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    16 minutes

«Wow! The film is absolutely amazing! Judi did a great job and my script is realized in a perfect way. This is my first custom ever like I said and I am I am very satisfied with the result. I’ll definitely order more customs in the future»
Customer’s Review

CAST: Judi, Max
Firefight, Brave Kind Policewoman, Young Police Woman VS Bastard, Three Bullets to the chest, Being seriously wounded, Judi’s firm surprised reaction with wide eyes opened, Trying to Fight with wounds, Three More Wounds, Much Blood, Very Emotional Agony, Begging for life, Turning from brave policewoman o young dying girl who doesn’t want to live, Begging: «I am too young, please don’t kill me», Death After Long Agony, Great Death Stare, Pink Lips, Stripping  Body, Topless, Examining Wounds, Playing With Corpse, Many views of Dead Body, CSI, Covering Body with a white cover, Black Stockings, High Heels, Legs, Tits, Plastic Agony.
Judi is a new policewoman on her first mission and is knocking a door of the suspect’s apartment. When the suspect opens the door and sees the police he runs back inside the room and gets his gun. Judi rushes in and draws her gun and yell “ hands up I don’t want to shoot you”. The suspect does not listen and shoot her three times on her chest. She is in shock and drops the gun and blood comes out of her mouth as she stumbles and drops to the ground. She then tries to retrieve the gun on the ground when the suspect calls his boss and says he just shot a police. She gets her gun and struggles to stand up and fire a shot but missed. The suspect turns and opens fire on her and hit her three more times. She then drops to the ground and rips her shirt to check on the wounds( realistic bullet hole). She then tells the suspect to let her live as she is still young and call an ambulance but could not finish the sentence and have a lot blood cough. She then struggles to breath and convulses on the ground. Finally she dies with mouth and eyes open with some death agony. The suspect then undresses her shirt and bra and sees her wounds and leaves. One day later, the suspect was told by his boss to return to check on the body and saw the corpse with realistic corpse makeup, he touches her face and breast and say “what a pity for a beautiful woman to die like that” and put a sheet on her and leave.
    15 minutes
      Spy Stories 1  2 - If you like spies, shooting and shot-dead cocktail style
Brand New Clip
Starring: Marianna and Annabelle
Fetish elements:
Dresses: sexy red dresses, high heels, black stockings, body-colour stockings, topless
Killing ways: deadly injections, guns, shoot outs, POV shooting 
Death stares: eyes opened, eyes closes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes
Death ways: shootings, firefights, duels, POV shooting without blood effects, shot-dead cocktail 
Set of battle scenes between two sexy spies killing each other

15:20 minutes
    27 minutes
      FOUNTAIN - Perverted Horror Film About Strangulation

27 minutes film!

The movie contains special offer inside!

Fetish elements:

Strangulation with a broom

Poking your head in the freezer

Fracture of neck

Agony after death

A corpse falling from the closet (super scene!)

Strangulation through the glass with the collapse of the breasts

Strangulation in the air

Neck Break


Separation of corpses

Games with corpses

Fountain of dead women

Fracture of neck

A bunch of corpses


The man has a serious psychological trauma after the divorce. He is going to rent an apartment. Girls come to him on an ad. He compares them with his wife and brutally kills. Student Kate, he brutally strangled in the kitchen. A divorced woman, Nicole, he strangled terribly in the room. Then he killed a rich lady. After that, he built a terrible fountain of dead girls. When his wife came for things, she saw a terrible sculpture. He broke her neck and threw her body into the Fountain. The corpses crumbled, forming a chaotic heap. Tom lays down in a pile, taking a call from the new victim, promising that the apartment is waiting for her "Fountain".




    23 minutes

After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization\'s collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it\'s a pity that her sister isn\'t there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The interrogation – female victim

Ksysha observes the house where the
former female agent is. She looks through a window and finds them sitting at a
desk at the computer. Ksysha finds that the former agent is alone, allowing
Ksusha to carry out her plan. Ksysha sneaks to the back door. She pulls a nylon
stocking over her face and opens it quietly with a fake key..


looks around the house and goes to the room where her former agent is. Ksysha
opens the door very quietly and enters the room, then she takes her garotte out
of her leather jacket and sneaks up to her from behind. Ksysha quickly puts the
garrote around the agent\'s neck and strangles her until she loses
consciousness. Then Ksysha pulls back the chair the unconscious agent is on and
ties her to the chair. Kyusha takes a glass of water and throws it in her face,
causing her to regain consciousness. Ksysha tells her that she needs
information on the owners of the other USB sticks and when the meeting should
take place. The agent laughs and says to Ksysha, you won\'t hear anything from
me. Ksysha smacks her twice in the face and takes out the plastic bag, goes
around the chair with it and pulls it tight over the agent\'s head, choking her.
The female agent twitches and fidgets, then Ksysha relaxes briefly, then
tightens again. When Ksysha notices that the resistance is slowly fading, she
takes off the plastic bag. The agent gasps wildly. Ksysha steps in front of her
and asks if the agent is willing to give Ksysha the information. The agent
laughs again and spits in Ksysha\'s face. Then Ksysha takes off her stocking
mask, gets her knife out of the holster and puts it behind the agent\'s throat
and says decisively, the information please or I\'ll cut your throat. The agent
says o.k. I\'ll tell you everything you want to know, but let me live. Ksysha
puts the knife back in the holster and steps in front of the agent. She tells
Ksysha everything she needs to know and then asks if Ksysha will untie her.
Ksysha slowly releases her from the chair, the agent stands up and when Ksusha
turns her back for a moment, Ksysha takes her garrote out of her leather jacket
and puts it around the agent\'s neck from behind. The agent thrashes wildly,
still dazed from the interrogation and struggles weakly, but is able to free
herself for a moment. Ksysha takes the garrote and wraps it around her neck
from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Ksysha sits on her and
strangles her to death with her garrote. The agent convulses and trembles and
lashes out wildly again, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so
that Ksysha can finish her job in peace. As saliva runs out of her mouth,
Ksysha pulls her garrote even tighter and the agent\'s legs twitch again until
she was finally strangled by Ksysha and her tongue protrudes limply from her
mouth. Ksysha then takes her cell phone and calls her organization to report.
She says that she has received all the information and can now continue and
successfully complete her mission. The agent would have told her the names,
place and time of the meeting. The organizer asks Ksysha what about the former
agent. Ksysha tells them that she strangled the agent. The organization is
satisfied and says that the agent as a traitor got what she deserved and asks
Ksysha how she intends to proceed. Ksysha says that she will assume the former
agent\'s identity and thus enter the meeting point with forged papers and seek
out and kill one by one the USB stick owners. (please subtitle the
conversation), then Ksysha hangs up and heads to the meeting point.

The mission - female victim


Ksysha is on his way to the female
assassin\'s lodging. She had previously worked as a prostitute and improved her
standard of living through contract killings. The Syndicate became aware of her
because they found it remarkable that all of her victims were exclusively
strangled or strangled by her. Since joining the Syndicate, she no longer has
to work as a prostitute and has since improved her skills. Ksysha got this info
on the assassin from the folder she received when she checked in. Ksusha breaks
into the assassin\'s room with a master key she stole from one of her recent
victims and looks around. The assassin arrives at the meeting point shortly, so
Ksusha hides under the bed and can wait for her in peace. The contract killer
enters the room (in a black leather outfit, please). Ksysha watches her through
the large mirror on the wall, waiting for the right moment. When the assassin
sits down on the bed, Ksysha emerges from her hiding place, takes her garotte
and puts it around the assassin\'s neck. This is very strong, so she can break
free. She slaps Ksysha in the face, causing her to be dazed for a moment.
During this time, the assassin takes her murder tool, a USB cable, and puts it
around Ksysha\'s neck from behind. Ksysha sinks to her knees and it looks like
it\'s going to go wrong this time.


Since Ksysha has learned to control her
body through training long choking sequences with her sister, she can fake her
death to the assassin, who believes Ksusha is dead and slowly loosens the USB
cable around Ksysha\'s neck again. Ksysha, who is of course still alive, gets up
in a flash and hits the assassin in the stomach area and pushes her onto the
bed. Then Ksysha puts her hands around the assassin\'s neck and chokes her so
hard that the assassin loses consciousness at first. Ksysha takes her hands
from her neck, grabs her garrote and puts it completely around the assassin\'s
neck, waking her up. Ksysha tells her that she will give her a chance to save
her life, but only if she tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. The assassin
tells Ksysha and asks what the chances are of sparing her life. Ksysha then
tells the assassin that she never intended to spare her, but gives her a chance
to save herself. Then Ksysha takes the assassin\'s USB cable and puts it around
his neck, grabs the handles of the garrote and says to the assassin either you
have the strength to strangle me and save yourself with it, or I\'ll kill you
now and pull close the garrote. The assassin grabs the ends of the USB cable
and strangles Ksysha while she tightens the garrote wrapped around the
assassin\'s neck. Ksysha also enjoys being choked herself while she kills. The
assassin\'s power wanes and the USB cable around Ksysha\'s neck becomes loose. Then
the assassin tries to stop Ksysha from strangling her by thrashing about wildly
and trying to pry Ksysha\'s hands free. Since Ksysha has perfected her choking
technique since she was a teenager, the assassin\'s defenses are futile, causing
her to weaken and weaken until her body twitches and slowly goes limp. Ksysha
pulls a little harder until the assassin is motionless and saliva is running
out of her mouth. Then Ksysha slowly eases off and loosens the garrote and
takes it off the dead assassin\'s neck.


Ksysha checks her pulse as usual to make
sure she really is dead. She then tells the dead assassin that this was the
best fight she\'s ever had with a female killer, better than many a male victim
Ksusha strangled (subtitled please). Ksysha takes the USB cable and puts it
around the dead assassin\'s neck as if she had strangled herself. After that,
Ksysha goes to a hiding place in the room where the 4th USB stick is and takes
it. Ksysha picks up her phone again to tell her organization that the mission
is all but accomplished. The only thing missing now is the last USB stick. The
organization asks Ksysha if she needs help or still has the strength to
complete this mission on her own. Ksysha says she already has a plan on how to
get the last stick and hangs up.
    33 minutes

Tatiana's family has fallen deep in debt, and she's decided to save them by sacrificing herself. She offers to have her willing death recorded on video in exchange for her family's safety. To negotiate the deal, she's forced to strip naked for the Debt Collector. Nervously she allows him to photograph her and touch her, aware that he's assessing her like a piece of meat to be butchered. Finally he agrees to the deal, but only if she accepts a gruesome torturous death. The deal is made.

Two days later, Tatiana arrives in lingerie. She's terrified, but pushes through her fear. The Debt Collector begins slashing her breasts slowly and mercilessly while Tatiana is barely manages to endure bloody torture. Then he shifts is attention to her pussy, slashing it repeatedly while blood flows between her legs. Eventually the suffering girl's strength gives out and she falls to the floor. The Debt Collector finishes her off by fucking her to death with the knife, making her last moments truly agonizing. The Debt Collector admires his latest victim as he pans the camera over her lifeless bloody body.

Customer Review:

"Crime House has delivered again! This is my 4th custom, and I think it's the best one yet! Tatian's acting is incredible, and the effects are like a big budget movie. Fantastic work from a professional team! Thank you."  Stepmother
    10 minutes
      Stepmother - Great news for shooting fans!

Fetish elements: a shot from a pistol with a silencer, shot in the back, frightened face, frightened look, slide the body on the floor, dying convulsions, shot in the stomach, shot in the chest, two shots in the chest, shot in the neck, a lot of *****, stripping the dead body , a lot of dead bodies.

Prominent rich businessman married. His young wife is a luxury beautiful woman.  His spoiled ********, Harvard student, doesn’t  like it because now *****'s money will go to her stepmother. Papa’s baby is not confused and hired killer.
The young woman admiring in the mirror. She needs to look gorgeous every day to keep her millionaire as her husband and not let him to look at another ***** from fashion industry. The killer crept into her room. She saw a young man in the mirror with a gun and was scared, and he shot her in the back, in the region of the heart. This shot was deadly, but the woman did not die immediately. She had some time to feel the pain and understand death, to turn around, startled look in his eyes cold-blooded killer with the question "Why?", slide down, writhing on the floor, roll over on your back and die with her eyes wide open.
The killer calls to say that the work is done. But the ******'s ******** was already there. Glamour **** studied the life of thriller and action movie and firmly learned the lesson that the  customers kill assassins. She stole *****'s expensive gun. Her wealth, beauty and cynicism have gone too far. Silly bad **** forgot that life is not a game. Professional hitman easily disarmed her and shot her in the stomach. Then he shot her with a gun two - twice in the chest.
Stunned **** fell on the floor and convulsed. That's all! No more money, expensive cars, nightlife and travel to Los Angeles! No more handsome guys and friends from the world of show business! She is suffering in agony, waiting  for her death in terror. But death can wait no longer. Killer makes the control shot her in the neck.
The killer wants to add a bit of sophisticated cynicism, because now no one will pay him the second part of the fee. He wants to posthumously dishonor bad **** that all the papers she looked obscene. He takes off her athletic shorts and panties, and puts on a dead stepmother. Killer walks away, leaving two dead women in the room to cool down.
    19 minutes


Starring: Li, Yana, Annabelle, Nata, Dan, Tim, Alex

Exquisite costumed horror film for fans of strangulation!

3 Great Strangulation Scenes in pantyhose including Car Strangulation!


Fetish Elements:

Bet to the death, gambling to the death, long strangulation with pantyhose. Splaying with bodies, winner surprisely dies, strangulation in the car, fear before death, shock before death, leg kicking, death stare



3 rich lazy girls are boring. They want to  get adrenaline and excitement. One of them finds Death Club in the web – an underground casino where the bet is death. They decide to go and have fun being sure they win.

The rules are simple – they take a card from the deck one by one. Every card gives a win. But when the card is Ace Of Space it is death and a girl who take this unhappy card is killed.

The first unhappy girl who takes Ace of Spades is Annabelle. She is in shock, she thinks that it can not be true but a killer einns to strangle her to her death. Nata is a cynical girl and she laughs. Li is afraid. After Annabelle’s death Li wants to stop the game but it is too late and she takes Ace of Spades too. Long strangulation death is her fate too and Nata sees with a pleasure her agony.

Nata is a winner. She wins check for a million dollars and a prize cup. She goes outside when a club driver should drive her to the bank.

But it is a crime casino  and nobody want pay a win and have witnesses. Suddenly club-killer appears from behind and strangles Nata in the taxy.

Just imagine the shock, horror, bewilderment and resentment of Nata, when, after the taste of winning, she realized that this was the end!




CASINO HELL  Neighbour
    16 minutes
      Neighbour - This clip has no description.
    20 minutes

Cast: Polina Wood, Katrina, Li, Max, Wes
Three females was 

Fetish Elements:
Execution, Stripping, Forced to Strip, Going to the Noose, Death Sentence, Judgment, Nude, Fear, Last Words, Begging For Life, Hanging To The Death, Death Stares, Kicking Legs
Three  Females are sentenced to the execution by hanging. They are lead to execution room, stripped full nude. They try to say they are not guilty but it doesn’t help…

HANCUFFED AND HANGED (parts 1 and 2)
    20 minutes
« WEll done, I am so pleased! W e have finally succeeded in making an excellent and credible cold-war spy thriller, in the shoes of Ian Fleming! »
From Customer’s  Review 
STARRING: Judi, Max, Annabelle
Interesting Plot! Sexy Cinematic Death Stare! English Subtitles
Fetish Elements:
Nudity, Forced to strip, Emotions, Interrogation, Spy, Seduction, Black Stocking, Pillow Suffocation, Gasping, Choking, Death Stare


 	Big Brother chose a simple frugal secretary of NSE typing pool, young and beautiful girl Tatiana Romanova for a dangerous and secret mission.  She should insinuate herself into double agent’s confidence  Oleg Barisov: seduce him and record all conversation to the little dictophone hidden in her earrings and necklaces. But Oleg already dealt with such spy devices ...  


    17 minutes
      DEATH BY ORGASM - DEATHS BY ORGASM (Captured Clones)


6 scenes

5 Girls

20 deaths

Much limp fetishes, touching bodies, erotic stimulation, female last orgasms. Non-porn at all, but very  erotic. See famous Crime House models (Luiza, Angelina, Mary, Marina, Tora) simulation their pre-death orgasms before their death.

Shooting (no blood effects, machine gunned, death by  strong orgasms, knocking out, fights )


Part 1 - Infiltration
Theme - special agent infiltrating the crime syndicate's HQ, eliminating as many enemy clone agents (girls of course) as he could find, using his power fists that will send the girls flying, or weapons like pistols, machine guns, swords, etc.. He then carefully searches some of the bodies (enjoying the touch of their sexy bodies and pantyhose-covered legs in the process) until he finds a special entry pass card on one of the dying enemy agents for entry to the next section of the HQ. He sends one of the dying clone girls' lives away by rubbing her crotch and giving her a massive orgasm before she dies.
Clothes - similar to Clones 2 - white shirt/blouse, black miniskirt, black high heels and long dark-colored sheer stockings (NOT opaque tights) or dark-colored sheer pantyhose (note - those girls wearing pantyhose don't have to wear panties)
Part 2 - Elimination
Theme - special agent uses the pass card to gain entry into an area where young clone call-girls are gathered in different rooms. Some are just relaxing in a room while others are walking around, talking to each other or sleeping in another room, and still others are playing with themselves in front of webcams as part of a paid online live chat service, the primary source of this crime syndicate's revenues. Special agent kills all of them with guns, machine guns, power fists, bare hands and arms (for strangulation), neck snaps, etc. and he also used guns to destroy the computers. In the room with the most girls in it (the webcam room), he drags / carries them to the center of the room, checks out each dying girl, opening some of their clothes, For the one or two that are not yet dead but are moaning and rolling around in pain, he interrogates them as he touches their sensitive body parts, and rubs their crotches until they give out the answer he wants (where the ringleaders are located), and then they either die after a forced orgasm or get neck-snapped by special agent. 
Clothes - casual clothes of any color; mini dresses, jean shorts, bra/bikini and panties, very short shorts, mini skirts, camisoles, heels, sneakers, flats, flip-flops, etc. (just wear something that makes them look leggy and sexy, but NO SCHOOL GIRL look or long socks)
Part 3 - Termination
Theme - special agent arrives at an office/conference room where the 5 girl ringleaders are found. No clones - they are the originals from which the clones are made. They are all shocked at how this special agent could single-handedly breach their premises and reach deep into their lair.  They all try and run for their guns. He approaches one of them (Masha please) and knocks the gun off her, and then knocking her out as he hits her head against a wall. The others try and hide behind cover to shoot him but they all miss. He shoots down 2 girls in sequence, scoring 2-3 hits on each of her chests and torso, leaving them writhing on the floor in pain. He then scores a couple of good shots on the fourth girl, sending her flying onto a table/sofa, and leaving her twitching as she dies. He tries to shoot the last girl but runs out of bullets, so he dashes to her, knocks her down and strangles her until she too is breathless and convulses. He then humiliates each of the girls, opening their clothes, touching their sexy bodies and sensitive areas. For the KO girl (the first girl - Masha) who's about to wake up, he carries her next to the safe, lays her down, removes her heels and interrogates her for the safe's password, which she refuses to give, so he tickles her hose-clad feet and legs and even her crotch and kisses her toes until she couldn't stand it anymore and gives out the password. He goes to the safe and takes the criminal evidence papers of the syndicate, while the girl silently gets up and tries to put her shoes back on to leave, only to be discovered by the special agent who then shoots her several times on her back (or snaps her neck) and she twitches and dies lying on the floor, one shoe off and one shoe on. Special agent then touches her feet and legs one more time before leaving the scene with the papers. Mission accomplished.
Clothes - sexy office girl / provocative secretary clothing, light-colored pantyhose (no panties) or stockings, high heels.
Fetish elements - death, KO, death twitches, legs kicking/convulsing, writhing in agony, moaning softly and sexily, closes eyes, opened eyes, mouth / lips open, undressing, body searches, disheveled clothing, ffondling legs,  forced orgasm before death, light foot/leg tickling to accelerate death or for interrogation, long pans of death scenes, multiple girl deaths. 
THE PRICE HAS SALES TILL MONDAY. REGULAR PRICE IS 23$ for many models, many scenes and ultra erotic content.  ONE BONE ONE FLESH
    19 minutes
HEADSHOT (Great Long Scene with postmortem agony)
KNOCK OUT (Two Scenes)

One innocent girl was accidently shot to her head by cop
Cops were knocked out
Two sexy cop girls were strangulated by cord wearing sexy black pantyhose and cop uniform

It was a serial killer Charlie Bundy. He killed 28 people. But he was found insane, that’s why he escaped the death sentence and was gone to the prison for mad criminals under life sentence. 
He had two sisters. One of them (25 years old) loved him, respected him and wanted to be like him. Another one (21 years old) hated him and was afraid of him. 
Charlie Bundy escaped from the prison. He came home to hide from police. Older sister was glad to see him and helped him to hide. When two policewoman came to the house the young sister tried to intent him, but older sister hit the police girl, knocked her out, took  the gun and  used the young sister as human shield. Another police woman tried to shoot the criminal sister but missed and accidently killed the young sister just in her head. Poor young innocent girl did surprised reaction with a bullet in her head and slowly fall to the floor, her body did few postmortem movements and agonies. Police woman was so shocked about she killed innocent person and dropped her gun. Charlie knocked her out from behind. 
Brother and sister decided to kill policewoman and escape from the country. Charlie loved to strangle – he was a serial strangle so he enjoyed long strangulation of policewoman after five years break in prison. He didn’t want his sister to become a killer kike him but she wanted to strangle the second plice girl so much, that he realized – she is like him. She strangled copgirl and enjoyed her agony and helpless stupid behavior before death. 
Charlie had some fun with bodies and he with his sister escaped…
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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