she is doing this, please freeze the screen and have a voice-over with Mira Green: “You might ask why I’m doing this. And the answer is simple - I want to make these assholes see what they’ll never again be able to enjoy.”
Mira Green lands her first groin kick, and this first kick causes him to clutch his balls (he is still standing) and he moans in pain: “Ughh, you fucking bitch...”
(Please film this first kick from any mid to low angle. The camera should be relatively close to the actors, but still able to see all of Mira Green’s face and body as she kicks. Basically showing off her face and body as she kicks.)
Mira Green smirks (please show a close-up of her facial expression), barely gives him a few seconds to recover, and then kicks him in the balls a second time without mercy. He reacts in even more pain: “Ugghhh, my balls….my fucking balls….”
(Camera angle for this second kick should be from a different angle.)

A small amount of blood (CGI blood) starts to form around the pants of his crotch.
The thug pleads: “No more, please, no more...I’m sorry…please I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry...”
Mira Green finds his groin pain amusing and can’t help but giggle a little. Then her facial expression turns serious again, and she winds up and delivers a third and final kick (castration kick).
Important: This kick is clearly the hardest of the three and castrates him instantly. It even lifts him off the ground a little, and a distinct crunching sound effect is heard. Please show multiple instant replays of this final kick, all from different angles. The final replay angle should be the classic low angle between the man’s legs, so that you can see Mira Green’s kicking leg coming up and also her facial expression (exact same as the very first kick early on in the scene). In each replay, Mira Green should look as if she’s putting her full force into the kick, and she should yell, “Hi-yaa!” or something similar. Upon contact, there is a small splash of blood.
The man crumples to the floor, gasping for air and shaking slightly. A pool of blood forms around his crotch area.
Mira Green mockingly says: “I’m pretty sure I got both of them”. Her attitude now is satisfied and smug. She walks around his quivering body slowly, with various shots showing off her body as she does this. He passes out, and she walks away, satisfied. 

Scene 2 (3-4 minutes, starring Li and criminal #2 played by Max):

This scene will be very similar to Scene 1, with only minor differences. Li approaches criminal #2. He sees her and is defensive at first, but then Li starts to seduce him. She strips down to her lingerie. Li gets in very close, pretending she’s going to kiss him. When the man is distracted, Li knees him in the balls multiple times in a row. Each knee should be shown from a different angle, including showing a shot of Li’s face as she knees him, a shot from behind her at the level of her butt, a shot from behind the man so that you see her knee coming up, and a shot from a low angle from the side. The knees should look sudden and painful and should appear to make contact. As the man crumples to the floor, Li should have a satisfied look on her face.

Once the man recovers, the fight and it is a more or less evenly matched. Li stuns him at the end.

She will also finish this thug off with three groin kicks in a row (like in Scene 1). Like Mira Green, please have Li remove her bra and panties at this point. Freeze-frame while she is stripping, and have Li doing a voiceover, saying, “I never miss an opportunity to give a man one last look before I destroy him.”

Then very similar details and similar camera angles as Scene 1’s triple groin kick. Again, emphasis on low angles (including between the man’s legs) and having the groin kicks look painful and realistic, with the foot coming up from underneath the balls. Also some CGI blood.
After Li finishes him off, she can say something sarcastic or humiliating while walking around him slowly. A few camera shots of her body here would be nice.

Scene 3 (starring Mira Green and criminal #3 played by Max:

Back to Mira Green. Mira Green is now dressed in a different set of lingerie (no street clothes). She sneaks around and suddenly criminal #3 appears.

They fight. Fights should be similar to above with a variety of attacks. However, this time, the criminal has a slight upper hand. The criminal finally appears to stun Mira Green. However, just before he knocks her out, she quickly delivers a groin kick which stuns him. She then punches him in the face several times, then gives him a harder groin kick (low camera angle). As he clutches himself, she pushes him and he falls back. Now scared of her, tries to scoot back away from her.

Mira Green then removes her bra and panties. 

She starts walking towards him with a vengeful and determined expression (she is about to stomp on his balls to castrate him). (Please show various camera angles showing her marching towards him, including a close-up of her butt and legs as she walks, and various other angles to show off her body and attitude.)
(Important: The camera angle is very important to me for this next scene. For this next scene, the camera should be pretty much POV from the man’s perspective (as close to the ground as possible, looking up so you can see all of Mira Green standing in front of him).
When Mira Green gets to him, she lifts her leg up high (her knee should be close to her chest). She says, “Hope you enjoyed having your balls, asshole!” She then stomps down hard and fast on his balls, and stomps a few more times angrily. As she’s stomping repeatedly on his balls, her expression changes from angry to satisfied, until she’s smirking by the end. Finally, Mira Green turns around so her back/butt is towards the camera, and stomps down one last time on his balls. A squishing sound is heard as she grinds her foot for a few more seconds and castrates him. Please add a some CGI blood as this happens. And remember, please keep the camera angle from the man’s POV perspective for the majority of this scene (from the ground, looking upwards at Mira Green). It should look like Mira Green is stomping down with great force, with her arms/shoulders naturally moving a bit as she stomps.

(The camera angles you used in my previous custom with Annabelle and Vika were perfect for this scene!)
The thug passes out from the pain, with CGI blood still oozing from his groin. 


Scene 4 (starring Li and criminal #4 played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Li. Li is now dressed in a different set of lingerie (no street clothes). She sneaks around and suddenly criminal #4 appears.

Like Scene 3, they fight (feel free to choreograph as you wish) and the man has the slight upper hand. This scene should be very similar to everything in Scene 3, with Li suddenly incapacitating the man with a few groin attacks, stripping nude, walking towards him and doing a very similar stomping finishing move with CGI blood added. Similar camera angles too. Maybe Li could say something different before stomping him, like, “Time for a sex change, asshole!”

Scene 5 (starring Mira Green and criminal #5, who has a large gun and is played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Mira Green. She is now dressed in yet another different set of lingerie. She is now carrying a pistol/handgun. (Meanwhile, criminal #5 will have a large shotgun type of gun in this scene, and also a knife in his belt/back pocket).

She is sneaking around, trying to find criminal #5, when suddenly, she hears a loud gunshot and bullets hit something near her. She takes cover and sees criminal #5 shooting at her with a large gun.

They exchange gunfire, moving around and hiding behind walls/objects/terrain. She seems somewhat overwhelmed, since his gun is much stronger. Finally, Mira Green runs out of ammo (gun has an empty “click” when she tries to shoot again).

The man laughs and approaches her, pointing the gun at her. He tells her to drop her handgun and strip naked. Reluctantly, Mira Green removes her bra and panties, looking somewhat angry/unhappy. 

Then he walks right up to her, unzips his pants, tells her to get on her knees, and says, “You know what to do. Hahaha” (implying that she will have to give him oral sex). She drops to her knees, and pretends like she is about to service him.

However, she suddenly grabs the knife from his belt and stabs upwards into his crotch several times (please show various camera angles, including from behind the man’s legs so you can see Mira Green stabbing upwards). The man gasps and reacts in pain, clutching his groin and dropping his large gun. He stumbles backwards several steps. There is some blood dripping from his crotch.

Mira Green picks up the gun, aims for his right shoulder, and shoots. Then the left shoulder. Each shot to the shoulder causes the man to release his grip from his balls. Finally, she aims for his head. (Please show POV from the perspective of the gun, with a crosshair centered on his head.) However, Mira Green then smiles an evil smile (please show a closeup of her face), and decides to slowly lower her aim down to his balls. Camera angle should show her lowering her gun slowly. Please also show an additional camera angle with POV from the perspective of the gun, with the crosshair now on his groin.

The man realizes what she is about to do and looks panicked, pleading for her to spare him.

Mira Green smiles and says, “I’ve always wanted to do this.” and then pulls the trigger, blasting off the rapist’s genitals. Please show multiple instant replays of this from various angles (from the side, from behind the woman, in front of the woman, etc.). Basically angles that show off Mira Green’s body, with some angles also showing the impact of the shot to the man’s balls. If you can add special gore effects in this scene similar to COVID Massacre, that would be great!

The man reacts in extreme pain, grabbing his empty crotch and eventually bleeding out. Mira Green casually tosses the gun on the ground and slowly walks around him, watching him bleed out. She says, “Sorry, but you won’t be using that anymore.” Please show various camera angles showing off her body, including some low angles, as she walks. She should be looking pleased with herself.

Scene 6 (starring mostly Li and criminal #6 who is played by other male actor (not Max)):

Back to Li. She is also now dressed in yet another different set of lingerie. She is also now carrying a pistol. (Criminal #6 will be armed with a pistol as well).

Similar to Scene 5, once Li encounters Criminal #6, they have a gunfight and hide behind various walls/objects. This time, however, Criminal #6 manages to shoot the gun out of her hand. He points the gun at her and walks up to her. Li puts her hands above her head, pretending to give up. 

The man says, “Actually, I have a better idea. Strip for me.”

Li looks unhappy, but has to obey. She removes her bra and panties. Similar to Scene 5, the man walks up to her, unzips his pants, tells her to get on her knees, and says, “You know what to do. Hahaha” (again implying that she will give him oral sex). She drops to her knees, and pretends like she is about to service him. 

Suddenly, she grabs the pistol from his hands and inserts the barrel of the gun into his unzipped fly/zipper, pointing it directly against his groin. The man is terrified, and starts pleading with her.

Li slowly stands up, still aiming the gun into his pants. She slowly walks a few steps, keeping the gun in place, forcing him to take a few steps with her as well. He is very nervous at this point.

Li: “What do you think should happen to rapists?”
Criminal: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, It was a mistake!”
Li: “You didn’t answer my question. What do you think should happen to rapists?”
Criminal: “Please, please don’t shoot my balls, I’ll never do it again! I promise, I’ll never do it again!”
Li smiles and says, “I know.”

Then she pulls the trigger, shooting one of his balls. The man yells in agony. She pulls the trigger again, shooting his other ball. (Please add gore effects or CGI blood). Please show multiple instant replays of these two gunshots, with different camera angles.

The man collapses to the floor, writing in pain and clutching his groin.
Li: “I got both of them.” She giggles. “You’re lucky I let you keep your cock.”

Then Li pauses and thinks. “Actually, never mind. Might as well finish the job.” She walks over to him, sticks the gun back in his unzipped fly, and says, “Say goodbye to your cock.” and pulls the trigger. If you can have some sort of gore effect for this final shot, that would be great. This scene should be dramatic.

Similar to scene 5, Li casually tosses the gun on the ground and slowly walks around him, watching him bleed out. She says, “I love it when the punishment fits the crime.” Please show various camera angles showing off her body, including some low angles, as she walks. She should be looking pleased with herself.

Mira Green and Li meet back up (both are nude). Both are looking proud of themselves for a job well done.

Mira Green: “How was your mission?”
Li: “Gave the rapists what they deserved. How about you?”
Mira Green: “Got them all where it counts.”

The two women smile at each other, and both walk away. Please show different camera angles as they walk away, including close-ups of each woman’s butt and legs, close-ups of the breasts, and each woman’s face (smug/confident expression).


And Other Our FEMDOM content!  Predaliens In Hospital
    21 minutes
      Predaliens In Hospital - Limited Offer!


If you like real trash horror B-movies and very cruel horrors like Braindead, Serbian Film, Martyrs you will like this one!

20 minutes!

Just 20$ for real horror movie with 3500usd budget for one clip!

Custom movie!

See what custom movies now we can do for you!

 Premium Custom Movies Segment!

Starring: Maria A (NEW! – New Model Available For customs!), YANA (was casted only in three clips before! – available for customs!), Annabelle, Nadya, Nata, Tim, Kit


Medical Examination

Dentist  Examination

Strangulation (by Alien Monster!)

Playing with dead body


Putting dead woman like fly in the spider’s lair!

Stabbing to the back

Neck Break

Transporting dead bodies in real fear hospital

Stabbing to the chest

Playing with dead feet

Stabbing nurse to the back

Putting larvae in a living woman and in dead women !!

Morgue examination

Putting monster-cubs from dead women

Monsters from larvaes!

Monster cutting female belly from inside to be born!

Bodypile in morgue!


New Great Location!

New Great Actress!

Hospital Horror Atmosphere!

Woman in deadly peril situation

Insects, Mosters, Aliens



Just watch it. Bizarre, Gory, Bloody, Shocking Taboo R-category movie for adult!

This horror film contains shocking scenes related to the artistic depiction of violence. The film does not aim to offend the viewer's feelings, but was created exclusively for entertainment purposes. Only for adults! The authors of the film against violence, and condemn it. The film was not assigned any category, but the film contains: scenes that can shock, image parts of the naked body. The creators of the film warned you and do not bear any legal and moral consequences for the feelings caused by viewing. The film is not recommended for people with weak psyche, pregnant women 21+ obly!. The film was not assigned a classification, but the filmmakers attributed it to the category R.

The film can not be copied and distributed. The film is protected by copyright. The film is conceived for distribution on specialized resources in the jurisdiction of the United States, which conduct mandatory screening of viewers for adulthood.

No one was injured in the filming of the film. 





Or just see our cinematics horror content



All customs for EVIL GEEK!





Limited Offer!


Sold here in full version only till 1st of June! 50% sale!


P.S. It’s not erotic horror. It’s mainstream horror with sexy scenes of female in pantyhose cruelly dead and exanimated in the morgue when their corpses are ready to be eggs for monster-cubs!
    21 minutes
Cast: Angelina, Max

Destruction of Angelina
Angelina returns home, exhausted after a long busy day.  She wears a tank top, jacket, jeans (with a belt), and high heel boots, her hair in a ponytail, light make up/natural look, and no nail polish unless it’s, clear, white, or black. 

Eager to relax, she puts her purse to the side, removes her jacket, top, and bra and lies down on the couch.  Maybe she mutters something about her day and expresses relief when she takes off her clothes (not necessary, just an idea).  Within seconds, she is asleep.  
An Intruder comes out of hiding.  He’s been waiting for her.  He wears a dark shirt, dark pants, and dark shoes.  He silently approaches and crouches down in front of her.  Slowly and gently, he feels up her body, groping her breasts, abdomen, and rubbing her crotch, admiring her beauty and the softness of her skin.  She lightly moans and gently reacts to being touched but remains asleep.  She seems to like it.  He then pulls out his knife and slowly slides it up and down her body.  Her body reacts to the cold blade touching her skin, but she remains asleep.  He can’t wait to cut into her.  He remains serious during all of this but becomes more aroused. (Up close and intimate.  If this is too much, I can edit it) 
Gradually she wakes up.  The Intruder covers her mouth before she can scream.  He puts the knife to her throat, and she immediately freezes, her eyes wide with fear.
INTRUDER (calm yet serious):  Don’t scream and don’t move unless I tell you.  Understand?
Angelina nods.  The Intruder removes his hand from her mouth and Angelina remains silent and still.
INTRUDER:  Stand up.  Slowly.
As she stands, he keeps the knife on her throat.  He then moves behind her, gently yet firmly grabbing her and keeping the knife to her throat.
INTRUDER: Let’s go.
He walks her into one of the other rooms where part of the wall and floor is covered by plastic or a tarp (whichever is easier/looks better).  He puts her up against the wall on the plastic.
He slowly slides the knife up and down her body a few times, from her neck to her pussy.  Angelina, though terrified and trembling, remains as still as she can manage.  She can see a hunger in his eyes behind his serious disposition.
ANGELINA: Please… what do you want?  Whatever it is, you can have it.  Money, jewelry, whatever you want.  (She really doesn’t want to say this next part) You… you can even fuck me if you like… I’ll… I’ll let you fuck me however you want… just please don’t hurt me.
The Intruder leans in close to her.
INTRUDER: Do you really mean that?
Angelina nods.
ANGELINA: I won’t resist.
The Intruder smirks.
INTRUDER: I just might take you up on that.  But there’s something else I want first.
ANGELINA: What is it?
He suddenly stabs her in the abdomen.  Angelina looks at the knife and the Intruder in shock.  He twists the blade a few times, causing Angelina to groan/moan in pain.  
ANGELINA: Why? Why are you doing this to me? 
The Intruder remains silent and stabs Angelina in the lung.  It soon becomes increasingly difficult for her to breathe as her lungs fill with blood.
He then stabs Angelina in the chest with a downward strike.  Angelina starts to become dazed.  He holds it in for a few seconds. 
ANGELINA: Please… no more.
The Intruder ignores her plea and stabs her in the chest again.  He then stabs her in the chest a third time.  And then a fourth time.
He pulls out the knife, aims it at Angelina’s abdomen, and slowly drives it into her and then twists the blade a few times causing her to moan/groan in pain.
He pulls out the knife.  He then slowly yet roughly gropes her breasts, squeezing and slapping them hard.
He aims the knife at one of her nipples, and slowly drives it into her.  He then slowly drives the knife into the other nipple.  Each time the pain is almost orgasmic.
He stabs her in the chest in a downward strike four more times, taking a second or two between each stab so she can feel each one.
The Intruder pauses to take a good look at her (Possible Intruder POV).  Though she is still on her feet, she doesn’t have much strength left.  He leans in close to her.  
INTRUDER:  You’re stronger than I thought you’d be.  I’ll make a deal with you.  If you can walk out of this room without falling, I’ll let you go.
The Intruder backs off and invites Angelina to come on. 
Clutching her bloody chest and maybe her belly, Angelina manages to take a few staggering steps forward, but then she drops to her knees.  The Intruder smirks in satisfaction (he knew she wouldn’t make it), then moves behind her and kicks her in the back, knocking her on her belly.
Desperate to get away, Angelina tries to crawl away.  The Intruder crouches down on top of her, pinning her so she can’t move very much, and stabs her in the back over and over, about 15 times, pausing between stabs, taking his time.  Maybe sometimes when he pauses, he gently strokes her face.  He remains serious but is aroused.  With each stab of the knife, she gets weaker and weaker.    
The Intruder rolls her onto her back and crouches down next to her.  Angelina is barely alive.  (From this point onward, I really want to put us in The Intruder’s shoes.  Close ups of Angelina.  Very intimate.  Maybe even POV if possible.) 
The Intruder stabs her three more times in the chest, pausing between stabs.  It won’t be long now.
He then pulls out a cloth or rag and gently cleans the blood from her face and mouth.
INTRUDER (as he cleans): You asked me before why I am doing this.  The simple answer is I like destroying beautiful things.  And you are very beautiful.  But don’t worry.  I’ll eave some of your beauty intact.  Like your face.  I would never destroy that.  
He puts the rag away.  He then slowly slides the knife down her body until he reaches where the entrance to her pussy would be.
INTRUDER: You offered to let me fuck you earlier.  Well, I think a beautiful creature like you deserves one last good fuck.  It’ll be the last thing you feel. (Maybe he says this as he slides the knife down her body)
He suddenly drives the blade into her pussy.  She gasps and her eyes roll back and lets out a strained orgasmic moan.  He then fucks her with the knife
As he stares at her dead body, her dead eyes staring at him, his blood lust takes over and he stabs her 15 more times in the chest and abdomen.  
He then stabs the top of her pussy mound.  He then aims the knife at the entry of her pussy and drives the blade into her pussy and then fucks her with the knife again for a while.  He then stabs Angelina in the heart one last time and leaves the knife in her. 

DEPT COLLECTOR  4 Girls and Maniac
    12 minutes
      4 Girls and Maniac - 4 GIRLS AND  MANIAC

Christy, Pola, Annabelle, Nata and Alex


Fetish Elements:

Foot Fetish, Neck Breaks, Toe fetish Toes, death stares, carrying bodies



4 girls are watching TV in bed. We can clearly see their feet. It\'s getting hot and they undress. One of them goes for water, and suddenly a maniac attacks her from behind and breaks her neck.

The other girl does not understand where the girlfriend has gone and is looking for her and at the same time to bring champagne. The maniac attacks her, breaks her neck and takes her body.

The third girl goes to the kitchen, where she is trapped by a maniac and breaks her neck.

The fourth girl falls asleep. The maniac breaks into the bedroom and breaks her neck.

The maniac has laid out four corpses. We see bodies with a priority on foot fetish.
     Mannequin Maker
    15 minutes
      Mannequin Maker - Mannequin Maker

Custom Movie

Fetish elements: Deadly injection to the tit, Deadly injection to the head, pantyhose, mother and daughter theme, freeze fetish, dead doll fetish

The story about maniac who made mannequins of people. This winter he chased lonely adult woman living with hew mum. When the daughter went to her job he attacked her mother, injected he to the tit and made the doll. When the daughter came home she was in chock seeing her standing dead mother. Maniac attacked woman and injected her to her head…
Now he has his  own toys. He re-dressed them to pantyhose and began to make different poses of his mannequins, including two woman standing and holding each other to pussies.  
If you like this movie please check out TRUE ART and FURNITURE OF GIRLS  FRIENDZONE
    17 minutes

Shooting to boobs


Finger picking in the brain through a hole in the head and brainwashing on boobs

Shooting to office bitch


 Do you trust in the friendship between male anв female? This guy doesn’t. He invites his fe,ale friends to his place and suggests them to have sex. When they say «no» in different forms he has a gun, shoots them brutally and does something terrible with their bodies.
    1 minutes
CAST: Tanya, Wes

Home invasion, Innocent Victim, Home Attack, Sudden Attack, Shot in the shower, Shooting, Shooting to the back, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the chest, Blood, Shooting to the dead body, Death Stare, Machine Gun, Machine Gun reaction

       Tanya is just a young woman at hope who has her evening shower. What can be more safe and casual? But suddenly machinegun tra-ta-ta-ta-ta noises, hell pain in her back – WHAT? She is shot many times to her back by somebody terrible with a machine gun. She tries to do some steps to back but he executed her brutally to her chest, then shot her many times already dead and leaves her nude, wet, dead bloody body tin the bath…  POOL PARTY MASSACRE 2 part 1
    19 minutes


Custom Movie

20$ only first week! Basic price is 25$!

«Overall I am extremely pleased:  This production will go down in history as the greatest shooting movie ever!  Anyone who likes the "Magnum Force" pool scene will LOVE this movie»

Feedback from customer

12 shooting deaths! 12 actresses! (OUR RECORD EVER!)

146 Well Done Bullet Wounds!




New actresses: Demonica, Marta, Karie Larsen and others

Famous actresses: Luiza Ksysha Zaichik, Li, Angelina, Emma

And also Nadezhda Preura, Merci and others

12 actresses and 5 actors total


4+ FULL SHOOTING DAYS (about 60 hours of shooting)


Swimming Pool, Pool Party, Topless, Nude, Machine Gun Shooting, Breasts Shooting, Much blood, Appearing of wounds at the bodies effects, Surprised Victims, Victims in the water, 12 Shooting Deaths, Investigation, CSI scenes, Dead Bodies Inspections



The groups of 12 young females are having pool party in private area. Suddenly two criminals in masks and dressed in police uniform appear and start shooting everybody to the death…

In two hours the police arrive…


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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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    Cannibals 4


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