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    10 minutes
Fetish Elements: 
Hooker, Boots, Leather Clothes, Strangulation, Garrote, Interesting Plot

A cheap hooker has been booked by a client through her agency by phone. She didn't know him. She's supposed to strip for him and maybe do even more. He wants her in particularly irritating and erotic clothing.  When she arrives in his hotel room, she takes a seat on the sofa, opens her jacket, under which she wears only a bra, crossing her legs: "I want 50 per cent of my price up front and the other half after that," she urges.  "Let's not talk about money, tell me about your job and what you can do," the suitor says. "I want to see what I'm supposed to pay for first," he adds. She takes off her jacket and mini skirt and starts stripping in front of him. After that, she demands her money. He doesn't want to pay, thinks she's unprofessional. She wants to leave but demands half the price. "I tell my boss sending his boys by," she threatens him, hastily putting her stuff back on. When she wants to go to the door and takes her phone to inform her boss, he briefly ponders how to prevent that. He quickly takes his tie, puts it around her neck from behind and pulls on, a tough and cruel fight begins. She groans, fights back, struggles for air. He slowly pulls her to the ground, she punches him and fights, but is helpless. He pulls the tie firmer, she's stramping with her legs, fighting for her life. Her powers leave her, she gets weaker and weaker. Brutally and excruciatingly, she experiences her final seconds, her body just twitching, then she dies with her eyes wide open. He leaves her lifeless body lying on the floor. "You dirty slut, that was your reward“, he laughs at her, leaving the hotel room.

    24 minutes


«I receive my custom video and i really love it. I would like to thank and compliment for the following.

1. The length of movie: As my script is very simple, i was just expecting length of time is around 15 minutes. Actually i got 23 minutes. That’s bonus for me.

2. Creative ideas: thank you so much for adding some creative ideas which make the video more attractive and not changing the main script.

3. I receive  the custom video in time as per conversation.

I am so satisfied with your studio ( darkroom) !!!!!»




Starring: Sonya Krueger, Achilles, Li

Elements: Accident, Health Trouble, Medicine, Death, Poison


The woman come to massage center cos she was suffered gastric problem ( burping). She explain the massage guy about her burping problem.( with some burp while she is explaining)The massage guy was very good at massage to make the woman to burp out.

She lay down on her belly on the massage bed. He starts his massage on the woman’s back. As he is very good at it, whenever he press on the woman’s back she burp out loud.

( massage, some conversation and burping, burping with some hiccups).

Meanwhile massage guy’s phone is ringing and he request the woman(client) to give him a moment to answer his phone and walk out from the room.

The woman drink some soda and lay down on her belly again and waiting for massage guy. And reading a book. Then she start burping again. This time, the burps are gradually unusual, constantly and extremely because of that soda she just drunk. Burping, burping with some hiccups and the last big burp took her life and left her body with open eyes and mouth.

Massage guy come back and he doesn’t realize what was happening.

So he was talking to the woman and continue his massage on that woman who is already dead. As there is no responses from the woman, he finally find out that she was dead already. He gets shocked and doesn’t know what to do at first. Then he is enjoying looking her sexy dead body.
     It is Just My Job
    7 minutes
      It is Just My Job - It’s Just My Job
Starring: Hass, Pola and Charlie
Fetish elements:
Two head shots
Contract killer
Death stares
Surprise reaction
Full Nude

Two rich wives of businessmen were shot by contract killer. The mission included also postmortem quorate and stripping their bodies for full nude.

If you like this clip please also check
    21 minutes

Cast: Max and Mira Green


«First, thank you for update on the movie and delivering it within a few days of the update. It sounds like the business is doing well. Congratulations on the success of the film company, I hope it keeps up! I look forward to future productions with you guys.

The film was outstanding! The acting was awesome, especially the opening of the movie, loved it! The disemboweling scene was over the top, very realistic. Awesome job by your props and makeup crew, they do excellent work! That’s not an easy special effect to pull off but your actors and crew made it amazing! The camera angles and shots were perfect».

Customer’s Feedback and Review


binding, sacrifice, chloroform, blow,  stabbing unconsciousness, guts,  agitating, dismemberment, taking out the intestines, sawing, saw, a lot of blood



Scene 1

One of the male actors who is Miras boyfriend sees her and another man holding hands walking down the side walk. They don’t see him. He follows them and sees them flirting with each other. Mary goes into the other mans apartment to hook up. Miras boyfriend goes home devastated. Mary comes home to her boyfriends place. He follows her to the bedroom and confronts her about her cheating. She slaps him and he loses it. He’s gonna make her pay for being unfaithful to him. He knocks her out. She falls to the floor. He takes her by the legs and he drags her body out of the room. Her arms drag above her head. He drags her into the living room. Camera views at the floor level of her body and belly.  He goes and gets something to wrap her body up so no one sees him leave with her. He wraps her body up. 

The next scene he’s carrying her body into a room. In the room there is a table set up that has shackles for her arms and legs. He lays her out on the table. He takes all her clothes off. He takes each arm and secures them above her head and then secures  her legs.  Her body is fully stretched out. Head to toe camera pans of her naked body. But before he guts her he enjoys her body some. He takes his hand and rubs her stomach, circling her belly button with his finger. He rubs her tits. He takes his fingers and gently presses down on her belly on several different areas. He then takes both hands and puts them on her sides and squeezes her belly gently. Next we get a point of view from Mira, as if looking through her eyes. She’s waking up and the camera view goes from dark to light as she opens her eyes looking up. Mira looks around at her situation. She lifts her head and looks down to her feet. If you could get a shot from her point of view as  she looks down her body to her feet, the shot shows her  her belly rising and falling rapidly as she sees the her boyfriend standing at the end of the table at her feet. (See the example photo attached) He’s staring at her. She struggles against the restraints but can’t get free. Her boyfriend walks to the side of the table as she’s struggling. Mira asks him what he’s going to do to her? Camera views of her belly rising and falling because shes breathing hard.  He places his hand on top of her stomach as she struggles to get free. He tells her that he can’t believe that she had the guts to cheat on him. She arches her back raising her body off the table. She’s trying to get his hand off her. Mira tells him that she’s glad she cheated on him. He angrily presses her body back down with the hand that’s on her belly. He tells her that he is the last person she’s gonna chest on. He keeps his hand on her stomach.  She asks whats he’s going to do to her. He takes his hand off her belly and then slowly runs his finger down the middle of her belly, he stops at her navel and fingers it as he tells her he’s going to cut open her belly and slowly gut her like a pig. She starts to struggle and beg him not to kill her. He takes a cloth and holds it over her nose and mouth. She slowly stops struggling and goes unconscious.

Opens with camera views of Miras  body. She’s still unconscious. Her boyfriend Is standing over her with a knife in his hand. He takes the knife and slides it up and down the middle of her belly. He circles her navel with the knife. He takes the knife and places the tip on her upper belly just below her sternum. He presses down and the knife slides in to the hilt. We see the hilt of the knife press down against her belly. He pulls the blade down the middle of her stomach. As the hilt of the blade gets to her navel. He twist the knife several times. This causes Mira to let out a Ugg! Sound as she wakes up. He finishes the cut all the way down to her pussy. He pulls the knife out as she groans. He then takes his hands and opens her belly up. He reaches in her belly and starts to pull out her guts. Mary squirms in pain. He holds a hand full of her guts as she looks up at them. He drops the guts back on her belly as he finishes pulling them out. Her head rolls to the side, eyes open.  Finally he’s done and he drops her guts Into a bucket on the floor. Mary’s still alive.  He finally takes the knife and stabs her in the chest between her tits and she dies. The camera pans over Mary’s gutted  body. Her boyfriend now has to get rid of Mary’s body. The final scene is Mary’s boyfriend walking up to her body with a long saw. We see him place the saw across her stomach over her navel as if he’s going to cut her in half. The last scene is a an overhead view from the chest up. Her body rocking back and forth as her body is cut in half. 




COVID MASSACRE (Blood and Bullets)


    8 minutes
A wealthy and powerful woman calls upon a strong, muscular soldier/mercenary boy to carry out a mission. While waiting for the boy to arrive, the woman gets ready beautiful and sexy, puts on make-up and dresses in a single transparent robe, she is completely naked. A little later the soldier arrives, shirtless,  greets his female boss and tells the lady that he is ready to carry out all her orders. The lady orders the boy to recover a briefcase with confidential documents and to eliminate a group of enemy soldiers. The soldier carries out the woman's order and goes to carry out the mission. After numerous shootings and fights, the boy completes the mission, eliminating all enemies and recovering the briefcase. After completing the mission, the boy returns to the lady to receive his fee.
The boy enters the lady's luxurious apartment, shirtless, and calls the woman saying that he has completed the mission. The woman appears completely naked, greets her soldier and sits down on the sofa crossing her legs. The soldier hands the briefcase to the lady saying that he has eliminated all her enemies, convinced that the lady will pay him for the excellent work done. The woman, sitting on the sofa, completely naked and with her legs crossed, congratulates the boy saying that she will give him a nice reward. The boy smiles pleased to see the woman completely naked in front of him, convinced that he will receive a nice fee from the lady.
But the woman, completely naked and with her legs crossed, suddenly takes out a silenced pistol that she kept hidden and points it at the boy. The woman, completely naked, smiles at the boy saying that she no longer needs him and that she doesn't want witnesses. The boy, incredulous, doesn't react and stands still looking at the completely naked woman with the gun in her hand.
The woman shoots between the boy's eyes, eliminating him instantly. The boy with a hole in his forehead stands for a few seconds (he must be well framed in the foreground) then kneels down and falls at the feet of the completely naked woman. The woman, after eliminating the soldier, smiles satisfied and remains seated on the sofa with her legs crossed.  VAMPIRE HUNTER LITTLE SISTER
    12 minutes
Starring: Tim (New Actor!), Annabelle, Vika

MULTI SHOOTING (10 BULLETS TO BAD BABY  - to the chest and to the navel!)


Hitwoman got the job to kill 3 women, but "the guy" who hired her gave her a special dagger with silver + wooden edge, and told that she must use this dagger to kill em and stab em in the heart to finish em off. She asked why but the man did told her nothing. So she diceded to do that her old fashion way with the gun/pistol.
She is going in the apartman looking for first sister, its looks empty, but she heard shower, so she is going closer to bathroom but in a sec a young topless wet girl is walking out of the bathroom straight to her, she sees the gun and smile, ask her. "what are you going to do to me with that thing". She says "you wont smile anylonger bitch" and shot her in the belly. She looks like she wont even noticed that and smiles again...then says: " you will pay for this" but hitwoman respond with second shot, this time in her right tit.
Vamp looked down on her wounded tit, then grab that with her hand and try to say something with angry face but then the third shot pierced her left tit and got deep in her chest reached her heart.
Hitwoman saw even more anger but this time mixed with pain and fear. Vamp grabbed wildly her left tit and tried to walk to hitwoman.
Hitwoman just looked at her in wonder and ask "how the fak that you are still alive and walking" then she shot 4th and 5th shot right in the center of her chest to make sure she will go down fast.
Vamp moaned groaned, screamed in shock grabbed her both tits in her hands did few steps forward and backward then she slowly went to her knees.
When vamp was on her knees groaning and moaning, hitgirl shot her again between tits, then she screamed and arched her back. And she almost fell on back but her left hand help her to keep balance.
girl came closer put gun between her boobs and shot her again, she arched her back even more and then fall back, for a sec she just lie down then she arched her back holding her tits. She did it few times, then she begin to try get back up.
Hitgirl saw that and screamed "just die already", walked over her aim for her heart between her boobs and shot 4 times to emty the pistol, vamp girl arched horribly her back moaned screamed, heavy breathed at last 3 times.
1st arching position: 3rd arching position before final long erotic moan. (all angles) moves goes from left to the right.  time for last bullet, arching back,and final gasp lie still...  hitwoman says: "oh fak finaly, on what drogs she was" ... she turn around and begin to walk out,  when sudenly she heard "hey honey you thought its will be so easy to kill me heh" .. she freezed for a sec then she looked back and vamp standed right behind her, no wounds on her body comletly healed with fangs in her mounth, she grabed her pushed her to the ground and start feed on her, then she remebered on THE dagger what the man gave her she grabbed it with right hand from her boot and with her all power stabbed that bitch under her left boob straight up tried to reach her heart...
when vamp felt the stab she moaned and the horror look was on her face,then she let her, arched her back grabbed her wounded tit first with left hand then with both hands. then vamp stood up and says painfully: "if u leave now i wont kill you litle girl" but before she finished the sentence hitwoman stab her again this time in the left tit in the niple, hold it in there for few secont, twisted... the vamp hold the dagger with one hand, trying to pull it out, it was very hard she was almost done,  but then hitwoman forced it even deeper, then pulled that out, stabed 2 more times in her left nipple and watched whats gonna happen, poor vamp girld grabed ger bleeding boob with her left hand
squeezing it trying to stop the bleeding, stil on her feed, she turned back and try to walk away, she was in pain and agony, hitwoman turned her and stab her in right tit just for fun..vamp grabbed both her boobs in her hands on her face was pain and fear...
she tried to walk away again litle bit faster this time but hitgirl catched her from behind and stab her right between her tits so deep that her heart was pierced by the dagger, she felt she cant heal anymore..she had no more strench to stay up on her feed..she hold dagger with one hand. Vamp somehow manage to pull the dagger out of her chest but the dagger felt from her hands how she felt horrible pain from her chest so she grabbed her chest.. hit woman grabbed the dagger, and start stabbing vamp in her left tit then right tit then left, she try to defence but she got no more power insade her she just felt the wall behind her so she managed to hold up against the wall on her she was holding up at the wall she looked down on her rouined chest and scream "noooooo" "i cant dieee im imortal, my sister will avenge me you will die even if you managed to kill me, but i cant die", hit woman said "oh but you can, and i make your heart stop beating" with one hand she grabbed her neck and with second hand she pressed the tip of the dagger right over her heart between her boobs and says "now its end blood sucker" and she stab her slowly in her heart, then she twisted it once twice slice it inside up and down, cut her vamp heart in half... vamp knew this is the end, she started slowly slices the wall down to her knees.. on her knees she grabbed both her tits...
she she waited the for a few sec squezing her tits, then she started to fell forward manage to hold up with her right hand and her left was holding her left tit.. she was having hard time to stay like that...then she fell down on her right side..still holding her left tit then she roll on her back...breathing heavily, moanig in agony..arching her back hit woman stand over her preparing for final stab but before she enter her chest vamp grabbed her hand a tried to stop dagger to enter her chest..but she fail and its get in.. vamp arched her back this time holding the dagger inside her, and pulled it aut and trow it away..  but all of that was waste of time she was dying there was no comming back from this.. she tried to say something but nothing just groaning.. vamp was breathing, moaning heavily....she arched her back very high and scream "noo naaahhhh" and then with final gasp she roll her head and died..eyes open.

    15 minutes

Customer’s Review:
I seriously cannot than you guys enough for your awesome work

Another part of great custom set where dangerous sexy hit women choke, strangle and garrote innocent female victims 
LI as Killer
Yana, Luisa, Angelina, Vika (Tora) and Annabelle are as a victims 
YANA is strangled NUDE in the restroom 
LUIZA is strangles in sexy spectacles in the restroom 
VIKA was garroted from behind on the arm-chair in her sexy outfit 
YANA again was choked topless on the billiard table
VIKA again was strangled TOPLESS in the water – Exclusive Scene!
Angelina was strangles on the bedroom – VERY REALISTIC STRANGULATION!
Annabelle was choked NUDE on her bed – she was sleeping and was rudely woken by killer…

    22 minutes
Starring: Mira Green and Alice Miren 
Fetish Elements: 
Catfighing to the death, Bloody, Boxing, Kicking, Very Well Catfight Perfomance, Leather Outfit, Different Death Scenes Inside, Death Stares, Crashing Heads, From Looser To The Winner, From Winner To The Looser 

Mira is standing in thongs and without a bra in the room. Then he carefully puts on a leather bra, then leather pants, boots. Going to take a gun, but hears sounds ..
Two killers (you can use the same actresses, since they are wearing masks) in masks with pistols walk slowly through the room. One is wearing leather pants and a jacket, the other is wearing a leather skirt and blouse.
Mira stood outside the door and waited. The killers split up. The first, in a leather skirt, went the other way, and in leather pants, towards Mira. A pistol stuck through the door and the killer entered Mira's room.
Mira knocked out the pistol, grabbed the killer by the head and while holding her began to inflict many punches in the face with her fist. The killer fell on her back. Mira sat down on top and began to strike in the face. (here you can show the ass in leather pants sitting on the killer and how she shakes from the blows and the killer's legs twitch (examples in the attachment), so are the frames and ordinary ones, where punches to the face and blood on the face are shown). Mira rips off her mask, looks at her face and stabs a few more times in the face so that the face was even more bloody. He begins to search the killer, finds a phone, gets up and starts digging in it, it turns out to be blocked. A killer sneaks up behind him and begins to strangle. Knocks down the world on the stomach and sitting on top of it, continues to choke, lifting Mira's head up (here you can also have several angles so that the leather priests were in the frame) in the attachment something like). The killer slams his head on the floor to Mira, flips over and punches him in the face. Mira throws off the killer.
Both get up, there is an exchange of blows. And in the face and stomach with a knee. The killer pushes Mira onto the sofa and sits on top, starting to strangle again, Mira throws her off. The killer unsuccessfully falls on his stomach, gets on all fours holding on for the stomach. Mira kicks in the groin from behind. Bypasses the killer, grabs the hair, and says something to her, like you're about to die or something. He puts her on her knees and, holding her hair, hits her in the face. Blood in all directions.
The killer falls to the floor. Mira sits down on top, puts her hands under her feet and punches him in the face until it turns into mush. Stands up and kicks several times in the face. He takes the gun and leaves the room.
The second killer, hearing the noise, goes into the room, sees a mess on the floor and runs away to look for Mira. Both meet in the room with their pistols pointed at each other. Say phrases like let's solve it here without weapons. The killer rips off the mask, Mira sees the twin of the one she just killed. The killer tells Mira that she will answer for what she did and she will kill her with her bare hands. Both throw off their pistols.
The main fight begins here.
Exchange of blows
One opponent sits on top of the other and punches in the face (on both sides)
Less wrestling and choke tricks
When one opponent sits on her knees, and the second holds by the hair and punches in the face with a hand (also on both sides)
Any ultra brutal finishing moves from both rivals
Well, in the end, so that the killer won, it all began with inflicting a lot of punches on the opponent's face, well, and something else, at your discretion, well, at the end, sitting on top of the opponent, the killer turned the opponent's face into a mess with his hands, and then and feet.

    30 minutes


Cast: Judy, Hass, Nadya, Annabelle


Alien-snake kills three girls by creeping into the vaginas, then mastered their bodies. After mutation an insectologist kills aliens-girls, hitting their heads by gun-butt, and crushing their necks with boot. She crushed them like insects!


Fetish elements

Worm penetrating the vagina, death by orgasm, foot fetish, body-control, mutation, poisoned eyes, lesbo, sleepy, unconscious, hypnosis, crushing necks, mutants, blue blood, fantastic death stare

Erotic, full nude, bizarre horror movie! One of the most erotic movies!

30 minutes long! English Subtitles! Full HD, DarkRooms Quality



Judy goes to bathe in the tub. When she rests in the water, the alien worm crawls out of the drain and heads straight for her vagina. The girl experiences shock, then orgasm, and then dies from the toxic effects of the alien parasite. Then she comes to life - her eyes turn yellow. Now her body is controlled by a parasite.

She goes to her neighbors, poisones them with sleeping pills, stripping them naked, and begins manipulating the infestation of other girls, sending worms to them in the vagina, making them feel like a murderous orgasm, dying in hell torment mixed with orgasm, and resurrecting as parasites.

But they did not have long to live in a new capacity. A brave fighter with infections invades the house, beats them with a rifle butt, and then mercilessly crushes like cockroaches. A disgusting crunch of fracture of their necks is heard, as if pressed by beetles, and blue mutated blood flows out of their mouths. Yellow eyes remain open.  SURFERS NIGHTMARE
    10 minutes


«Thank you for the AWESOME clip»

Customer’s Feedback




34 years, Sexy Woman, Natural Blonde!

Fetish Elements: POV shooting, shooting, stabbing, bad dream two killing in one scene

We see the model lying asleep on a sunbed or a swimming pool couch wearing costume 1. She tosses about in your sleep, restless. Then the scene fades to Scene 2. She is coming out of the pool (this is where a shot from behind would be fantastic) wearing costume 2. After coming off the ladder she takes a few steps forward on the tiles, looks up and sees someone she recognises. He doesn't have to be in frame

"Hi honey," she says, smiling. Then she hesitates, and her expression becomes wary. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she tosses fitfully in her sleep, then back to scene 2.

"What's the matter?"  she says, fearfully Then: "What are you doing with that gun?" Then: "No, no, no, please - Aargh!" as the first shot hits her in the belly.  staggers back. She clutches the wound. The clip cuts back to scene 1, where she clutches her belly in her sleep. Then back to scene 2 again.

She cries out or grunts twice more, as two more shots hit her, in the belly and the right breast. Again there is a cut  back to scene 1 as she clutches her belly and her breast in her sleep.

After tottering a few steps back her knees fold and she collapses, landing on her tummy. She lifts her head and tries to trag herself forward. It's another opportunity to pan over her ass. She coughs blood. Then the killer (who needn't be fully visible even now) turns her over with her foot. She looks up at him, holding her hands up, as if to ward him off, but he shoots her in the left breast. Cut back to scene 1 as she spasms in her sleep, then back to scene 2, where she coughs up a little more blood, spasms and dies. Pan of body, then the man unzips the front of the swimsuit, exposing her breasts. Another pan of the body.

We come back to scene 1. She wakes up and sits up straight, a frightened look on her face. She stands up and looks about her fearfully. Then, as in scene 2, she looks into the camera as if she is looking into the eyes of someone she recognises.

"Oh honey," she gasps. "I had a terrible dream. I was -"

Her sentence is interrupted by a sharp grunt of pain, as a knife sinks into her belly. "What the -" she cries, before being stabbed twice more. She falls back on the bed, shaking and coughing blood. Then the killer stabs her in your left breast. She spasms and dies. Again the man reaches down and unzips the swimsuit to expose her breasts. Pan of body, maybe with merging in and out of body from scene 1
    25 minutes
      GAMBLING - Who we be hanged and who will be shot?..
Starring: Katya St, Judy, Nata, Pola, Annabelle, Marina, Tim, Kit
Fetish Elements: Bondage, Firing at the wall, bound hands, gags, forced to strip, boots, Full Nude, Horror, Terror, Executions, Mass Executions, Hanging, Noose, Bpdypile, 6 models, torture location
Two man invites 6 models to the horror-movie casting. But bad news for models is the movie is illegal sn..f movie and all of them will be killed. Ignoring their panic two criminals begins to play cards – who will be hanged and who will be shot?
If you like this clip please check out
SPECIAL OFFER OF DAY: Hurry up to purchase it for 28$ The Basic Price is 37$ for this hanging and shooting HD movie with 6 girls including new custom available actress till May. After 1st of May there is no mo special offer inside longer and no more sale price!!  ANOTHER PEGANT MASSACRE FULL FILM
    21 minutes
      ANOTHER PEGANT MASSACRE FULL FILM - Another Beauty Peagent Massacre
Afrodita, Zlata, Unholly Polly, Bella Lenina, Li, Demonica and Billy Brag

 7 Slasher Murders: Decapitations, Stabbings, Cutting, Choking, Strangling!

“Bravo!!! This was a masterpiece! I think this will be the first of many customs!!! Loved it. Thanks so much for all the attention to detail”

Feedback from customer

7 contestants are walking the walkway in the Peagent. Wearing bra, panties, pantyhose extra sheer, and high heel pumps. After they finish they go back to the waiting room. They’re talking to each other, the ones standing dip their feet in and out of shoes to relieve their pain. 

One goes first to the bathroom where the Sandman is waiting for her hiding as she goes to the bathroom as she enters the stall the Sandman appears atop the division of the stall and loops a wire noose around her neck. He pulls hard hanging her by her neck and ties wire to a hook on wall. She is hanging and strangling. Her shoes are a bit loose so they struggle to stay on her nylon clad feet. As she starts to lose the fight her eyes roll back, her tongue sticks out and her arms flop to the side shaking. Her shoes hang for dear life from her toes. To finish her, Mr. Sandman pulls down on her body, stretching her neck and breaking it. Her feet give a final shake as she dies dropping her shoes revealing her nylon soles. He leaves her hanging and closes the stall door. 

Another contestant goes to the bathroom too. She opens stall and sees contestant hanging. Mr. Sandman appears behind her and grabs her by neck and lifts her in the air. He squeezes her neck hard. Her eyes fluttering and tongue out, her shoes slip off from her feet. He squeezes harder and a loud crack is heard as her throat breaks. Her toes spread and then relax. He slowly lets her down and sits her corpse on the floor with her back resting against the wall. He twists her head breaking her vertebrae and her toes twitch and relax again. 

Another contestant goes to a room they have for contestants to relax. There is a bed. She enters crawiling and lets shoes fall off. She sits on the bed with her back resting on the head rest.  Her feet stretch out in front of her, she wiggles her toes in relief. The Sandman is hiding behind the head rest. He thrusts a long knife behind the headrest, it goes through the head rest and enters the back of her neck, goes through the neck with the tip exiting out of throat. She starts to choke. Her soles flexing, toes spreading, her eyes roll back. Some gurgles later she expires, her feet relaxing. He pulls knife out of neck. He starts to slice the throat slowly. She’s dead but faint gags and gurgles come out of her half way open mouth. Her dead toes twitch a little as he cuts deeper into her throat. The knife cuts through all the throat cartilage reaching the neck bone. He grabs her head and twists it hard. The head goes around 180 degrees. Her toes spread in reaction. Sound of torn flesh fills the room. He twists the head around again. Pulls her head upwards and removes her head. Her toes from the headless corpse twitch a bit more, and then relax. He puts her head right next to her headless corpse. 

Two contestants go together to the room and as they enter the room they go into shock when they see the decapitated contestant sitting on the bed. As they turn around to go warn the others, they’re confronted with Mr. Sandman who grabs them both by their throats and squeezes hard. He lifts them up a bit first so they’re standing on their tip toes. The heel of their feet slips out the back of their shoes showing half of their soles. He walks forward. They’re forced to walk backward on their tip toes toward a wall that has hooks to hang coats. He lifts them up more, slowly, as they go up the pressure on their throats increases, their eyes open wide, and faces turn red, the tongue extends out. Their feet now on the air. He twists his hand on one of the contestants breaking her neck. Her feet shake quick and relax. Her shoes fall off from her feet. The other one is almost dead from choking. Her arms flop to the side. She is gagging and gurgling. She is so weak her toes cannot hold on to the shoes anymore. Gravity takes its toll and the shoes simply drop. He thrusts both of his arms forward and impales the back of their heads against the hook. The one that was still alive dies with her eyes rolling back. The other was already dead. He leaves them hanging there. 

Another contestant goes to the resting room to check on them since it’s been a while. She enters the room and sees the three contestants dead. Before she can scream a swoosh sound is heard, accompanied by a gushing sound. Mr. Sandman who appeared behind her, had swong a machete right across her neck. A faint gag is heard from her and a shocked look on her face. Faint gags come out of her. Her stare goes blank. A red line appears around her neck. She falls kneeling position first. The back of her feet pop out of the back her shoes. As she stays kneeled her head slowly falls off and hits the floor. Her headless corpse stays kneeled for just a few more seconds and falls forward. Her shoes half way off. We can see half of her soles. As her foot twitch a bit the shoes come off completely. A few more twitches as the last vestiges of life leave her body, then relax.

The last contestant is still in the waiting room. Legs crossed and the shoe dangling from her big toe. She is waiting and wondering where is everyone. Mr. Sandman appears from behind, puts his hand on her forehead to force it back and with a long knife starts to cut her throat. She starts to gag and gurgle. Her feet move dropping her shoes. The knife goes deeper. Her movements slow to a shiver now, her toes wiggling. Again, as the knife reaches bone and meets resistance, Mr. Sandman grabs her head by the temples and twists the head around 180 degrees. A faint gag and gurgle is heard, along with the sound of gushing as he pulls the head off. Her feet twitch. Her headless body stays sitted in the sofa. 

Now Mr. Sandman recovers all the bodies. Sits them on the floor straight with their backs resting on the wall. Right next to each other. The ones that are decapitated, he puts the heads right next to them. We see the sitting corpses with legs straight so soles of their feet are looking forward to camera.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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