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    12 minutes
      BEWARE OF THE PSYCHOPATHS - Beware Of the Psychopaths 
STARRING: Polina Wood, Tim, Max, Billy Brag 
« This custom BLOWS ME AWAY!!!  You guys did a PHENOMENAL job!!!!  I LOVE IT!!!!  Exceeds my expectations!!!!!  Need to catch my breath....!!!!!!!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!»
Polina is out for a country drive and her vehicle runs out of gas next to an abandoned house. She gets out to see if anyone is around to help, but finds an odd sign along the gate. Freaked out, she gets back in her vehicle, but gets immediately strangled from behind by one killer (who snuck into the vehicle’s back seat while she investigated the gate) and two other killers immediately rush on either side of her. While she’s getting strangled, the two killers on either side of her hold her down and violently strip off her clothing and grope her breasts and body until she expires.  WRONG TURN Fetish version
    17 minutes
Starring: Angelina, Luiza, Juliana, Kit
If you like slashers and horrors in WRONG TURN style but need more erotic, more nude content and erotic death this one is for you!
Fetish elements:
Rich girl smoking cigarette, Strangulation from behind, body carrying, stripping dead body to full nude, preparing to eat, sacrifice, arrow shot, arrow throw to the body, agony, death stare, trying to escape, calling for help before death, bad girl, arrow throw the chest, girl in agony touching dead girl before death, putting out an arrow from dead body, stripping, bodypile of nude bloody dead girls in different poses, prey.

Two young car tourists are lost. They do the WRONG TURN to the deep forest instead their way to the camp. 
The redneck maniac is hunting in this forest. He founds a rich cottage  in the eco-zone. He attacks the house-owner (Angelina) from behind when she’s smoking for cigarette and brutally strangled her to the death. He carries her corpse to the greenhouse, strips it to full nude and starts to sniff his fresh prey. 
This time lost girls find the cottager. They’re glad to meet civilization in these ends of the earth and ask for the map and phone. They are searching for house-owners when suddenly an arrow pierces through the brunette. She is in agony, but her friend doesn’t even try to help her and runs away. «Help me!» - begs dying bleeding girl pierced by an arrow, but her cowardly friend answers: «Fuck you! I will save my own life!». Juliana runs to the greenhouse and gets an arrow to her chest near the neck. She feels great pain, slowly goes to the table and sees dead nude strangled girl. She leans on a soft corpse and slowly dies. 
Redneck goes to the lawn and forcefully removes an arrow from the stomach of dead Louise. He sniffs the bloody arrow and carries Luiza’s body to the greenhouse. He stand bodies and puts off their panties. He strips corpses and puts them to the bodypile on the table like prey to eat. Sexy fresh bodies look  great, how we dream to see them in mainstream horrors. 
This one is done in mainstream high-budget quality but with long and sexy death fetish elements. 
Good for arrow fans, but not only: strangulation scene is great, contains suspense, postmortem and limp fetishes, blood and shooting fetishes, agonies, death stares, bodyplaying and interesting horror plot!
If you purchase DarkRooms production we advise to full up your archive with this bright sexy clips which is good to replay many times. If you would like to open our studio for your leisure, it’s great clip to introduce us!
Thank you for your support!
CH Note. If you like arrow deaths but prefere alegant death-0sets witount blood please check out «Arrow to the  spy» and «Arrows to her pussy» in «arrowing category» to see about 50 deaths scenes if Luiza and Oksana
    33 minutes
Fetish Elements:
Smokingю Leather,  Gloves, Heels, Lots of limp play


Interesting long 32 MINUTES story about young man who was offended to bossy escort women and tried to kill them many times


 	A man is feeling like he could use some company. But not any company, a really expensive one. 
He heard about this escort that was considered to be the best, but she was really expensive. Some rumours said that she was really snobby and thought that she was above everybody else, but he thought that it would be worth the risk.
He called the number and set up an appointment at his place the day after. 
The door bell rings and he goes to open the door. The woman behind the door has just lit up a cigarette and starts to look at him, up and down, trying to figure out what kind of a customer she is about to have a “meeting” with.
He asks her to enter and as she passes him she blows smoke at him, laughing at the poor sight of a man. She asks him if she has the right adress because she thinks there has been some kind of misunderstanding. The man in front of her can’t possibly afford her services. He manages, somehow, to prove that he is the customer. She starts to take a tour of his place, talking down to him, taunting and making fun of him and his place. She keeps on smoking, lights a new one as soon as she has finished a cigarette.
He is starting to get really annoyed and asks when she is ready to “begin”? She laughs and says that he has to come up with even more money. She doesn’t “do it” with any type of man… He says fine, that’s alright, but deep inside, he is furious. They sit down, she starts to tease him, smoking sensually, trying to get him aroused, just so she can turn him down. She keeps on teasing and teasing. He has had enough, he needs a plan, quick, and offers her a drink by the table. She walks over, as sexy as she can be, and lights up a new cigarette as she sits down. She laughs at the pathetic man and starts to check her make up. The man approaches from behind, with a taser in his hand, and just as she inhales on her cigarette, he puts the taser to her neck. Her eyes wide open, her muscles starts to tens, the body starts to spasm, convulsions, smoke coming out from her mouth as her body is fighting the electric shocks travelling through her. He removes the taser from her neck, her body slows down, less spasm…the cigarette falls from the mouth to the floor….her eyes staring out on nothing…..suddenly she falls forward with her face down on to the table. Small spasms….and then still.

He approaches the body, pokes it a bit and then lifts the head by the hair to see her face. She has a terrorised look on her face, eyes wide open. He shakes it around a bit and then lets it drop back on to kitchen table.

Ding dong…..doorbell….shit…he panics. He runs to the door to see who it is. He can hear another woman calling for her colleague/friend. He runs back to the body. Just as he arrives the body falls to the floor. Ha tries to pick it up and place it back on at the chair but it is difficult with the dead weight. The woman calls from outside again. The man keeps trying to get the body onto the chair and finally he manages. He poses her so that it looks like she is sitting there with a glass of wine, legs crossed. He goes through her bag and finds a pair of sunglasses. He puts them on her, takes out a cigarette and places it in her mouth. He then takes out a syringe and inserts some kind of poison into the other remaining cigarettes. He places the package with the cigarettes on the table when he suddenly hears the door open. Shit, did he forget to lock it? He quickly hides. The other woman enters, also a luxury prostitute. In fact, they are both huge rivals and she has now come to try and make the other woman disappear from her city. She had gone through her personal computer and found this apointement and adress and thought that she could maybe trick the customer into helping her.  She enters the appartement and calls for the owner. No answer… She lights up a cigarette and starts walking around. She finds the other woman sitting by the kitchen table. She laughs and says something like “ha, you could never stay away from the wine”. She keeps talking to her rival, all the while she is smoking and pacing around. 

The man decides to enter and says hello to the new woman. She acts like she is surprised and happy to see him. She starts to get on to him, caressing him, touching him and whispers if he could help her getting rid of the other woman. He is confused and asks what she means. She sighs and gets a bit mad. She takes out her cigarettes but realises she has run out. She sees the package on the table and asks the first woman if she could have one? No answer so she takes one anyway and lights it up. The guy tries to stop her but she inhales… Too late. She tries to persuade him again and tries to seduce him with her sexy smoking. Suddenly she freezes, smoke coming out from her mouth, her eyes wide open, she grabs her throat, she is panicking…can’t breathe, falls in the mans arms, spasms….the man smiles while he looks at her….he tries to hold the body but it is difficult with all the spasms….she tries to get the other womans attention, reaching for her but as she touches her, the woman falls over…. She looks at the man and then…..still….

He shakes the body to check if it still alive but nothing…she is dead. He drags the body to another chair and tries to sit her on it but the body keeps falling over. After some tries, he finally manages. He can hear the other woman coming to and poses the body so that it looks like she is sitting there at the table, cigarette in her hands. He hides to see what happens. 

The other woman starts to wake up, dazed and confused. She stands up, almost tripping over, and eventually sees the other woman by the table staring at her. She looks at her confused and then smiles and laughs and tries to act like nothing has happened. She starts talking to her while she fixes her make up and hair, gets her bag and sits down by the table. She is really surprised to see her and asks why she is here? No answer… She walks up to her, a bit angry why she doesn’t respond. Finally she is suspicious, bumps the others head and the body falls over on the table. She jumps back. She has no idea what has happened and gets really nervous. She runs to her precious cigarettes, lights one up and starts to smoke panically. She approaches the body, grabs the head by the hair and lifts the head up. Deathstare…a small spasm…and she drops it again. She calls for the man. She is really scared that she has done something. She can’t remember what has happened and is now really nervous. She keeps smoking and lights a new one. The man enters and she blames him. She says that he is sick and mentally ill and that she will ruin him! He just smiles and waits for the poison to kick in… She lights another one, smokes a bit, trying to seduce him again so that he goes what she wants but suddenly she can’t breathe. Her body starts to shake violently, he grabs her, her eyes rolls back, cigarette in her mouth…spasms…and then totally limp. She falls to her knees…her eyes wide open…the cigarette falls out of her mouth and she falls to the floor face first. 
The man starts to check the bodies to see that they are dead. The first woman moans a bit and he realises that the poison didn’t quite kill her. He rolls her over on her back…places his hands around her neck…and starts to strangle her. She starts to wake up but can’t breathe….her eyes are wide open…her legs kicking…her arms flopping….she tries to breathe but its impossible….he doesn’t stop until her body is still and her tongue hangs out. He slowly releases his grip. He lifts one of her arms and lets it drop to the floor. He walks over to the woman by tje table. Lifts the arm with the cigarette up and drops it on to the table. They are both dead. Sweet…

Now what to do? He drags the body by the table over to the first body and places them between each other. He takes out two cigarettes and places them in their mouths. He has plan. He drags one of the bodies, with much difficulty, to the couch and places her on it. He then does the same with the other one. He tries to prop them so that it looks like they are sitting there, smoking, enjoying themselves. But they keep falling over, on top of each other, on to the floor etc. Finally he manages. He takes some pictures and then he places them so it looks like they are having an affair. Same thing here, it is difficult since they are dead weight and they keep flopping around, limbs everywhere… 

After allt his mess he realises that their make up is a bit messed up. He drags them, one at a time, to the bathroom and starts to fix their make up. He puts them together in the bathtub, with a lot of difficulty, and starts doing their make up. (You don’t have to show the actual make up, it can be a cut to then it is done!). 
He laughs at them, lying there tangled together. He places cigarettes in their mouths. He decides to have some more fun. He gets the taser. He starts with one of them….tases her and she starts flopping around. And then the other… He is really enjoying himself watching their limbs and legs flop around and their fantastic deathstare.

He picks one of them up, drags her to the living room. Then he gets the other one…. But wait…she starts to come to….shit… He runs back to the first one and tries to hide her somewhere. But it is so hard with all the dead weight. The body is flopping everywhere as he tries to hide her. He finally manages. The other one stumbles out…dazed and confused but still very aware that she has to look good so she tries to look her best, even though she can barely stand. He greets her, pretending that nothing has happened…
The woman is really dazed, almost drunk, she decides to have a smoke, of course. She lights one up and continue to smoke. She tries to act like everything is fine, still being very rude to him like he is the idiot. 
The man realises that the poison didn’t have the effect that he desired. He must think of another way to kill her. He pretends like he has to go to the bathroom and runs and starts to fill the bathtub. Just enough so he can drown her. 
When he comes back the woman is sitting by table again, trying to look sexy, smoking and drinking wine. He asks her to join him but she can barely walk. She brings the bottle, really drunk and dazed now. She leans on the man as the approach the bathroom. Ha mangoes to get her on her knees, her cigarette inner mouth. She is really confused of what they are doing. Suddenly he grabs her head and forces it down in the water with the cigarette and everything. He holds it there as she is fighting for breath. Her legs kicking and arms flopping. He keeps on doing this until she is still. He stands up and looks at the dead body hanging over the bathtub. Small spasms… He then goes to get the other woman only to find her trying to light cigarette. She is also really dazed and wobbly. She is smoking and also tries to act sexy and like nothing has happened. He does the same with her, helps her to the bathroom and places her next to her rival. She has no idea what is going on and just laughs, smokes and thinks that it is all some kind of fore play or something. She tries to get the other woman attention by pushing her, making the body slowly slide out of the bathtub, eyes wide open, cigarette still in her mouth and slumps to the floor. She is really surprised but before she can sy anything, the man shoves her head down into the water and starts to drown her too. After a long struggle with a lot of spasms and leg kicking, arm flopping the body goes still. He lifts her head up, all wet and with eyes wide open in terror. He drags them both back to the living room, poses them next to each other. They keep falling over each other, on to the floor etc etc before he manages to put them to in position he wants. He plays a bit with their faces, using them like dolls, even picks them up and dances a bit with them, making them smoke by placing the cigarettes between their fingers and moving their hands up to their faces. He decides to end it for the day by tasing them one more time, just to see them rag doll and spasm. 

He drags one at a time to place where he can hide them so that he can enjoy their company whenever he wants… 
It all ends with the camera panning their twisted faces and bodies…lights spasms…and fade out.  ACE OF SPADES
    19 minutes


Starring: Li, Yana, Annabelle, Nata, Dan, Tim, Alex

Exquisite costumed horror film for fans of strangulation!

3 Great Strangulation Scenes in pantyhose including Car Strangulation!


Fetish Elements:

Bet to the death, gambling to the death, long strangulation with pantyhose. Splaying with bodies, winner surprisely dies, strangulation in the car, fear before death, shock before death, leg kicking, death stare



3 rich lazy girls are boring. They want to  get adrenaline and excitement. One of them finds Death Club in the web – an underground casino where the bet is death. They decide to go and have fun being sure they win.

The rules are simple – they take a card from the deck one by one. Every card gives a win. But when the card is Ace Of Space it is death and a girl who take this unhappy card is killed.

The first unhappy girl who takes Ace of Spades is Annabelle. She is in shock, she thinks that it can not be true but a killer einns to strangle her to her death. Nata is a cynical girl and she laughs. Li is afraid. After Annabelle’s death Li wants to stop the game but it is too late and she takes Ace of Spades too. Long strangulation death is her fate too and Nata sees with a pleasure her agony.

Nata is a winner. She wins check for a million dollars and a prize cup. She goes outside when a club driver should drive her to the bank.

But it is a crime casino  and nobody want pay a win and have witnesses. Suddenly club-killer appears from behind and strangles Nata in the taxy.

Just imagine the shock, horror, bewilderment and resentment of Nata, when, after the taste of winning, she realized that this was the end!




    17 minutes

Custom *

Customer’s Review:

« The long wait has been rewarded by a wonderful work of your stuff!».

MODELS: Pola, Max


Amazon, Knife, Stabbing, Blood, Navel. Belly, Stomach, Belly Button, Stabbed to the belly, Pain, Agony, Death Stare

Important key elements of the custom:

- oiled (sweaty bodies)
- emotional, lustful acting, animalistic, over-the-top
- protruding, clearly visible ribs, heavy breathing, lustful
- death scenes: arching, writhing, moaning, NEVER TOUCH THE WOUND, arms/legs outstretched, visble ribs



The war between the amazons and the brotherhood is raging all over the world. Every country has an amazon tribe and every tribe has a queen. The queen is special. She wears a necklace that protects her. As long as she wears the necklace she cannot be killed. There is only one weapon that is powerful enough to kill a queen. It is a knife with special powers. Like cryptonite will kill Superman, this knife weakens the mind of a queen. If knife and queen are in the same room, the magic will spoil the mind of the queen. A deep desire to be killed grows in her. Tease the queen with the knife over naked body. If you find her weak spot, she will finally remove her necklace. After that she can be killed like every other amazon warrior. This knife is called QUEEN KILLER.

The queen is already dressed as the amazon warrior queen (see above): loincloth, necklace, barefoot, war paint.

She walks through the room, she is clearly excited, like she´s waiting for something. The mobile rings and the queen answers the phone. She listens and finally replies: "Don´t be silly, I am the Queen and I will kill him!" She hangs up.

An agent enters the room. The queen smiles and approaches him. Suddenly she stops, her eyes widen. She looks down and sees the knife (close up on knife). She takes a deep breath, the knife already unleashes its magic. The queen feels so horny! She wants to die!!! She wants to be stabbed with this big knife in her bellybutton!!! She knows it´s a trick from the knife, but she can barely fight her lust to be killed! She won´t remove her necklace! Never!!!

The agent approaches, the queen breathes heavily. Sucking in her belly deep in and out, slowly. Her ribs protrude so clearly with every breath! She stares at the agent as he shows her the knife! Slowly he glides it over her naked body and the queen gets more and more aroused.

The agent starts searching for her weak spot. First he tries her heart. He places it at her left breast and pokes slowly. The queen moans slightly and breathes heavy. In and out her belly, deep, slow! It looks like this is not her weak spot, so he glides down between her ribs. Again the queen moans and we see the tip of the knife right between her gorgeous ribs, which protrude so clearly!!! Her body is so sweat!!!

But still it does not seem to be her weak spot! So he glides it down from between her breasts, slowly down. The queen barely can control her lust now. As the blade glides into her bellybutton she moans loudly. Her breathing becomes faster and deeper. Ohhh, so wants to be stabbed there so badly! She wants to feel the blade in her guts!!! But no, she won´t take her necklace off! The agent teases her more, poking her in the bellybutton. This goes on for some time. The queen is full of lust to die, to get stabbed in her bellybutton. Her body is so sweat!!!

Finally she licks her lips, raises her arms slowly up. She rips off the necklace and throws it away!!! Closeup of necklace on the floor.

She keeps her hands behind her head, like she is offering her bellybutton now to be stabbed! She is totally horny now and wants the blade inside her!!

The agent loves how the amazon queen is offering her naked body to him. He teases her more and pokes only slightly, playing with her lust and her bellybutton. Finally the agent stabs the knife deep inside her bellybutton.

"OOUGHHHH!!!" The queen grunts loud and her eyes open in shock and pain! The agent holds the blade as they look and each other eyes for some seconds. Then he pulls it out. The queen grunts again!! The agent takes some steps back. The queen breathes heavily and looks down her belly. Her bellybutton is bleeding. She stares at the agent in disbelief and finally sinks to her knees. She NOT touches the wound! NEVER!!!

The she falls on her back and starts to writhe, arch and moan in agony. More blood flows from her wound. LONG SCENE of arching, moaning, lustful, squirming, different camera angles, CLEARLY VISIBLE RIBS, NOT TOUCHING THE WOUND, arms and legs outstretched.
After some minutes blood flows from the mouth of the queen from both sides.

Again after some minutes she arches her back very high, screams LOUD and then spits a lot of blood from her mouth. She collapses back, dead.

Some more views of her bloody, dead body. And the necklace on the ground. Then fade to black.




*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!

You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!

    22 minutes
      THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death - THE COLLECTOR (Part 1: Murder of Li)



«‘The Collector: Student Reporter’ is nothing short of a masterpiece, what you might call Arthouse Erotic Horror. Full of iconic moments, this video is destined, in my opinion, to become a classic. Make no mistake, what Ugine and team have produced is one of the best videos in the genre, ever, and your money here is well spent.

What I gave Ugine was an insanely complex script. It took the characters seriously, giving paragraph after paragraph to their thoughts and feelings. It linked out to clips from some of the best videos in our genre — specifically, the best portrayals of my favorite elements that I wanted to repurpose for my story. And it had a story arc, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not to mention that Ugine even integrated multiple audio clips that I had recorded by a voice actress for one of the character’s internal dialogue. This was truly hard work, and I can’t thank Ugine enough. This was a leap of faith for me, and Dark Rooms delivered!»


Customer’s Review


CAST: Annabelle, Judi, Li, Max






Fetish Elements

Adult Student Girls, Stalking, Shooting to the body with silencer, Shooting and destroying bra for topless, Shooting to the breast, Death, Death Stare, Playing with body (very lot!) , Death Stare With Tounge Out, Stripping Nude, Touching Breasts, Touching Face, Injection to freeze the body



On the campus of The Pence Academy, an all-girls boarding school in the northeast United States, all is quiet. Most of the girls — teenagers, from wealthy families — have retired to their rooms, except for a handful of seniors (all of them 18-years-old), who as leaders of various student organizations are working into the night. One such girl is KAITLIN GALLAGHER, the ambitious daughter of international banker, Robert Gallagher.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, THE COLLECTOR is calm, cool, and collected, as he sits in his car parked across from the Pence Academy senior class house. He is a hitman, and this is his first job in the U.S. His first American target: Kaitlin Gallagher. His job is not just to stop her from publishing the exposè on Petrov, his client, but also to make an example of her.

He gets the task to eliminate Kaitlin Gallagher but he must kill also two her roommates. The Collector is what you might call a high-functioning maniac, doing what other hitmen refuse to do: kill young women. Of course, the young women of interest to his clients usually came from privilege — wielding power they inherited, never earning it. And it was Kaitlin’s status as an American princess — her arrogant adolescent pursuits — that made killing her so tantalizing.


Worse than death was what he did with the girls afterward. In a previous life, he was a Russian defense services officer — a scientist, in fact, tasked by his government to find ways of incapacitating and preserving the bodies of criminals for long-term, inexpensive imprisonment. The result: cryo-nanoparticles, which preserved bodies perfectly, though not without killing them first — often in dramatic fashion. Thus he failed, though not entirely, for he had found a way to turn his victims into living dolls.

His first victim is Ashley Witford, the queen of graduation.

Ashley arrives at the entryway of the house. A distracted look on her face, she begins climbing the stairs — while The Collector watches her unnoticed from his car. He knows what happens to girls who climb stairs in short skirts. Suppressing his excitement, he covers his mouth with his hand.


As she reaches the top of the stairs, her skirt flips up, though not enough, revealing just the bottoms of her ass cheeks — and just briefly. Disappointed, but patient, he continues watching her, trusting the skirt will betray her soon enough.


Now at the door, Ashley goes to find her keys. Letting the left strap slide off her shoulder, she cradles the backpack on her right side and unzips the front compartment. Rummaging through the contents for several moments, she just cannot find her keys. Frustrated, she sets the backpack on the ground and squats to dig through it more thoroughly.


As she squats digging for her keys, she pays no attention to her skirt riding up her ass, finally revealing it. The upskirt is completely accidental, and she would be horrified to know a man was enjoying it. The bulge of her pussy presses against the cotton fabric of her simple panties, framed by the roundness of each ass cheek.

Ashley keeps digging, when at long last she hears a METALLIC JINGLE — she has found her keys. Relieved, she breathes a sigh of relief. Then standing back up, she arches her back to maintain her balance, accentuating her ass before it finds cover under the skirt again.


She picks up the backpack and puts it back on. In a moment of self-awareness — rare for this would-be prom queen — she adjusts her skirt, yanking it down and confirming with her fingers, their fingernails painted white, that her ass is properly covered. Paranoid, she takes a quick look around — noticing the car, though making nothing of it.

Opening the entryway door, Ashley walks into the house, phone in hand. As she walks to her room, the phone BUZZES with a message from someone named Emily Astor.

EMILY ASTOR is texting Ashley from her dorm room. Wearing a sports bra and spandex booty shorts and her hair tied in a ponytail, she stands barefoot on an empty stretch of floor, ready for some yoga — something she feels compelled to tell Ashley.

Daughter of David Astor, a real estate investor, Emily was born and raised in New York City — as she frequently reminds others. She loves yoga almost as much as her mother, and one day, she wants to open her own studio in Manhattan.

Having had enough, Ashley puts her phone down on her desk and starts to get undressed. Undoing the buttons, she removes her blouse, revealing a pair of young breasts suspended in a simple bra. Then tossing the blouse aside, she goes to remove her skirt — when all of a sudden, she hears someone whistling behind her.


She gasps, as she turns to find The Collector pointing a gun at her. Staring blankly at him, she shakes her head no, raising her hands slowly in surrender. With bated breath, she begins pleading with him.

Before the word “no” can leave Ashley’s mouth, The Collector fires into her abdomen, below her navel — the BLAST
agony as the bullet leaves just a small hole in her flesh, spewing a rivulet of
blood that runs down her pelvis.

Clutching her wound with her hands, she YELPS as she doubles over in agony, giving us a look down the cleavage of her breasts from the front — while from the back, we look up her skirt.


In terrible pain, Ashley straightens her back and stares at The Collector. She looks confused as much as she looks scared, and shaking her head, she begins to CRY. This only makes him LAUGH, and grinning widely, he fires two more shots into her chest.

His bullets strike the very middle of her bra — right on target — shredding the fabric and leaving the disconnected cups to fall away from her bare breasts. Her heart pierced through, she is dying, NOISILY CHOKING on her blood. Her eyes cross, then roll back into her head, as blood starts to trickle from a corner of her lips.


Falling, her back finds a wall, and she slides down it. As she does so, her legs bend at the knees and spread apart. Her ass comes to rest on the floor, and we can see the front of her panties under her skirt.

We hear Ashley taking HER DYING BREATH, watching her naked chest rising and falling a few more times, before her long legs spasm and then totally relax.

As a death stare sets on her face, she briefly makes an ahegao face, crossing and rolling her eyes while protruding her blood-soaked tongue. A tear rolls down her cheek, carrying with it some smokey eyeshadow.

Ashley is dead. Breasts exposed, she dies with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The Collector approaches her body, admiring it. His grin fades as he addresses her.

Looking for Ashley’s phone, The Collector scans the room and quickly finds it on her desk. Encountering the lock screen, he reads the instructions to himself — in English.

he Collector takes a seat next to Ashley on the ground, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her. He opens the photos app on her phone and flips through her selfies. We see one of her in her schoolgirl uniform, but also wearing a tiara. She is smiling radiantly in the images, preening for social media.

Delighted, though no longer laughing, The Collector plants a kiss on Ashley’s cheek, jostling her lifeless head. Then putting her phone down, he moves into a crouch in front of her. He cradles her chin with his fingers, admiring her beautiful, blood-stained face.


He removes her broken bra, unhooking it from the back and pulling the broken pieces off her arms. He takes a moment to admire her breasts, cupping them in his hands to assess their firmness and weight. Then taking her hands in his, he admires her white nailpolish.


Releasing Ashley’s hands, he moves to grab her ankles, then drags her onto her back, away from the wall. As she is being dragged, her skirt bunches up around her waist, revealing her simple panties.







    32 minutes
Starring: Tilda, Alice Miren, Juliana, Achilles

An undercover cop was bribed by the gangs, and he disappears in order to get rid of his ex-colleagues. However, he leaves so fast that he didn’t take his important drive with him. As a result, other cops decide to talk with his ex-wife to find a breakthrough point.

    14 minutes
«Great job Darkrooms!  Awesome acting and effects. »
Cast: Nata
She comes home to here apartment. Dress in a black skirt with white panties. The killer chloroform’s her he takes her unconscious body and lays it on a table. I like the table used in cannibal hunter 3. The one covered in plastic. Once she’s laying on the table he slowly undressed her completely. He then ties her hands and legs to the table. Her body is laid out in an X shape. He rubs her belly pokes his finger in her navel a while. Then he takes his scalpel blade. He runs it up and down the middle of her belly without cutting her yet. Finally he starts to cut her open. He begins at her sternum. Just like in Deep Inside. Close up views as the blade slowly slices down her belly. Close up views as it goes through her navel all the way down to her crotch. Once the incision has been made. He takes his hands and sticks them in the cut at the navel area. He digs in her guts a while finally pulling loops of her guts out. She convulses as he’s fitting her finally spitting up blood and dying. He takes her guts puts them in a cooler as  a prize. Her body is shown laid out gutted on the table. 
    11 minutes
Starring: Anastasia Boldareva and four invites special guests – sexy male actors for male victims roles
Elements: Girls Killing Men, Shooting

Four male striptease dancers decided to leave their club of job and find another place with more high fees and steal all money of the vlub. Their producer and manager, Anastasia, couldn’t stand this betrayal because she paid a lot for their contracts and decided to shoot them to their death with her gun. Let’s see how four handosome, sexy, self-confident, muscular, narcissistic men fall dead from the bullets of a beautiful girl, leaving their powerful male bodies forever. 

    15 minutes
      Kill Or Be Killed - KILL OR BE KILLED

starring: Betty 

 Perfessional killer  Freya received a message from her leader, and he wants her to kill the leader of a Chinese **** company. She got the information of the Chinese men, and prepared to finish this mission. 
 2 hours later

Freya back home, and she seems really tired, she called her boss and told him that she finished the mission, but suddenly, she heard something in her house.

            She walk around slowly and check the room, behind the sofa, she finds a masked Chinese thief, he surrendered, but seems Freya doesn’t want to let him leave alive.

The thief knows that he cannot leave alive, and then he stand up and attack Freya suddenly, he beats Freya’s head and belly, they fight each other really hard, but after the mission, Freya doesn’t have much energy, she tries to catch the gun, but the thief throw her into the sofa, she tries to stand up, but the thief ride on her body, and break her throat by his fist, her body shakes, and her eyes open wild, the thief keeps beating her, until she dies totally. 

Her tongue out of mouth, and her blonde is messy on her face, the thief holds her head, and kiss her neck. He touches her body, and take off her boots, smell her feet in White socks, he plays her body around, touches her blue eyes and her tongue, he pick up his phone, and takes some selfies with her dead body.

He plays her feet, but he doesn’t want to take off her socks, her socks are dirty and wet because of the sweat.

 He carries her body and let her lay in his arms, he suddenly get an idea.

He cut her throat, and write a Chinese word of ‘Die’ on her body, he puts her body in the corner, let her sit on the ground and back on the wall, he takes off one of her socks, smell it and put it into his pocket, and take one of her boots away.


Latex nazi uniform, boots. Socks, feet, male/female fighting, neck break, playing with dead body, death stare, tongue out, *****, foot-fetish, throat cut, gore  

Price: 15.00
Run Time: 15:00 minutes
File Size: 638 MB	Format: .MP4
    15 minutes
      Orphan - Orphan

Starring: Masha, Tora, Annabelle, Kit



Strangulation by gas in the cooker

Family theme



The soldier- deserter after concussion rushes into the civilian house. He had never had a family, so it’s seems to him that he found his  family.

Two rich sisters and their maid seems to him as his daughter, mother and wife. He terrors them and calls: my daughter, my lovely wife, my dear mother! They are frightened and they say he is mad man. He is sure they are his relatives, but they can’t accept his feelings and starts to kill them one by one.

First he chokes the maid in the cooker, after he strangles another girls…

If you like this clip please check out


    18 minutes

Film Type: Action/Spy film that goes sideways

Actress: Emma

Villain Actors:

boss: male villain

agent: male or female

Costume: Agent outfit, similar to what was used for Super
Agents vs Villains.

Length: 15-20 minutes




This would be a very brief setting of the stage scene. Emma is an agent working with her partner to bring down a crime leader responsible for large scale distribution of weapons and drugs. Her partner is corrupt and is actually working with this crime leader, and wants
her out of the way. The scene starts with her colleague entering heroffice and explaining that they have a lead on the leader\'s location, a warehouse (or similar location, depending on your available sets). The agent makes her way out. Her colleague calls the gang leader with his cell phone, setting up the betrayal.

Scene 2:

They arrive on the scene, and to the agent’s surprise, the leader is waiting for them. The agent points her gun at the boss and he only approaches closer. The leader gets too close for comfort and she fires her gun to disable him, but her gun is jammed (or loaded with blanks). Her gun was intentionally disabled by her partner. A 2v1 scene breaks out. The agent has the upper hand for a couple
minutes, but ends up completely overwhelmed by the two villains.The villains turn the tables and the agent is subjected to a prolonged beat down. She gets worn down and less defiant throughout the fight. We see some bleeding throughout the fight (nose or mouth). Throughout the scene, we get some shit
talking from the crime boss. The villains also pull at her outfit throughout the fight, tearing open her shirt, ripping off her skirt, and eventually exposing her breasts. She is knocked out at the end of the scene by a sleeper hold. Here\'s the type of fight elements that I would like to see: Restrained

by the arms from behind by one enemy, punches by the other, villains take turns with the beating

Agent choked from behind, punched by other villain Face,belly, and rib punching Punch to the neck that leave the heroine
coughing and stunned Throat lift - slammed against wall

Crawling away, kick to stomach Kicking when down

Pulled up from the ground by her hair


Anything else - be creative!

Scene 3:

She is tied up, Arms over Head. The villains take turns punching her belly and face and taze her. They ber t her to the point that she is knocked out, but not dead. The villains exit, they\'ll come back later when she regains consciousness.


Scene 4:

She awakens. She is able to escape her binds (lockpick, wiggle free, or otherwise). Shortly after, her old colleague arrives, and another short fight breaks out. This time, she has the upper hand, and gets the villain locked in a headscissors, then snaps his (or her) neck. The crime boss hears the commotion, and arrives furious. \"You shouldn\'t have done that\". He attacks her, this time even more aggressively. He lands some heavy punches that stun her, then breaks her arms one by one. He throws her to the ground, and straddles her for a ground and pound. He relentlessly punches and slams her face. He pulls out his gun, and brushes it against her naked body. He moves the barrel between
her breasts and fires a shot. She isn\'t completely dead yet. He watches her twitch and tremble for a moment, then shoves the barrel in her mouth and fires the
finishing shot. He stands up, aggressively kicks her corpse once or twice, then leaves. A few body pans follow.



Super Agents vs Villains
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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