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    23 minutes

After Ksysha and her sister reported to
the secret organization they both belong to about their last mission together,
the Black Widow Sisters, the sisters go their separate ways.

Ksysha is given an assignment that will
require her special skills and brutality. With a password, she opens an
encrypted message on her computer with all the details of your order. Ksusha
reads it out loud (subtitle everything please).


5 USB sticks with secret data of the
organization were stolen by a former female agent who belongs to a syndicate
that also works underground. The data contains all information about all
agents. Now the syndicate is threatening to publish all data and thus reveal
the identity of all agents. The former agent handed over the USB sticks with
the data to four high-ranking people in the syndicate. Like the renegade agent,
these people are also well-trained contract killers. Ksysha has 24 hours to
track down the owners of the data carriers, liquidate them and take the USB
sticks in order to give them back to their organization and thus avert the
organization\'s collapse upon publication. Ksysha was chosen because she knows
most of the tricks of how to approach such people in order to get an
opportunity to kill them and thus complete the job successfully. Due to their
particular killing style of strangling their victims with their hands or
strangling them with their wooden-handled garrote. It never leaves any traces
and can complete its tasks silently and professionally. Ksusha agrees and
accepts the assignment.


Ksysha finds out that, in addition to
the former agent, the people involved are three other men and a woman. Ksysha
says quietly to herself that she thinks it\'s a pity that her sister isn\'t there
this time, so she has to kill the two female victims herself. She gets
information about the name of the former agent. She also finds out that there
is going to be a syndicate meeting at a hotel where all the owners of the USB
sticks are gathered. Ksysha sees this as her best chance of getting hold of the
USB sticks. Ksusha reports to her organization and plans her next steps.


Ksysha has tracked down the whereabouts
of the former agent, now disguised as a normal housewife, in order to get all
the information about the other owners. Ksysha plans her mission so that she
will first seek out the former agent, interrogate her and then kill her.


Ksysha puts on her killer outfit. A
bikini panty to tie, a leather bra, tight wet look leather pants, black leather
boots. Then she puts on her tight black leather gloves.


Standing in front of a large mirror, she
puts her hands around her neck and chokes herself, imagining killing her
victims. Then Ksysha takes her garrote and puts it around her neck and
strangles herself with it to feel how her victims feel when she strangles them
and tells herself how much she loves her job.

Then she takes her knife and puts it in
a holster, which is attached to her belt, puts her garrote in her leather
jacket and a plastic bag, takes her cell phone and she goes on her way.

The interrogation – female victim

Ksysha observes the house where the
former female agent is. She looks through a window and finds them sitting at a
desk at the computer. Ksysha finds that the former agent is alone, allowing
Ksusha to carry out her plan. Ksysha sneaks to the back door. She pulls a nylon
stocking over her face and opens it quietly with a fake key..


looks around the house and goes to the room where her former agent is. Ksysha
opens the door very quietly and enters the room, then she takes her garotte out
of her leather jacket and sneaks up to her from behind. Ksysha quickly puts the
garrote around the agent\'s neck and strangles her until she loses
consciousness. Then Ksysha pulls back the chair the unconscious agent is on and
ties her to the chair. Kyusha takes a glass of water and throws it in her face,
causing her to regain consciousness. Ksysha tells her that she needs
information on the owners of the other USB sticks and when the meeting should
take place. The agent laughs and says to Ksysha, you won\'t hear anything from
me. Ksysha smacks her twice in the face and takes out the plastic bag, goes
around the chair with it and pulls it tight over the agent\'s head, choking her.
The female agent twitches and fidgets, then Ksysha relaxes briefly, then
tightens again. When Ksysha notices that the resistance is slowly fading, she
takes off the plastic bag. The agent gasps wildly. Ksysha steps in front of her
and asks if the agent is willing to give Ksysha the information. The agent
laughs again and spits in Ksysha\'s face. Then Ksysha takes off her stocking
mask, gets her knife out of the holster and puts it behind the agent\'s throat
and says decisively, the information please or I\'ll cut your throat. The agent
says o.k. I\'ll tell you everything you want to know, but let me live. Ksysha
puts the knife back in the holster and steps in front of the agent. She tells
Ksysha everything she needs to know and then asks if Ksysha will untie her.
Ksysha slowly releases her from the chair, the agent stands up and when Ksusha
turns her back for a moment, Ksysha takes her garrote out of her leather jacket
and puts it around the agent\'s neck from behind. The agent thrashes wildly,
still dazed from the interrogation and struggles weakly, but is able to free
herself for a moment. Ksysha takes the garrote and wraps it around her neck
from behind, pulls it back and throws it on the bed. Ksysha sits on her and
strangles her to death with her garrote. The agent convulses and trembles and
lashes out wildly again, but becomes weaker and weaker and finally gives up, so
that Ksysha can finish her job in peace. As saliva runs out of her mouth,
Ksysha pulls her garrote even tighter and the agent\'s legs twitch again until
she was finally strangled by Ksysha and her tongue protrudes limply from her
mouth. Ksysha then takes her cell phone and calls her organization to report.
She says that she has received all the information and can now continue and
successfully complete her mission. The agent would have told her the names,
place and time of the meeting. The organizer asks Ksysha what about the former
agent. Ksysha tells them that she strangled the agent. The organization is
satisfied and says that the agent as a traitor got what she deserved and asks
Ksysha how she intends to proceed. Ksysha says that she will assume the former
agent\'s identity and thus enter the meeting point with forged papers and seek
out and kill one by one the USB stick owners. (please subtitle the
conversation), then Ksysha hangs up and heads to the meeting point.

The mission - female victim


Ksysha is on his way to the female
assassin\'s lodging. She had previously worked as a prostitute and improved her
standard of living through contract killings. The Syndicate became aware of her
because they found it remarkable that all of her victims were exclusively
strangled or strangled by her. Since joining the Syndicate, she no longer has
to work as a prostitute and has since improved her skills. Ksysha got this info
on the assassin from the folder she received when she checked in. Ksusha breaks
into the assassin\'s room with a master key she stole from one of her recent
victims and looks around. The assassin arrives at the meeting point shortly, so
Ksusha hides under the bed and can wait for her in peace. The contract killer
enters the room (in a black leather outfit, please). Ksysha watches her through
the large mirror on the wall, waiting for the right moment. When the assassin
sits down on the bed, Ksysha emerges from her hiding place, takes her garotte
and puts it around the assassin\'s neck. This is very strong, so she can break
free. She slaps Ksysha in the face, causing her to be dazed for a moment.
During this time, the assassin takes her murder tool, a USB cable, and puts it
around Ksysha\'s neck from behind. Ksysha sinks to her knees and it looks like
it\'s going to go wrong this time.


Since Ksysha has learned to control her
body through training long choking sequences with her sister, she can fake her
death to the assassin, who believes Ksusha is dead and slowly loosens the USB
cable around Ksysha\'s neck again. Ksysha, who is of course still alive, gets up
in a flash and hits the assassin in the stomach area and pushes her onto the
bed. Then Ksysha puts her hands around the assassin\'s neck and chokes her so
hard that the assassin loses consciousness at first. Ksysha takes her hands
from her neck, grabs her garrote and puts it completely around the assassin\'s
neck, waking her up. Ksysha tells her that she will give her a chance to save
her life, but only if she tells Ksysha where the USB stick is. The assassin
tells Ksysha and asks what the chances are of sparing her life. Ksysha then
tells the assassin that she never intended to spare her, but gives her a chance
to save herself. Then Ksysha takes the assassin\'s USB cable and puts it around
his neck, grabs the handles of the garrote and says to the assassin either you
have the strength to strangle me and save yourself with it, or I\'ll kill you
now and pull close the garrote. The assassin grabs the ends of the USB cable
and strangles Ksysha while she tightens the garrote wrapped around the
assassin\'s neck. Ksysha also enjoys being choked herself while she kills. The
assassin\'s power wanes and the USB cable around Ksysha\'s neck becomes loose. Then
the assassin tries to stop Ksysha from strangling her by thrashing about wildly
and trying to pry Ksysha\'s hands free. Since Ksysha has perfected her choking
technique since she was a teenager, the assassin\'s defenses are futile, causing
her to weaken and weaken until her body twitches and slowly goes limp. Ksysha
pulls a little harder until the assassin is motionless and saliva is running
out of her mouth. Then Ksysha slowly eases off and loosens the garrote and
takes it off the dead assassin\'s neck.


Ksysha checks her pulse as usual to make
sure she really is dead. She then tells the dead assassin that this was the
best fight she\'s ever had with a female killer, better than many a male victim
Ksusha strangled (subtitled please). Ksysha takes the USB cable and puts it
around the dead assassin\'s neck as if she had strangled herself. After that,
Ksysha goes to a hiding place in the room where the 4th USB stick is and takes
it. Ksysha picks up her phone again to tell her organization that the mission
is all but accomplished. The only thing missing now is the last USB stick. The
organization asks Ksysha if she needs help or still has the strength to
complete this mission on her own. Ksysha says she already has a plan on how to
get the last stick and hangs up.  DROWNED FOR FEET
    22 minutes
«Thank you for the custom !
As usual the quality of your product is high and I am very satisfied
with the result.»
Customer’s Feedback

The story outline:

•	Xena is in her bath, while her sore friend is in the kitchen
•	She shouts at her friend, asking him to quickly bring the champagne
•	Unfortunately, he schemes for her death, putting lots of sleeping pills into the glass
•	She closes her eyes and smiles softly
•	At last he brings her her champagne
•	She drinks it gingerly, sealing her fatal end
•	He offers to massage her and she accepts gladly, smiling at him
•	He massages her neck and shoulders, and she smiles contentedly
•	The alcohol and sleeping pills start to work and she is becoming drowsy
•	He bends down and starts to caress her face tenderly
•	Close up: he kisses her lips and face and she smiles happily
•	Close up: he again kisses her lips passionately
•	Close up: she turns her head a little, smiling softly
•	He caresses her body, from her throat down to her breasts and tummy
•	She reacts a little bit, and opens her mouth slightly
•	Close up: he raises her foot, kisses and licks it all around, also her instep and her toes
•	Close up: he puts her foot almost entirely in his mouth and slowly pulls it out
•	Close up: he sucks repeatedly at her big toe, moving his lips up and down the toe
•	Close up: he does the same with her other foot
•	Close up: her mouth quivers out of pleasure and apprehension
•	Close up: he kisses her soles passionately, then grabs both her ankles tightly
•	He starts to pull her slowly into the bathtub
•	Her beautiful face slowly sinks into the water
•	She reacts violently for the first time
•	Her eyes are now wide open, she expresses surprise and terror
•	She raises her arms, fingers fluttering helplessly
•	She struggles to free herself from his grasp, her feet kick and squirm
•	The struggle doesn’t last long, because of her drowsiness
•	She raises her arms for the last time, fingers clawing in her death struggle
•	She stretches her feet sharply forward out of shock and horror
•	A big bubble appears at her mouth and bursts at the surface
•	A final kick of her legs ends her death spasms
•	Her legs are raised high, her hands are around her ankles, her pointed toes are visible
•	Close up of her dead face above the water with wide open eyes and slack open mouth
•	Slowly he lowers her pointed feet, so they rest on the edge of the bathtub
•	Pan on her body in the bathtub, from her wet hair down to the pointed feet
•	Her eyes are wide open and full of surprise, as she stares fixedly upwards
•	Her mouth is slightly open (the tongue does not protrude)
•	He raises the naked corpse, carries it to the bedroom and gently puts it on the bed
•	He arranges her wet hair to be more neatly
•	Her dead face stares at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, but very beautiful
•	He caresses and licks her entire face
•	He caresses and kisses her body and her perfect breasts
•	He walks to the end of the bed and grabs her foot
•	Close up: he slowly licks her entire foot, from the heel up to the soles and the toes
•	Close up: he kisses and licks the tips of each of her pointed toes for a very long time
•	Close up: he does the same with her other foot
•	He carries her to the sofa and gently lowers her
•	He places her feet up on the arm’s rest
•	Pan on her dead body, from her face with the dead stare to her stretched feet
•	Before he leaves her, he kisses her on her open lips
•	Close up of her pointed feet from all sides

Please make this a clip of approximately 20 minutes. A lot of close up foot fetish scenes is welcome.

     Failed Mission
    12 minutes
      Failed Mission - Failed mission

action-packed thriller. Young police woman is at her mission to catch dead or alive dangerous criminal. She found his location near old farm. He was hiding at the weapon store. When she entered the house, he took machine gun kalashnikov and pca machine gun. Shootout started. He wounded her in the hand. Then he shot her in heart. She made great surprised reaction, fall her knees and then fall to the floor. After agony she died. He carried body to the secret place, took off her clothes and riveted her dead body to the chair with handcuffs.

fetish elements: police woman, sexy uniform, handcuffs, shooting, machine gun shooting, *****, surprised reaction, pantyhose.  EVIL INSIDE
    9 minutes
The video is very good, especially the blood vomiting scene
The actor and actress act very well too. Thanks the producers and the actors!
Customer’s Review 

CAST: Luiza and Ivan 
Shooting, Multi Shooting, Sex Scene, Very long bloody multy shooting, puling on a pike, stabbing, blood, shooting to the dead body, blood from mouth, carrying, stripping dead body 

 	A policewoman (Luiza) and a policeman are partners and companions. They were making sex when the policeman got a urgent mission. The mission asked him to search a place where was presumed to be an evil religious altar. It was a dangerous mission because the police station had received several reports of people lost and all the clues point to the room. The policewoman worried about her boyfriend, and asked to join in the mission, and the police station agreed. Then the companions ware their clothes   and go to the place. The place is very eccentric, there is an altar and some stairs in the middle, and there is a magic circle on the altar. A round the altar, there are some spears. They went onto the altar, and stand on the magic circle. It’s a trap ! The magic circle made the man suffering, the policewoman wanted to help him, but it is not work. Suddenly, the man was going crazy. He put his gun out, and began to shoot the girl. The girl was beaten back by bullets, and at last she stand near the edge of the altar. The policeman was still crazy, he struck the girl's chest and kicked her off the altar. There were spears on the ground ! The body of the poor girl is impaled by  spear, blood flowed out from the wound and flowed along the spears, she convulsed for a while, some blood came out from her mouth, and then she died. The curse on the man was still work, the policeman went to the edge, and shot the dead girl again and again till the bullets are empty. A lot of blood was puffed out from the girl’s mouth.  After all the terrible things, the policeman’s mind recovered finally. He saw the broken body of the girl and felt so sad. He went off the altar, and got the girl’s body off the spears. At last, the policeman decided to finish the thing they hadn’t finished before they joined in the mission. He took off the girl’s clothes and made love with her dead body. 

    10 minutes


Judi, Mariann, Annabelle and Wayfarer



If you like Slavic myths, Witcher Style, Swords, Stabbings, Cut Throat, Blood you will like this great, beautiful, magic movie!

Just Super Price first days of update – 13$ instead 16 $ of regular price!


Fetish Element:

Quick Stabbing with sword

Long agony


Stabbing two girls with one sword!
Cut Throat


Film was shot at real swamp in very hard circumnutates - mosquitoes, flies, frogs! You can see this realism in this brilliant clip.




A Wayfarer was going through dark swamps when he heard strange voices. Young female was whispering to him sexy words. But he knew about terror of that Swamps. Drown girls who became Swamp Maidens evil sexy girls with second life who tempted and killed lonely men. He took his sword…


If you like this clip please don’t miss

    11 minutes
CAST: Bella Lenina and Max
Thank you!! Please extend my gratitude to your team/colleagues for the awesome job. Also thank Bella for her wonderful performance. She captured the reaction that I wanted, and I really appreciate her willingness to cater to my fetish.
Customer’s Review 
Model: Bella Lenina
•	White cotton tank top, no bra (form fitting, thin enough to see nipples)
•	Black mini/micro skirt (mid thigh or shorter)
•	OTK black boots

Scene: Outdoors in front of “protected” house
•	Bella is a sentry on patrol with a rifle
•	An enemy sniper is watching her through his scoped rifle
•	Her body as perpendicular to the sniper
•	The sniper takes aim on the side of her breast
•	He fires, the large caliber bullet passing horizontally through both breasts in a bloody explosion
•	Bella cries in pain as she falls to the side onto the ground
•	She rolls over onto her back, looking down in shock at her bloody breasts
•	Bella looks back at the stairs and doorway to the house behind her, begins to crawl backwards towards it, dragging her rifle with her.
•	She makes it to the steps and resting her back against the first few steps, brings her rifle to bear on the direction of the sniper. Her legs are open wide to give her stability (knees bent tucked in). Her skirt rides up to reveal her panties.
•	The sniper takes aim again, and fires a bullet between her legs, into the center of her panties. Another bloody explosion.
•	Bella reacts in shock, her rifle falls to the side. She looks down at her now bloodied crotch. She manages to hold her body up on her elbows
•	The sniper approaches her casually
•	Bella looks up at him, still in shock from the pain.
•	The sniper brings up a silenced pistol, and aims at her chest.
•	He fires a bullet into her right nipple
•	He shifts aim to the left nipple and fires
•	Bella collapses flat onto the steps, still writhing in pain
•	As the sniper continues to get closer, Bella tries feebly to pick up her rifle again
•	The sniper watches in amusement, then while standing near her feet, fires his pistol steadily into her crotch, her hips bucking with each impact.
•	Bella reacts to each shot as the sniper empties the remaining rounds into her crotch until her body finally gives in and she dies, eyes open.
•	The sniper gets down and pulls her tank top over her breasts to leave them exposed
•	He then ensures her legs are still splayed apart (w/ knees bent) and pulls her skirt up to expose the bullet wounds to her crotch
•	He is intentionally leaving her in a humiliating position
•	He picks up his weapon and moves up the stairs towards the entrance.
•	(camera panning of her body with some closeups of the bullet wounds)

Key elements:
•	no crying, squealing, begging
•	no gurgling
•	visible bullet wounds, bullet holes cut into clothing
•	medium to low blood, focused on the breasts and crotch, nothing running down legs, belly etc. or pooling around body
     Shooting In The Office
    12 minutes
      Shooting In The Office - Three young women (office and secretaries fetish dressed) were shot during office invasion.  8 GIRLS EXECUTION
    18 minutes
It's absolutely AMAZING! Beautifully acted and SO sexy.

It's great.

Many thanks»

Customer’s Review

Polina (Julia Woods – NEW MODEL), Mira Green, Juliana (came back after a long break!), Angelina, Luiza, Annabelle, Sally, Xena, Max, Alex

Mass Massacre, Swimming Suits, Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the stomach, shooting to the back, execution, captive, stripping bodies, bodypile, blood, death stare 

The executioner has a mobile phone. He phones someone and says:
"Send the first one in."
The first girl walks in. If you can film her from behind as she walks in that would be great.
"Stand against the wall," says the executioner.
She does this. She is clearly nervous but trying to hide her fear.
"You know why you're here?" he says
"Yes I know," she says. "Why the swimsuit, though?"
He smiles. "I like it. Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am ready." She frowns and closes her eyes, but they open wide in pain and she gasps, as the bullet hits her below her cleavage. She clasps the wound with both hands and slides to the floor. She thrashes around, whimpering in pain for a minute or so before she coughs up blood and goes into a spasm. Her arms and legs give one last twitch before she dies. The man grabs her by the ankles and drags her out of the way of where the other girls will be shot. He dials his phone and says: 
"One done. Send the next one in."
Again please film her from behind as she walks in. She stops in shock for a moment when she sees the body of the first girl but she recovers herself, and stands against the wall without being told to.
"Are you ready to die?" he says.
She stands slightly forward, forces a smile and puts a hand on her hip. 
"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she says.
He shoots her just above the navel. She gasps in pain, clutching the wound, as the blow knocks her back against the wall. She tries to step forward but she staggers and falls forward. She tries to get up, pushing herself up with one hand, while holding the other to the wound. But the effort is too much and she rolls over onto her back. She coughs blood, spasms, twitches and finally dies. Once again the man grabs her ankles, drags her body out of the way and lines it up beside the first body. He phones again.
"Send the next one in."
The next girl comes in. Again please film her from behind if you can. Again she pauses momentarily when she sees the bodies but then she glares at the executioner.
Again he says: "Are you ready to die?"
"That's why I'm here, isn't it?," she replies. "Just get on with it."
He shoots her in her right breast. She squeals in pain, clasping it with both hands. Then he shoots her in her left breast. Now she has to clasp each breast with only one hand as she slides to the floor. She tries to say "You bastard" but she coughs blood, muffling the words. She goes into spasms, twitches and dies. The man places her body next to the other two.
"Send the next one in," he says on the phone.
She walks in. She manages not to react when she sees the bodies, and instead turns to him defiantly.
"I bet you're enjoying this, you sick bastard," she says.
"Fuck you," he says, shooting her just above the pussy.
She gasps in pain, clutching the wound with both hands. Her legs give way and she falls forward. The man turns her over with his foot.
"You sick fucking bastard," she says, before he shoots hr in the cleavage. She coughs blood, goes into spasms, twitches and dies. He places her body next to the others. Then he phones again.
"Let's change the plan," he says. "Send the rest in."
The remaining four girls file into the room and line up against the wall, facing their executioner. The camera pans over them as they try to avoid looking at the bodies.
"Turn around and face the wall," he says. "Hands against the wall."
They do this. The camera pans over them again.
"Who wants to be first?" he asks.
The thirds from the left turns around, putting up her hand.
"I'll go first," she says.
But he shoots the girl on the right in the back instead. She cries out in pain, slides to the ground and rolls over onto her back. He points the gun at her. She raises her hands in fear, but he shoots her twice in her left breast. She coughs up blood, spasms, twitches and dies. 
The third girl from the left is still facing forward.
"I said I wanted to go first," she says angily. "What sort of fucking..."
Her words are interrupted by the shot, which hits her below the cleavage. With a sharp intake of breath she leans forward, her eyes wide with pain. She falls on her knees, then falls forward, spasms, coughs up blood, twitches and dies.
The man turns her body over with his foot.
"The rest of you, turn around and face me," he says.
They turn around and he shoots each just once, one in the left breast and the other in the right. The both squeal and clutch their breasts as they fall to the floor, landing on their backs. As they lie there in pain, one reaches out her hand to the other, who reaches hers out in turn. Their fingers touch before the girl shot in the left breast goes into spasms, coughs blood and dies. The other girl lasts a minute longer before she too coughs up blood and dies.
Now the man drags each of the four bodies over and lines them up with the first four. He surveys them in their swimsuits before he strips them, one by one. The 
camera pans over the naked bodies, lined up neatly, before the movie ends. 

    9 minutes


 "I’m very amazed on how every turned out. The camera work and girls were great, and the script simple"

Customer's Review 


Stalking, Spy Theme, Lather Pants, Leather Style, Sudden Attack, Female kills Female, Girl Kills Girl, Garrote Strangulation, Fighting to the life, Death Stare, Stripping to full nude to steal the uniform, Putting Uniform of dead enemy, Nude Body Views



A spy enters a the enemy territory and searches for the objects. She sees lonely guard patruling the object. Good chance to kill her and take her uniform to be hidden! She attacks her suddenly from behind, strangles her with garrote and after her helpless target is dead she strips her for full nude and takes her clothes



    12 minutes
CAST: Mary and Tim
«Very nice! You did a good job Tim and Mary were excellent»

From Customer’s Review 

Clothes: Mary wearing a Teddy with garter belt and white stockings would be the outfit.
Killing: Knock out by hit, Taking off her stocking, Playing with feet, sniffing foot in dirty stocking, humiliation, bondage hands and feet by stockings, choking, hard choking, body reaction (kicking, agony – full body views), face reaction (eyes, tongue, choking expression and death stare), feet reaction (plenty of sexy foot fetish angles and close ups during strangulation and after death), full nude stripping of dead body 

Mary sitting and standing in front of the mirror doing makeup/ powder nose ect. She just got done cheating on her boyfriend. Her current boyfriend walks in suspect's she has been cheating an argument starts. She trys to walk away her boyfriend knocks her out. He hogties Mary with her stockings. She starts waking up as he finishes. She pleads to untie her and says she will never cheat again. He proceeds to choke her to death with his bare hands. He unties her and strips her naked(if possible). Picks Mary up puts her over his shoulder carries  her to the couch drops her and walks out.Another detail would be if the bottom of her stockings were dirty.


     Tv Show
    17 minutes
      Tv Show - TV Show
Starring: Marina, Nata, Annabelle
Shooting Fetish elements:
Stomach shooting
Chest Shooting Back Shooting
Shooting by Shot Guns
Playing with dead *****
Super sexy clothes



	Three stupid media chicks are on TV Show «Live Show Flat». Suddenly crazy fan Chaim breaks into the scene. 
	He just wants to be famous but producers didn’t let him to casting.  ***** laugh at him and say him «Fuck you»! What a mistake. He takes a revolver and…
	He kills Oksana by headshot (long, super sexy, grotesque headshot scene). Than he shoots Katya to her stomach, to her chest and to the back (sexy long shooting scene with nice pain and surprise reaction and exotic button-up death pose, ***** effects + animated ***** effects). 
	He kills Vika by shotgun, quick by dynamic shooting scene mith slow-motion bullet time effect, flying body and exotic death pose. 
	All **** are dead in nice different poses and super sexy death stares. 
	Fedor, a strange male  member of  Live Show, comes for some beer, he is glad to see chicks dead. 
	Chaim stripes bodies and plays with them. Low rating of this stupid TV-show for housewives becomes 100% raining with three absolutely nude dead young female bodies in *****.  CATFIGHTING QUEENS PACKAGE
    45 minutes
Cast: Mira Green, Luiza, Christy, Mary, Kit, Anny
Mortal Fight
Catfighting Queens 2
Fight Club
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

    Featuring 965 Clips / 16587 minutes of video!

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    Cannibals 4


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