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    20 minutes


CAST: Annabelle, Ksyusha Zaichik, Judi, MaryAnn

2 girls are about to go to a court, to witness against very powerful mafia boss. They are therefore under a witness protection program and guarded by their armed personal guard. (secret agent)

The Mafia boss got a tip where the witnesses are and he gave a contract to top professional hitwoman Miss Black to eliminate the girls quietly.

The girls are in a room together, there is also a second room, which is empty and outside that room is their female guard, sitting next to closed doors and guarding. 

The scene starts with the girls (witnesses) together in the room 2 fondling with each other legs in pantyhose and admiring each other outfits, pantyhose and feet.

Then the camera skips to their guard outside checking the closed doors and the vicinity – there is no one allowed there. The guard checks everything in the vicinity, checks her gun, if ist loaded, then sits down like a lady. She then takes off one of her shoes and rubs her foot. (the camera shoots details of her foot rubbing)

After that she puts her shoe back on, crosses her legs, picks up her smartphone and checks the web while making a shoeplay (dangling one of her shoes)

The hitwoman arrives at the scene (she is approaching slowly, walking lady-like, she is a high class hitwoman and has a style) The camera is shooting the hitwoman from below up, as she walks.

Then she stops, takes out her gun and the silencer from her purse, then she slowly (with her fingertips) screws the silencer on the gun. After that she hides the silenced pistol in her purse and aproaches the sitting guard.

Then the hitwoman grabs the silenced pistol, puts it out of her purse and points it at the guard. As the guard sees the silenced pistol, she is still sitting, tries to put her gun out, but the hitwoman shoots two quick silenced shots into the guards chest.

The guard twitches with every shot and moans quietly. She then starts to slide from the chair to the ground, so the hitwoman quickly grabs her, so she stays sitting, her blouse pierced with 2 bloody dots.

Then the hitwoman checks the body, checks her pulse, searches her, checks her gun, then her shoes, admires her feet in pantyhose, sniffs them and fondles with them a little.

Then she stands up, readies her silenced gun and knockes on the door.

The girls are still playing with each other feet in pantyhose as they her the knocking on the door.

Witness 2 goes to the next room, and closes the door behind her, as the other girl checks her hair in the mirror.

Witness 2 cames to the door, openes it and sees the hitwoman with her gun pointing at her from her hip.

The girl twitches, moans quietly then turns back. Just as she turns she gets a second silenced shot in the middle of her back, moans once more and falls down on her belly. 

The hitwoman then enters the room. The camera shoots the dead girl from her feet to her head, with one shoe off, and the eyes rolled up. As the camera shoots the girl, the hitwoman is going around the girl, checking her feet and her pulse.

Then the hitwoman starts to walk quietly towards the second room where is the last girl. As she walks, she raises the gun in her hands next to her face and lightly kisses the silencer.

She then quickly openes the door, and points the gun on the last girl. The girl turns her head from the mirror, and gasps, scared.

Just after she says the last sentence, she shoots one silenced shot from her lap, the girl gets a small red dot on her chest, moans, twitches and falls to the ground on her belly. Her shoes are going off and flying away.

The hitwoman (still sitting) then points her gun on the girl and shoots her in the middle of her back.

The girls reaction after the second shot.

The hitwoman then takes off her shoes, massages and rubs her feet, moaning a little, because, she´s on her high heels whole day. Camera shoots details.

Then she checks the body of the last girl, her pulse, her feet, her bloody blouse... and as always admires her work and plays with her feet a little.

Then she sits back down, takes her smartphone from her purse and makes a call to the mob boss which gave her the contract.

After that she goes to the first killed witness in the next room, ste steps on her back with one foot and shoots her 3 times. 

After that, the hitwoman goes outside, where the dead guard is, she grabs her, places her on the ground, grabs her legs and drags her inside, so no one can see her dead. 

After she drags her in, she also picks up her shoes, which are still outside, throws them inside, she points her gun on the dead guard and shoots her one more, just to be sure. The guards body twitches. 

Then the hitwoman, unscrews the silencer, blows lightly through the silencer, hides everything in her purse, goes out and closes the door. She then walks away like a lady she is.  DRUG CARTEL
    20 minutes
Starring: Judi, Tatiana, Max
I just watched it and it’s truly amazing! Thanks

Element:  Multiple Chest shots with realistic bullet makeup/ Headshot with realistic bullet makeup/Bullet exit (back bullet make up)/ long death struggle/ vomit/puke blood (emphasize on the process No need to actually cough but more like vomit blood)/ humiliation/ embarrassment/ Open mouth/death stare/ stripping after death/

Background: Judi and Tatiana are workers for a drug cartel, and while they are working to count money, an angry robber comes in. 

Scene 1: Judi and Tatiana counted a lot of money from a suitcase and log the amount on the computer. After that, they decided to take a little break. Judi and Tatiana are best friends, and they talk about some fun things outside of work. Then Judi got a call from security that an armed robber is in the building, and they were told to protect the money. Judi then tells Tatiana to be ready and Judi is confident that she can handle it and gets two handguns from the desk drawer and give one to Tatiana. Then she says, “Tatiana, don’t worry, I’ll protect you if it is dangerous” She then put the suitcase inside a safe or a drawer with a lock and hide the key in her Bra.

Scene 2: Tatiana seems a little worried after they heard gunshots outside the door. Suddenly, the door is kicked open and a man with a gun walks in demanding the money and says, “wow, two sexy ladies guarding the money, it would be wasteful if I have to kill you.” Judi seems very serious and told him he will die, then open fires at him. Tatiana also opens fire at him. He moves outside of the door and takes cover and fires back at them and emptied their ammo.

Scene 3: All three of them started reloading, but the man is faster and walks into the room and aims at Tatiana who screams in fear while Judi rushes in front of Tatiana as the man fires. Five shots hit Judi in the chest and belly area (realistic bullet hole), she is shocked and looks at her wounds, and drops her gun. She turns to Tatiana and says with a faint voice,” I told you, I would protect you and take a bullet for you”. The camera should show only Judi and her back also has bullet exit holes.  Then blood pours out of Judi’s mouth as she pukes out a lot of blood. (a lot of blood-emphasize processes). The man says, “That is so touchy, but you will pay for fire guns at me.” He then shoots Judi’s leg (Thigh) four times (2 shots on each side) (realistic bullet hole with holes in pantyhose) Judi keens down and then fall on the ground. Judi wants to say something but can’t speak, and blood oozes out of her mouth, and she continues to vomit blood while the body twitches (emphasize process (don’t cough)). (like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN) Her body then started convulsing as she struggles on the ground due to the agonizing pain. (a lot of on the ground agonizing struggle like my first custom POLCIEWOMAN IN A DRUG DEN)

Scene 4: Judi is struggling to breathe on the ground and in a lot of pain, but as the camera turns to Tatiana, she is also shot at the exact locations as Judi (realistic bullet hole), since Judi’s body is not enough to stop the bullet. Judi saw it and is very sad but can’t say anything due to her injury. The man also sees this and seems happy, “Well, I saved my bullets by shooting you two at the same time.” She then begins to puke blood (emphasize process) and falls on the ground beside Judi and the whole body started convulsing just like Judi. They both looked at each other with painful expressions. After they continue struggling on the ground for a while, the man decided to kill them. The robber turns to Tatiana, and she is very weak. He tells her that if she tells him where the keys to the safe/ drawer are, he will let her live. Tatiana tells him that it’s in Judi’s bra. The man then told her she is free to call for help and help the bloody Tatiana stand up. She barely can stand, but the drive to live makes her strong and as she walks toward the door, the man shoots her in the back of the head killing her. (Realistic blood makeup in the forehead) Tatiana falls on the ground dead with a death stare. Her body continues to twitch and convulse for a little bit.

Scene 5: Judi screams “no”, then the man turns to Judi and says, “it’s time to say goodbye to this world” and aims the gun at Judi’s head and pulls the trigger, but the gun is empty. He then bends down and picks up Judi’s gun and says, “you don’t mind that I borrow it right?”. Judi opens her mouth and begs for life, but he shot her in the face. (Realistic Bullet hole). Judi’s mouth stayed open, Brain matter splatters on the ground, and Judi convulses and twitches very violently before the body relaxes. Her eyes are wide open, and her mouth is open, and the camera should focus on her death expression.

Scene 6: The man then undresses Tatiana and Judi looks at the bullet holes on their body. When he finds the key inside Judi’s bra, he says “mission accomplished!” He then touches their breasts and says,” what a pity” before leaving.


     Capture Factory
    16 minutes
      Capture Factory - CAPTURE FACTORY

Starring: Annabelle, Juliana, Pola, Kit, Anatloliy


3 garrote ************* from behind
Standing strangulations
Military theme
All victims have tongue out death stares, very aggressive death agony and fighting for life
Two men attack females
Two men carry bodies, strip bodies and search keys at dead bodies
Dead bad *****’ bodypile

It’s a secret factory where crazy dr. Ko  clones people for illegal army of  mercenaries. Two special agents, cold-blooded killer from East Europe were sent to steal programs codes. Three special female guards patrol compartment  A of the plant. Agents decide to operate silently. They creep up to the first guard. Unsusceptible young woman stands near fencing in her headphones. Agents ********* her suddenly with her own headphones cord! She couldn’t use her gun and cry for help – she could just wriggle in standing position and try to catch cord. She died standing and softly slipped to the floor with ********* death stare with tongue out her mouth and eyes opened very wide.

Agents moved to the next guard. A woman stood at the elevation. Kit ********* her with the cord from behind. They fought at the staircase but this battle was fatal for the female-guard.  

The third guard was standing with her machinegun. Young blond ****, he didn’t look like ****** employee of secret military structure bur she was it. Agent attacked her together, Anatoliy snatched machine gun  from her hands and started to ******** her, Kit hold her legs to not let her stir, fight and move. The miniature blonde was absolutely helpless  in deadly arms of two gigantic intruders. Terrible death!

After they killed her they brought the copses of two other dead guards. They carried them offhandedly, like trash, carrying them by hands and legs. They threw still warm bodies in bodypile and started finding keys from area B. They stripped one of guards full nude while searching, it was their courage of winners.  No keys. They searched frail soft body of dead blond, touching her legs and ass – no keys. They found keys in the pocket of jeans micro shorts of brunette. They left bodypile on the floor and moved to the area B…

Three dead female guards are lying in the floor like waste products. Three stupid young army ***** thought that they earn big fees just for standing with guns  guarding the safe places. But it was their mistake. They were implicated in crimes of cloning people and making monsters, they were involved in crimes against humanity. Just as guards, bun they were involved. And they were punished. They won’t be even buried, they will be stay in this secret desert  forever. With opened eyes full of terrible, fear and thirst for life. With tongues out making them look grotesque dead and silly. Nude, topless, leggy dead terrorists…


Recommendations. If you like this clip please also check Captured, Side Effects.

    6 minutes
Starring: Mira Green
Striptease dancer was shot by a handgun and machine gun (shooting scene without blood effects). Two death scenes.
    7 minutes
      MOSCOW 2346 ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS - Several different endings for Moscow 2346, with the scenario that The Boss had to fight Male actor too.

Ksusha Zaichik as The Boss
Maxim Sergeev as Male actor

Camera: I would love to see similar camera work like example below, when she is defeated and laying on the ground in the different endings.
Alternative ending 1:
Similar scene as the fight (and camera work) between The Bodyguard and Male actor.

Alternative ending 2:
Similar scene as Male actor and The Doctor (when she gets the needle injected into her butt).

Alternative ending 3:
Camera shows The Boss crawling on all four, reaching the gun that is on the floor. She turns around (sitting position) and aims at Male actor. We see him walking toward her, she fires the gun. He tries to deflect the bullet with glove, but this time she hits him and he falls to the ground.
She gets up on her feets, puts one foot on his chest, she fires the gun again, this time he is dead.

Alternative ending 4:
Similar scene when she fires her gun at Male actor and he deflects bullets with his glove:
•	This time, I would like to see her whole body when she fires gun (she stands in front of camera, and fires toward camera). 
•	We see Male actor deflecting the first few bullets, but then he falls backward, getting hit by one of the bullets.
•	We see The Boss walk toward Male actor (similar camera to example below, filming her butt)
•	She bends over to check if he is dead (he is laying on his back). Suddenly he opens his eyes, grabs her foot and makes her fall over. 
•	Camera focus on her when she is falling (close-up of her)
•	She lose the gun, Male actor gets on his feet takes the gun and shoots her (no blood).
•	We see her laying on the ground, similar position as picture example below.  Orphan
    15 minutes
      Orphan - Orphan

Starring: Masha, Tora, Annabelle, Kit



Strangulation by gas in the cooker

Family theme



The soldier- deserter after concussion rushes into the civilian house. He had never had a family, so it’s seems to him that he found his  family.

Two rich sisters and their maid seems to him as his daughter, mother and wife. He terrors them and calls: my daughter, my lovely wife, my dear mother! They are frightened and they say he is mad man. He is sure they are his relatives, but they can’t accept his feelings and starts to kill them one by one.

First he chokes the maid in the cooker, after he strangles another girls…

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     Horror Time
    14 minutes
      Horror Time - Horror Time

Starring: Hass and Juliana

Fetish elements: adult students, stockings, *************. *******, death stare, ************* reactions, bodypile, carrying body


One more cruel page of Yellow Press

 Nick and his girlfriend like horror films. Nick loves horrors so much that he dreams about glory of serial killer from slashes. The couple invited their friend Katty to watch horrors together. Nick has many unknown but very scary gore movies and slashes with R21 rating  in his collection.  They watch «Sheriff, Mr.Jonson» by Crime House Production tonight. Nick enjoys how killer ********* ****. Katty is very scared and goes to the bathroom. Dark side orders Nick to follow her and… he srangles her in the bath!

He enjoys real *************, to see how the real **** reacts, to look at her dying face with tongue out, to feel her kicking body. After she’s dead he takes off her clothes and carries her to the bedroom to show to his girlfriend. He isn’t that Nick-good boy any more. It is his first day in new cosial role – the dangerous mad serial killer.

 He attacks poor Natasha, his girlfriend and ****** her near Katty’s dead nude corpse. He  rips her stockings.

He leaves two corpses on the bed and goes to the city for new victims.  Black Crane
    14 minutes
      Black Crane - BLACK CRANE 
 Custom Movie
Starring: Mary and Nata
                    Fetish elements:
Stabbing to head, shard from mouth, death stare, *****, pantyhose, playing with body, female fatale
    11 minutes

Starring: Marina, Christy, Angelina, Tora, Anatoliy



An evil hunter went to the forest to kill wild animals for his dinner. But female eco-activists stopped him. He was very angry but he wasn’t going to miis the meat for dinner. He took his gun and went to the girls’ camp, terrorized them, made strip and hunted them as animals. He shot them dead by gun, carried bodies to the old barn, put as booty, stropped full nude, touches bodies. So, the dinner was waiting for him!


If you like this one don’t miss:

    32 minutes
      SESESSION - Art-house 32-minutes long art movie for our loyal fans and for those who wants to watch art-movie with only one beautiful sexy death scene in the end of the movie. Spy thriller written by xj-900.
    19 minutes
Starring: Annabelle and Mary
Good sound effects of shooting (silencer guns shooting, gun shooting)
15 scenes of deadly adventures of two young sexy and brave police girls!
Police girls, shooting, POV shooting, quickly death, bad girls, good girls, firefights, black pantyhoses, different death stares, checking bodies, no blood effects 
Scene 1. POV . Gangster shoots 2 police girls, checks their dead bodies, closes their eyes, checks pulse and does some manipulations with bodies. 
Scene 2. POV. Police girls are talking, thee are surprises by gangster, they have no time to do something and they are killed. 
Scene 3. POV. Gangster shoots two police girls from behind. Surprise reaction. 
Scene 4. POV. Gangster sees how police girls are checking his safe house. He kills them. 
Scene 5. POV. Annabelle enters the gangster’s safe house. He kills her. Mary follows her, sees the dead body, starts to check it and she was killed too. 
Scene 6. POV.   POV. Mary  enters the gangster’s safe house. He kills her. Annabelle  follows her.  She sees the dead body, starts to check it and she was killed too.
Scene 7. POV. Police girls are going to kill gangster but they have week position and gangster kills them first. 
Scene 8. POV. Police girls are discussing how to catch gangster. Too many words, too little actions. Bad for them! Gangster chaises and kills them. 
Scene 9. POV. It is firefight between gangster and police girls. Gangster wins. Police girls are dead. 
Scene 10. Annabelle has an information that her partner Mary is traitor. She kills them, check her body searching stolen information but doesn’t find it. She realizes she killed innocent police girls and kills herself, shooting herself to the head. 
Scene 11. Mary has an information that her partner Annabelle  is traitor. She kills them, check her body searching stolen information but doesn’t find it. She realizes she killed innocent police girls and kills herself, shooting herself to the head.
Scene 12. Mary has an information that that her partner Annabelle  is traitor. She wants to talk about it with Annabelle but the bad girl shoots her in her stomach. Mary shoots Annabelle to the head. She finds stolen documents and dies in the agony. She did her last job and killed the traitor. 
Scene 13.Annabelle  has an information that that her partner Mary   is traitor. She wants to talk about it with Mary but the bad girl shoots her in her stomach. Annabelle  shoots Mary  to the head. She finds stolen documents and dies in the agony. She did her last job and killed the traitor. 
Scene 14. Annabelle and Mary were killed by a spy.  

If you like this clop please check out
    17 minutes
      2 GIRLS SHOT DEAD COCKTAIL - One of the first POV style shot-dead cocktails shot by Crime House. Starring: Luiza and Angelina. Many shooting death scenes.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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