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     ARCHER 4
    23 minutes
The First Movie AFTER Reorganization!
«You did another amazing job!!!!  You are doing all of these all perfectly….  I love how you are doing them…The effort you put in on the dialogue and lead up to the final scene is amazing»
Customer’s Review 
22 minutes
Cast: Judy, Marina, Pola, Kit, Evgeniy
Fetish Elements:
Boot Fetish, Arrows, Belly Button Tortures, Police Story, Bondage and hands-tied, FULL NUDE in boots, Fear Before Death, Failed Mission, Stalking, Strip-Dancing, Long Agony, GREAT ARROWS EFFECTS (Real Bow Shooting, POV from flying arrows view and moments when arrows crush fleshes), agony. Carrying dead bodies, death stares, bodypile

(Please don’t miss THE ARCHER, ARCHER 2, ARCHER 3)

	Club manager orders another private detective (Pola) for missing dancers investigation. He understands maniac kidnaps and kills them all and he wants to stop it because it’s very bad for his business. After mission was failed last time (see it in ARCHER 3), new detective decides to create a trap for maniac – to let him stalk two new dancers (Marina and Judy) and catch him barehanded. 
	But this mission was failed two. Stupid brave young detective missed trying to shoot him down and became his new victim. She and two sexy dancers were kidnapped to Archer’s lair. Was tied and became three new sexy nude targets for Bow-Shooting Crazy Concurs. 
IT’S REALLY GREAT MOVIE! WE ARE PROUD OF IT!  ALL IS GOOD IN  IT – Fetish Elements, Shooting Effects, Long Death Scenes and Cinematic Look.

SPECIAL OFFER: 20$ is before this Sunday Only! After Sunday (April 29th) the price is 25$ For this Film! 
    8 minutes
Fetish elements: Headshot, Pantyhoses, Shooting, Agony, tear tights. blood
It’s dangerous district of big city. It’s in the power of dangerous girls. They control drug-dealers, chefs and souteneurs. 
But once they meet a guy who will not pay his share to female gang-community. 
Angelina and Luiza drive by their motorbike to garage to threat  him, but he takes a gun and kills Angelina. Headshot. He shoots Luiza to her breast. 
Dying Luiza tears and pulls the tights from Angelina’s leg. He shoots her 2 more times. She dies. He strips bodies, touches them and says that he is the boss in this situation. Two dead girls stay near the motobike in sexy poses.
    38 minutes


CAST: Tatiana, Max, Annabelle

The theme of this story is that Tatiana is called to the office to be punished for naughty things she has done against Christmas.  She is insolent and defiant, but wants to keep her job, so she admits to some sins, willing to take a little punishment, never thinking that Max the enforcer knows all the bad things she has done, or what her ultimate punishment is. 

The enforcer begins to list her sins, and with each sin, gives her a punishment. 

I will leave it to your creative genius to use as many offenses and punishments as you can, till we get closer to the climax. 

Some transgressions she has committed: Misaddressing Christmas cards, hiding presents, badly wrapping presents, putting the wrong presents in the wrong packages, keeping toys for herself, not singing Christmas carols, using the wrong words in carols, not being happy with children on Santa’s lap, showing her cleavage to little boys, denying reindeer can fly—whatever you and your crew can think of. 

Each offense is punished by progressive harder, sexier, more sadistic punishments, such as slapping her hand, spanking her bottom (hand and/or ruler), face slapping, stomach punch, breast slap, hair pull, whipping her bottom, face punch, choking (one or both hands).

It is IMPERATIVE that T’s elf take these punishments with amusement, surprise, and pleasure (mixed with pain), willingly submitting even while showing some resentment at the abuse.  The harder they get, the more pleased surprise she shows—wide eyes, open mouth, with some pain but also delight.

As the list of sins goes on and on, however, and the punishments get harder, though, she beings to regret her willingness to accept them.

Two essential punishments for moderately severe offenses against Christmas: 

One:  T is forced to kneel on the ground and bend over at the waist, face shoved forward into the carpet, her bottom in the air.   Her feet are tied together and her hands are tied behind her back.  Her short dress is pulled up to expose her almost bare bottom, and she is paddled with something like a ping-pong paddle.  She gasps and cries with pain and struggles, and cries insults at the enforcer, but doesn’t really try get away or stop him.

Two:  T, still being insolent, runs and sits in the enforcer’s large, luxurious armchair, being impishly disobedient, having fun and mocking the enforcer’s seriousness, and what she regards as minor offenses.

T (sitting the chair like a queen):  This could be mine!  I could do your job!  You think you can keep me in line?  You hit like a girl!  Sissy!  Poor little boy, trying to be mean!  Come her—at my feet!

M (slowly approaches the chair, and pulls up the ottoman so he can sit close to T):  Little elf, I have not even begun to give you what you deserve.  (Suddenly, punches her breast (close up) hard enough to bounce her off the back of the chair.)

T (Gasps and shrieks a little, but lies back, wide eyed, looking at M with astonishment):  Wow!

M:  You were saying?  (Punches her other breast, just as hard (close up)).

T:  Owww! (Eyes even wider, mouth open with utter surprise, both at what M is doing and at her enjoyment of it.  She touches her breasts, then looks wantingly at M, and puts her hands back against the back of the chair, by her head, inviting more hits).

M (punches her breast even harder (close up).

T:  Uhhhhh!  (Head bouncing forward then back, then head leaning back, eyes almost closed, lips parted, in obvious pleasure.  She stays in her previous position, exposed.)

M (laughs a little, then punches her other breast, again bouncing her off the chair back).

T:  Oooph!   (slumps in the chair, overwhelmed with the pleasure of being hit so erotically)

M (stands, grabs the front of T’s dress and pulls her up, into the middle of the room.  She wobbles on her feet.  M grabs her breasts and pulls her toward him, her head and arms flying behind her.  He then spins in a tight circle, swing T by her breasts in front of him.  After two circles (her eyes wide, gasping and crying), he flings her by her breasts across the room.  She hits the floor and rolls under the Christmas tree.  As she lies there still, M goes to his desk to see what else T must be punished for.  She crawls timidly out from under the tree, unsure if she likes this game anymore.)

(T decides to try to seduce the enforcer, so she comes to him and tries to hug and caress him, rubbing her body against him, enticing him with her eyes, showing him her cleavage.  He lets her do what she wants for a while, then shoves her away.)

After being rejected and shoved the floor, she continues to try to seduce him, by preening, stretching, raising her stockinged legs, spreading her legs, rolling about, showing off her body in various inviting poses.  He ignores her at first, but finally exasperated, goes to the large armchair and sits.  He pats his lap and says, “Come sit on my lap.â€

Tatiana (thinking she was won the battle): “On your lap?  I’d love to.â€

Max:  Yes.  Come here.  I want to beat you.

Tatiana (surprised, but liking the idea):  You want to beat me?

Max:  Yes, I want to beat you.  You need to be beaten.

T (get up off the floor and sits on M’s lap, wraps her arm around him):  You can beat me, but wouldn’t you rather do something else?

M (laughs and begins nuzzling and caressing T all over, quickly getting an excited response from her.  He lets her hair down, and when she is breathing heavy, he stops caressing her.  “Ready?â€

T:  Yes!  Yes!  Ready for what?

M (takes her by the hair):  This!  (hit her hard twice in one breast with the side of his hand (the thumb side), like the edge of a knife or axe, knocking the wind out of T)  [we must see these hits close up to know what’s happening]

T (responds to hits with even more excitement)

M (caresses her some more, then moves her around and hits her other breast on the nipple four times with the side of his hand;  T jerks and gasps with each hit)

T (moaning with pleasure):  Oh, my God!

M (to himself):  Yes, you’ll meet him soon enough! (hits her breast twice more, as she gasps)  You’ve been so bad, trying to seduce Father Christmas’s enforcer!  How hard should I hit you for that?

T:  As hard as you want!

M (hits her four more times in the breast)

T (gasps and twists with each hit, but doesn’t try to stop M or protect herself)

M (after a pause, hits her breast twice more):  This is good.  How many times should I hit you for this new offense?

T (breathless, knowing she will be hit again):  As many times as I deserve!

M (shifts her around again and hits her other breast six times, fast and hard (close ups); T jerks and gasps with each hit).

T:  Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

M:  Naughty elf!  You don’t deserve your elf costume!  Take it off!

T (stand, strips off her dress, sits back on M’s lap):  Yes, I’ve been so naughty!

M (holding her by the hair, still using the edge of his hand, hit each of T’s breasts several times)

T:  Beat me!  Hurt me!

M:  You want to be hurt?  Take off your bra!

T (eagerly takes off bra and throws it away)

M (grabs one breast and holds it tightly (close up) while, using his palm now, slams his hand into each breast (close up) half a dozen times (fully shot to show holding her by the breast while hitting her, her arms spread wide, defenseless); T is becoming delirious with joyful/pain). 

M (shoves her off his lap and onto the floor):  On your knees!  Hands behind you!  Head back!  Lean back!

T (crawls to the middle of the rug on the floor and does as instructed)

M (kneels on the floor in front of T and punches her in each breast a number of times with his fist; T responds with little shrieks.  M hits her again, very hard, sprawling her on her floor, face down.  He slips his hand under her, grabs her breast and pulls her by her breast onto her back (close up of this action).   She lies, arms spread wide, breathing hard.  He straddles her, grabs her breasts, and pulls her up till she is bent at the waist.  She hangs by her breasts in his hands, arms limp, head hanging back.)

M:  You think you were going to get away with all your sins?  (Shakes T up and down)  Did you?  (shakes her up and down more, pushing and pulling her by her breasts; view sides and from above as he does)  Did you think you could seduce me and escape your punishment?  (shakes her) Did you?

T (finally trying to remove his hands, without success):  No, no!  I didn’t mean anything!  I know I deserve what’s happening!

M (shoves her to the floor and sits again at his desk, consulting his papers):  That beating was just for trying to avoid being disciplined for your worst sins against Christmas.  Do you understand that?

T (Still on the floor): Yes.  I’m sorry.  I won’t do that again!  I promise!  I’ll take what’s coming to me.

M:  You certainly will.  (Consults papers)  I’m coming to the end of the list, and I see here, you have two of the worst possible sins.  The second worst sin is, you have told children that Father Christmas doesn’t exist!

T:  But—but—I’ve never seen him!  I might be working all day for someone’s imagination!

M:  And you compound the sin to me!  Stand up!  By the fire, face me and take your punishment!

T (stands, feet together, in front of the fire)

M:  Deny Father Christmas, will you?  (slaps her face hard, a dozen times)

T (astonished, after the last slap):  Show him to me!

M:  You’re just making it worse for yourself!  (slaps her breasts a dozen times)

T (crying): I’ve done nothing wrong!  He’s not real!

M:  Hands behind your head!

T (clasps hands behind her head, staring at M, knowing she is going to be hit): Do it!

M (punches T hard in left breast four times (close up!)

T (at fourth hit, staggers backward)

M:  What are you doing?  I’m not done!

T (resumes her position, hands behind her head)

M (punches each breast several times on the nipple, and sideways (close ups), total six hits)

T (doubles over, hands over her chest)

M: Stand up!  You’re not finished!

T (resumes position, hands behind her head)

M:  Father Christmas does exist! (punches each breast three times, hard than ever, finishes with one more vicious breast punch that sends T to the floor; she lies on her side, arms stretched above her head)

M: Some elf you were! (Kicks her in the breasts, rolling her across the floor several times, then returns to desk)

T (slowly recovers, gathering her clothes (bra, dress, gloves, cap)as M returns to his desk; as he checks off items, she starts to stumble toward the door)

M:  Wait!  There’s just one more thing.

T (actually frightened now):  I haven’t done anything else!

M:  Yes, you have.  (Leaves desk and pulls T by her hair back into the room, to the large chair.  He pulls the ottoman into the middle of room while still holding T). 

M (holding T by the hair) You’ve told children THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CHRISTMAS!!!  That is an offense worthy of death!

T: Nooooo!

M (sits on ottoman, pulling T down backward  so she is lying across his legs, on her back)

M:  There is no greater offense, and no greater punishment!  (Wraps a red stocking around T’s neck and tightens it.  As T struggles against the beginning of the strangulation):  Choose between being beaten to death (punches her breast on the nipple) or being strangled! (tightens stocking)

T (Speechless, terrified)

(For the next several minutes, T alternately tries to stop the strangulation and stop the beating.  When her hands try to pull the stocking away, M punches her breasts until T tries to protect her breasts with her hands.  When she tries to protect herself, he tightens the stocking a little more, edging her closer to asphyxiation.  This process repeats itself 3-4 times (distance shots and close ups).  Finally, T realizes she being strangled and death is near, so she stops trying to protect her breasts.  She claws at the stocking while M repeated punches each breast, harder and harder, trying to distract her; T lets him hit her, because she’s just trying to survive.  But it’s too late.  Slowly, even as M continues to hit her, her arms fall back behind her head.  M cinches the stocking down and punches her breasts until T shows no signs of life, and hangs limply across his lap.  He lifts her head by the stocking and shakes it, then pulls it back down and punches her breasts several more times (clearly seen).  Finally, he rolls her off his lap onto the floor, and kicks her onto her back.)

M (kneels and straddles her, grabs her breasts and pulls her up into a sitting position; she hangs by her breasts, dead, in his hands (mandatory: (1) side view, (2) close up, (3) camera moving from behind T, seeing her face, up and over her to look down on her breasts in M’s hands) and (4) view from high up above):  Naughty, naughty elf!  Father Christmas is the nicest old man in the world, and there’s no place for tarts like you, who question his existence and ruin children’s dreams!  (Drops her, stands and stomps on each breast several times hard enough to bounce her off the floor, saying “Bad elf!†with each stomp).

M (returns to desk, consults papers):  So much to do, so much to do!  (He works for a while, until his eyes stray and he sees a boy’s toy still unwrapped—a toy pistol that shoots rubber suction cup darts [e.g. by the Dreidel Company Detective Set, less than USD $10 on Amazon].  He looks at T’s body, and has an idea.

He props T’s body up against a wall (using whatever means you like to keep her upright), then takes some women’s lipsticks and draws round targets on her breasts, with her nipples as the bullseyes, then amuses himself for a while shooting the suction cup darts against her breasts (2x the 10-11 darts).  She stands passively, restrained up against the wall, head to one side, eyes open, lips slightly parted, as the darts hit her breasts and nipples (close ups), though they simply indent her breasts but don’t stick.  He enjoys this at first, but quickly tires of it.  He looks at T, looks around the room, and decides it needs more decoration.  He ties her hands behind her back and her arms to each other (she is limp, so he has to continually manhandle her, pushing her up against a wall and holding her there alternately by her neck, her hair, and just one breast), and then ties her feet together and, ties her thighs together, then wraps her body in a string of lighted Christmas lights (including wrapping some tightly around her breasts), puts her red stocking cap on her head, and hangs her by the neck from the ceiling. )

M (pours himself a drink and works at his desk as T dangles in the background):  So much to do!  So much to do! 

(The clock ticks by the hours, till it is near midnight.  M finally lowers T and takes off all the lights and wrappings.  He then makes out a label:  “Return to workshop.  Defective elf merchandise.† He then pulls out a large cardboard box and stuffs T into it, then stuffs packing papers around her, seals it up, put on the label and has it carted off by more helpers.

M (back at his desk): So much to do, so much to do!

(There’s a knock at his door, and another beautiful, sexily clad elf comes in and says): “Is this where I come to be punished for my sins?â€

Max winks at the camera.  KILLER FOR ASSASSIN
    8 minutes
You guys are great.I really like.Annabelle is super.Thank you so much.
I have a few more similar scripts.I'm going to share one after two weeks.

Sexy Girls Kill Men Direction! FemDom From Crime House!
MODELS: Annabelle and Tim
Sexy nude female killer, girl terrorizes a man, bad girl, spy girl, man has erection in peril, headshot, girl kills a man, girl examines dead man’s body, dirty filmdom dialogs with English subtitles 
A male killer was sent to kill female assassin. But hot dangerous bitch was very clever, smart and fast to be killed. She took situation on her own hands and made him put  his weapon down.  He had erection seeing her sexy nude body. She kills him to his head, watch his body and phone to his boss. 
To be continued…

*The script, model choice and fetish elements list were done by customer who donated some funds and got the clip the customer wanted to see!
You can do your custom order too! Inside the video you will find custom-ordering instructions!
    27 minutes

Starring: Judi, Alice M, Max


I'm suggesting Judi play the two nurses and Alice Miren (if names are spelled right) play the first witness/patient. Also I've had problems with PayPal in the past so would either pay via check, money order, or a credit card. Have no idea as to who should play the thug/perp.

Have one model play the part of twin sisters. She’s dressed as a nurse. If she wears glasses, let this be part of the plot. A top crime leader (unseen) has been shot before being arrested and two women have agreed to testify. One is located here, the other in another place. In the house are twin nurses. To silence the patient, a thug invades the house, finds each nurse and chokes each unconscious. He does this from behind twice lasting about a minute each strangle and then twice from the front lasting about the same time. Since they are the same model but twins, they do not appear on camera at the same time. Bound, the nurses return to consciousness. The thug threatens both baring their breasts and choking each manually in an attempt to find where the second witness is located. He does this before strangling either one. In frustration, he appears to choke one of the nurses to death. Fearing for her life, the other nurse reveals where the second witness/patient is. When he leaves to kill the first patient, first nurse regains consciousness. He kills the patient, returns and chokes one nurse to death.

Have each breath faster and faster. Eyes grow more open and each is frightened. As the perp comes closer to each, have them move their shoulders up and in to form a V trying to protect themselves from strangulation. He threatens each by strangling each from behind a few times. Then he comes in front to strangle each of them. I am attaching a photo of someone to show the fear that should be on the model's face.

First victim would be wearing a negligee and, upon the perp entering, she is terrified and raises up on her elbows. Then she is strangled manually from the front to death. She should be partially off the bed with arms, head, and hair hanging down both during the strangulation and after. Camera should pan her showing eyes open in surprise or horror and mouth open with tongue coming out to the side.

The twins are named Judy and Trudy and the second model/witness is named Linda. The perp then returns to the other ‘two’ and strangles one to death. As he approaches the other one, she says something like, “You’ve killed Linda and Judy. And now you’re going to kill me.” The perp approaches her with hands spread to take her neck. She is breathing faster and faster and becomes more and more terrorized as he approaches. Then she is almost screaming as he strangles her to death. Lower lip should quiver repeatedly as he approaches, if possible.

    23 minutes

CAST: Mira Green, Luiza, Max


«Thank you, downloaded and watched.

Overally very happy with it. 

Mira was exceptional. Her outfit, death stare, final body position. I would have just preferred more blood to come out of her mouth. 

Luiza was exceptional throughout. Her death stare was amazing, the drool scene was spectacular and her lingerie outift was so sexy. A truly stunning girl..

Max was great in it too. Very brutal and it really came across that he hated Luiza. Brilliant by him»

From Customer’s Review 

1.	Sexy Villian Luiza kills yung rich wife of businessman shooting her to her chest and then to her month  - great fighting, emotions, surprise expression, fear expression, shooting effects and postmortem agony!
2.	Sexy Villian Luiza meets her long, terrible end as a revenge from husband of killed girl. Poor Luiza was choked, poisoned, stabbed to her chest, had neck breat two times and then was shot many many times already dead. 

PLENTY!!! Plenty Fetish Elements!

Shooting to the chest, Shooting to the month, pospmortem agony, Seduction, Bad Girl, Fe,ale Killer, From killer to Victim, Sexy Leather pants of killer, Black Stocking and lingerie,  Choking, Knock Out, Unconscious, Poisoning, Foam From The mouth, Agony, very strong body shaking, Begging For the life, Stabbing to the chest (long), Begging for be killed  quickly, Breaking Neck (Twice), Shooting many times to the dead body, Painting with Blood on dead body, Death Stare, Sexy Deadly Poses  

1st Scene

We see Mira green in her lounge doing yoga.

 She’s wearing a sports bra and pants whilst doing her stretching. She’s wearing a really nice necklace. we see her doing a few stretches. The camera then focuses on Luiza dressed as an assassin holding a silenced pistol entering the room. Mira hasn’t noticed and carries on working out. Luiza approaches mira and points the gun at Mira and tells her not to make a sound. she tells mira she just needs her husbands laptop and if she stays quiet, she’ll live. Luiza walks to pick up the laptop from the side table. Mira sees an opportunity and runs to attack Luiza, Luiza turns and fires a single shot in Miras heart. Shocked, Mira puts her hand over the wound. She looks up at luiza as blood runs out of her mouth and wound. Mira collapses onto her knees. Luiza then walks up to mira and forces her gun into Mira’s mouth. A single shot ends Mira’s life. Mira falls onto her back and her body twitches a few times before laying still her legs are spread apart. Her eyes stay open as the camera closes in on her face, loads of blood pours out of her mouth.  Luiza kneels beside her. She grabs Miras necklace and puts it on herself before leaving the room (with laptop). The camera pans over Miras body before focussing on miras face (eyes still open)

2nd Scene

Max, holding a briefcase dressed smartly on his phone outside luizas house/flat, we hear him say ‘target located, time to kill this bitch’

We cut into the flat and into a bedroom where luiza is dressed in black lingerie, black stockings and a silk robe loosely tied up and no shoes on, she is still wearing Miras necklace. She is on the stolen laptop looking through the files on it.

Max enters holding his briefcase aiming his gun at her, he tells her to stand up and to sit on the bed. As Luiza stands up and turns to face him she hides a knife in her panties. ‘how did you find me?’ luiza asks as she slowly makes her way to the bed. As she sits down she slides the knife under the pillows.

Max goes over to the laptop and briefly looks on it then diverts his attention to his target. Luiza slowly stands. Her plan is to seduce Max, kill him and save herself. Luiza tells max ‘let me show you a reason why you should let me go’ as she walks to Max she takes off her robe to reveal her body. She makes max put his gun next the laptop and takes his hand and walks him to the bed. She gets him to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to give him a sexy lapdance. She grinds on him, bends over infront of him and sucks on his finger. Luiza whispers ‘I want you to fuck me’ she pushes max onto to the bed (hes now laid with his head on the pillow with the knife under) Luiza slowly rides ontop of max whilst doing this she slowly begins to reach for the knife, she tells max to close his eyes and enjoy himself. 

As she grabs the knife she lifts it above her head and tries to thrust it into max’s chest. He grabs her hand and pulls her in close ‘that necklace belonged to my wife, im here to take it back’ they struggle/ roll around on the bed trying to stab each other. Max manages the get the knife but luiza kicks it out of his hand. The knife falls onto the floor. Both are still on the bed, Luiza is on her back and wraps her legs around max whos kneeling then ctarts to choke him with her hands. As she tightens her legs she tries to squeeze the air out of him. Max, grabs her throat and pulls her up so theyre facing each other. He then punches luiza in the face instantly knocking her out. She falls back on to the bed and her legs unwrap from around max. Max removes the necklace from around her neck and puts it in his pocket. Max goes to his briefcase and takes out a bottle of poison. He then goes back to Luiza who is still laid on the bed knocked out. He forces her mouth open then pours some poison into her open mouth. He then replaces the poison in his briefcase.

Max slaps luiza to wake her up. ‘enjoy the poison you’ve just swallowed’ luiza looks terrified as the poison begins to attack her body. she violently convulses and foam/drool erupts from her mouth. Her eyes roll back as her body stops convulsing still foam is coming out of her mouth, her tongue is sticking out.

Max grabs his belongings and begins to leave, as he nears the door he hears Luiza moving. She is somehow still alive, she crawls off the bed and makes her way to the knife on the floor. She slowly crawls towards it. Max laughing at how pathetic Luiza is he tells her that he can’t have given her enough poison. As she grabs the knife max stands on her hand that’s holding the knife and takes it from her. he grabs her hair and forces her onto her knees infront of him. He strokes her face and body with the knife all whilst luiza is begging for mercy. He grabs her face and bends down so their staring at each other. 
‘you fucking slut, any last words?’
‘just finish me off quickly, a bullet to the head’
‘You disgust me, I’ll do with you whatever I want, once you’re dead, your body is mine’
Luiza looks at max as Max thrusts the knife into Luizas chest. Blood flows out of luizas mouth. Max stands, and puts his foot on the knife that’s still in luizas chest and pushes it making Luiza drop onto her back, her body spasms. Max walks to her head and picks her head up. Luiza barely alive pleads for her life. He aggressively snaps her neck. Her eyes stay open and her tongue comes out. Max still filled with anger at luiza snaps her neck twice more. Each time Luizas body spasms. Her lifeless body is left with her arms and legs spread out wide. He retrieves his gun. As he walks to luizas body he is still angry at her. He unloads his entire clip into luiza. Her body shakes with each shot, once finished her arms and legs are again spread wide. The camera goes close on her face, loads of blood flows out of her mouth as she stares lifelessly into the camera. Max bends down and uses his phone to take a couple of photos of luiza to prove the target has being killed. He puts his phone away and uses the blood from her mouth to write RIP on luizas forehead and then writes SLUT in blood across her belly. Max kicks luizas legs more open then collects all his belongings and leaves. The camera does loads of shots of luizas body (close ups on her face, shots with her body in full view and shots in between her legs). Final shot it of luizas face.

     Break Her Neck
    19 minutes
      Break Her Neck - BREAK HER NECK! (many scenes)

Custom video
 Nata and Oksana
Many different scenes about assassin kills an agent with neck breaking way.
Many shock reactions, bone crunching, sadistic games, death poses.
Fetish elements: lesbo, jeans, shorts, **** kills ****, spies, neck breaking, shock before death, Necro stripping  FORBIDDEN FILM SLASHER
    35 minutes



Starring: Annabelle, Mira Green, Max



«Amazing horror film! The script was very complicated. Annabelle, Mira, and Max were amazing! They played their roles perfectly. The camera angles and shots were very creative. The creativity of the production and editing staff were spot on. The way the actors and production staff interpret the scene from the written script was great. Crimehouse is a great company to produce your personal horror film!!!!

Thanks to you, all of your actors, and production staff!»

Customer’s Review


Crucifixion, bondage, scared to death with a saw and torture instruments, belly torture, navel torture, cutting flesh, taking out intestines, gutting, sacrifice, hitting the head, undressing, fastening, hammering nails into the stomach, drilling, bodypile

Cast: Annabelle & Mira  and Max

Annabelles wardrobe:  Jeans and a tight tank top that shows her belly button.
Miras wardrobe: yoga pants and tank top showing her belly. 

Movie Set: City Hunter/Tender Meat filming set.

Basic Plot: Max makes horror snuff films for his wealthy clients. He lures his victims by advertising for female actresses to star in a horror film in production. His clients have requested a snuff film in which the victims gets tortured and eventually gutted.

Annabelle shows up to the door. She’s there to try out for the lead actress role in a horror movie. Max opens the door and welcomes her. He walks her in. She notices a table set up with shackles to restrain a body.  Beside that table is another table set up with various tools of torture. There is a power drill, several knives, scalpel, ice pick, scissors and a power saw.  She acts a bit nervous. She asks what the table is for? Max tells her it’s just part of the movie props. Max says he needs her to put on some sexy lingerie and model is so he can check her body out. She goes to a room to change. The camera watches her slowly undress and she puts on some hot panties and bra. She’s comes back in the room. He ties her to the X prop that is seen in the city hunter set. He gets some photos of her tied up to the  X prop. Annabelle gets nervous, she doesn’t like being restrained. Max unties her. He offers her a drink to calm her nerves and tells her just to model the lingerie for him so he can get some photos. She doesn’t know but he’s drugged the drink. She drinks it and starts to model the lingerie for Max. She starts to get sleepy. She passes out and falls he catches her and lays her down across a padded foot stool or something like that.  Her arms drop above her head and her legs are off the stool.  Her torso is the only part of her body laying on the stool. Her belly is fully exposed.  As she’s laying across the stool he takes her panties and bra off. He rubs her body a little, over her breast and then her stomach. He pays special attention to her navel  The usual camera views you guys do.

He then picks her up of the stool and carries her body to the table. He then restrains her hands over her head and restrains her feet. She’s stretched out naked on the table. Max puts on a black butchers apron and gloves on. He places his hand on her stomach and gently shakes her to wake her up. She struggles against her restraints and asks to be let go. He tells her she’s going to play the victim in a real snuff film. He has rich clients that watch and they requested a film where he tortures his victim‘s stomach and eventually guts them. He runs his finger down her stomach as he tells her its time to get started. She sees the camera set up to film the deed. Max picks up a knife he taunts her belly by sliding it up and down belly.  He circles her navel. He puts the knife down. He then picks up the saw. He acts like he’s going to saw her in half right over her navel but he stops. He puts the saw down. He picks up the scalpel. Makes a cut across her lower belly with one hand and holds her down from struggling with his other hand. He doesn’t cut her deep. He puts the scalpel down. He gets the drill. He holds it over her navel. The spinning drill bit getting closer but then he decides to sink the drill into her stomach just beside her navel. He drills another hole in her stomach to the other side of her navel. He finally sinks the drill deep into her navel. He pulls it out and blood pools in her belly button. He puts the drill down. He sticks his finger in her navel. She squirms in agony. His finger doesn’t go deep enough, so he gets the ice pick. He sinks the ice pick into the drill wound in her navel.  A shot of the ice pick pushed all they way in to the handle. Now it’s time to gut her. Mira is weak now from the wounds inflected to her stomach. Blood comes out her mouth. He gets scalpel again He starts below her sternum. He pulls the blade down the middle of her stomach. He stops the cut just above her pussy. He spreads her belly open with his hands. He reaches inside her belly and starts to pull out lengths of her guts. She struggles but it’s no use. He continues to gut her. Blood comes out of her mouth. She finally dies. He uses a scissors and cuts her guts away from her body and piles them at the foot of the table. He takes his gloves off that cuts the camera off. Max stitches her belly back up and cleans the blood off.  Max is going to start editing the film footage when he hears a knock at the door. He opens it. It’s Mira she’s there to tryout for the actress role too. He invites her in. She walks in. He closes the door behind her. She sees Annabelle naked body laying naked tied on the table. Mira realizes it a real body. She tries to run but max knocks her out. He lays her on the floor. He takes Annabelles body off the table and lays her out on the stool again. He lays Mira on the table and takes her clothes off and ties her up like Annabelle. He cuts the camera on. It’s a bonus film for his clients. He hits her in the belly to wake her up. Once she’s awake he wraps a rope around her belly. He squeezes her with the rope until she passes out. He then takes the drill and drills her belly 5 times. The final drill wound is to her navel. He puts the drill away. He sticks his finger in the navel drill wound. He keeps pressing in until she finally dies. He takes his finger out of her guts. He writes the end across her belly in blood.







    43 minutes
«All the girls were fantastic! Clothing, film quality, camera angles were all great! Good work! »
Customer’s Review 

Special Offer: Purchase it today just for 21$! Basic Price is 29$ for this long show full of effects and deadly-illusions! Don’t miss this pantyhose lawlessness!!!
Models: Judy, Maria A, Annabelle, Yana, Kate Steals
Fetish Elements: 
40 minutes of great pantyhose death scenes!
All kinds of pantyhose manipulations: taking on, taking off, redressing, brown pantyhose, white pantyhose, black pantyhose
Lots of foot fetish: foot masturbating, foot fetish lesbian games, foot in vore and peril situations!
Females in Peril: capture, falling  through the earth, floor-swamp, flying to the sky, loosing shoes during peril-death 
Furniture eating girls with much legs scenes, foot-scenes, cannibal scenes, vore scenes 
Manual Hanging Scene
Garrote Strangulation Scene
Theatre Grotesque Death Emotions: from happiness to fear, surprise, death stares with opened eyes and tongue out 
Great Bodypile in pantyhose! 
Scene 1: girls are sitting down in a room waiting to audition for a dance role. They are talking to each other when the camera tells them they need to introduce themselves and show off their body. They are all told they need to look uniform so to take off their pantyhose they have on and  put on the tan pantyhose that is on the table for them. After they each put on their tan pantyhose do the following: (please get some close ups of them changing from black or white pantyhose into the tan pantyhose-especially Judy) 
- Have the girls start off sitting. Individually, have the camera start with a close up of them taking off their shoe,model their feet and legs and pan up to their waist. When the camera gets there have the girl stand up and lift her skirt to show their butt then pan to their face and have each girl say their name and blow a kiss
- They are told they will do different dances. All the girls are told to dance at the same time however they want. ( get close ups of feet, legs, and face) next, they are told to dance sexy( more close ups). Then they are told to line up and tap dance ( I liked your Mr. Sandman song from the 3rd video). They dance for a little while with some closeups of them, then they start to disappear (please get closeups of feet and face as they go and each girl screaming or yelling with their voice fading away as they disappear . Make sure they lose shoes as they disappear) 
- a hook comes out and grabs Annabelle pulling her out of her shoes and off screen.
- girls become scared and stop dancing, they are told to start again 
- Close up of Steals feet dancing, then her face looking scared. She throws her arms in air and falls through the floor
- The 3 girls go to the floor and look down where she fell to see if they see where she went. Then they start to dance again and force themselves to smile
- Next Yana floats away (long close up of feet coming out of shoes)
- The girls look up and then dance. A hook comes out to grab Maria. She grabs Judy’s hands and asks “me?” Judy let’s go and says “you”. Maria is pulled out of shoes and off camera
- Judy dances and celebrates  and blowing a kiss to the camera. Then she looks scared and waves “goodbye” and she floats out of her shoes and away 

Scene 2: vore scene. (You did a great job with the table and blanket. I really liked the scenes where Vika and Judy were eaten and pulled in on their backs with wiggling feet. Please use table and blanket again )

The girls are back in the room sitting down. They are talking about what happened during the dance. The camera tells them that none of them qualifies for the role. They all look sad and beg for another chance. Judy stands up and shows her butt saying “look how sexy I am!” The camera tells them it’s ok, he has good news. That if any of them can stay in the house all night long they can win the role. They ask why is that so hard? The camera tells them the house is haunted. They discuss it with each other and all agree. The camera tells them “good luck”

The girls decide to all stay together. They start to joke. Annabelle says “I think I have the nicest butt” she pulls up her skirt and shows it off. They laugh . Judy gets up and slaps her butt. They all laugh and pull up their skirts to compare butts. Then Judy sits down, takes off a shoe and says “ I have the best legs and feet” they all take a shoe off and put their legs beside each other to compare them ( get a shot of all their legs and feet together) After this they all sit down
- Yana stands up. She says she doesn’t think the house is haunted and wants to explore it. They tell her she’s crazy and wave good bye. Yana goes to the room with the table. She hears a noise. She asks “who’s there?” She gets down on the ground to look under the blanket. Something grabs her arm and begins to pull her under. Her shoes come off and she is slowly pulled under with her kicking feet the last we see
- The others girls start to wonder where Yana is. They decide to go look. Maria says she will stay. They leave,  Maria checks to see that she’s alone. When she realizes she is she starts to rub her pantyhose crotch. She gives herself pleasure but then hears a knock on the door. She goes to it “hello?” She opens the door and sees nothing. She starts to walk away and hears another knock. She sees nothing again. She turns around and asks if anyone is there. What she does not see is a rope slowly being lifted over her head. Then it starts to choke her as it pulls her to the floor. Her shoe comes off and she is dragged kicking and screaming through the door. The door shuts behind her as her feet disappear and we hear her scream. 
- The other 3 girls walk into the room with the table calling for Yana. Annabelle says “she must be back in the main room” Judy says “I think I heard Maria,  let’s go back” Steals says she will stay there in case she returns. Annabelle and Judy leave. Steals looks at the table and sees Yanas shoe. She walks to it “yana are you there?” She gets down on her knees by the table . Her arm is grabbed.  She smiles “yana is that you? Quit playing games!” Then she realizes she is being eaten and she asks for help. It slowly pulls her under as she loses her shoes and wiggles her feet until she is gone. 
- Annabelle and Judy return to the main room. They both sit on the couch. Judy says “ I bet they all left. It’s just ya two.” Annabelle says “that is not bad” with a smile and slips off her shoes and puts them on Judy’s lap. Judy likes it and takes off her skirt. Judy then takes off her shoes and puts them on Annabelle’s lap. Annabelle takes off her skirt too. Both women rub each others crotch with their pantyhose feet and give each other an orgaism. When they finish they hear a scream. The stand up and act scared. From the waist down they now only wear their pantyhose. they walk into the room with the table. Get a Close up of their legs as Annabelle trips over Maria’s body laying on the floor dead. Judy helps her up and They see Maria’s lifeless body being pulled under the table, they watch until her feet are swallowed and run from the room.  They run into the main room. They are panicked. They try to get out but the doors won’t open. Judy bumps into the trashcan. She reaches down to move it and her arm is grabbed. It slowly starts to pull her in. Annabelle tries to help. She grabs her feet but cannot hold on and let’s go and falls down. She watches Judy’s legs kick and feet wiggle as she cries for help until Judy is gone. Annabelle runs to the door which opens. She runs to the room with the table. She looks around the table  calling Yana and Steals. She gets yanked down and pulled under the table legs first. She struggles and pulls herself free. She now runs back to the main room. Annabelle goes to the trashcan to see what’s left. “Judy? Where are you?” The trash can grabs her and pulls her in head first. The last thing we see is her feet wiggling as she cries for help 

Scene 3. All the girls are pilled-on top of each other in a stack. They can be top less or not but no skirts or shoes, only pantyhose 

    22 minutes
This time our customer asked us to use very gory makeup. We try to increase the effects with gutting every time and seems we again did our job better our makeup job in the past. 
The film opens with the Max breaking into Li’s  apartment. She’s just out of the shower drying off. He’s watching her. She puts on some sexy low cut panties and a tank top that shows her navel. She lays down a drifts off to sleep. Max creeps into the room. He uses his knife to lift up her top. He slides the blade over her belly the top dip into her navel. He then runs his hand across her belly he sticks his finger in her navel. He starts to play with her navel. She wakes and starts to scream. She struggles against him as he chloroform’s her with a cloth. She slowly goes unconscious in his arms. He carries her over his shoulder. Camera views of her ass over his shoulder as he carries her out of the room. Next he lays her body out on a table. He slides off her panties. He stretches her hands above her head and cuffs them together. As he moves to tie her feet his finger traces her body, down her chest and then down her belly. He gets to her legs and ties them as well. He lays out his tools of torture. A scalpel, a marker pen, a syringe.
He then puts some water on her belly and washes it clean. He fingers her navel to clean it. He then dries her belly with a towel. She begins to wake up. She notices her predicament and begins to struggle to get free. She ask him “what are your going to do to me?” He replies, “I’m going to torture your belly and navel, then I’m going to cut you open and gut you.” As he runs his hand across her belly. He shows her a video of he’s lost victim getting tortured. She starts to struggle more. He says to her “But first I’m going to squeeze your belly until you pass out” He then puts both hands on her stomach and presses down she groans as he squeezes and presses her stomach down. She can’t breathe with his hands sunk into her stomach. She finally lets out a long breath as she goes unconscious. We see her belly suck in as he’s hands press down on it. He removes his hands from her belly. She takes a deep breath in as she wakes up. Her belly rising as she breaths in. She coughs a few times.  He picks up the syringe and says to her. “I’m going to sedate you now so you can’t fight but you’ll be awake for the rest of your torture.”  He  gives an ominous laugh. He injects her arm with the syringe and she slowly gets sleepy but doesn’t go unconscious. Next he gets a scalpel. He lowers it to her navel. Her belly is  rising and falling rapidly as she breathes heavy. She sucks her belly in trying to avoid the blade. He uses one hand to spread her navel open and slowly stabs the scalpel in her navel and cuts it open. Next he takes his finger and pushes it into her navel like in the film Ombiliant. Her belly convulses as he buries his finger into her navel. Camera views of this like in the film Ombiliant. Her belly sucks in as he presses down. He leans over to her ear as his finger digs into her navel and tells her, “I can feel your slippery guts against my finger.” She groans in pain like Alice Miren in the film Ombiliant. He fingers her navel several times torturing her. She moans in pain. Close up views of her belly squirming as his finger buried in her navel. Like this,
When he’s done with his finger. He takes a long skewer and slowly stabs it into her navel.  She sucks her belly in trying to avoid it but it’s no use. He pulls the skewer out. Her navel is filled with blood. Next he takes a towel and cleans to blood out of her navel. Her belly looks completely untouched and perfect again. He gets the marker pen. He marks on her belly where he will make the incisions. Film this just like the way it was done in Forbidden Film Slasher 2, with Polina, He gets the scalpel. He places on hand on her belly to keep her from squirming. Like this:
He starts with the bottom cut, then top, then down the middle of her stomach. Her mouth opens as she feels her belly being sliced open. Dramatic facial expressions as she’s cut open. Next, he rips open her belly in the usuals fashion and slowly pulls her guts out. Camera views from her head down as he guts her. Then he does the final slice to her guts to free them from her body. He leaves her guts piled beside her body on the table. The camera pans over her body. We see her death stare and her ripped open belly.
    14 minutes
Pola, Alex

Fetish Elements: 
Agents, Fighting, Blood, Girl Kill man (neck break), girl kills a man with a knife, femdom poisoned, superheroine, passed oud, medicine

4 clones agents like in MATRIX attacks sexy female agent but meet serious resistance
    33 minutes



thank you for the once again great film. I was once again thrilled. You have implemented my script well. Again great job done.

Customers Feedback and Review

3 cannibals , these are the cousins. 

In front of the house of the cannibals (cousins) is unnoticed a car with an unknown woman.  She sees the cannibals sitting in front of the house.                                                    

The 3 cousins are sitting together in front of their house. They do not notice the car.

They are dressed very elegantly and wear high heels and black pantyhose. They also have nice short skirts. 

They talk about the hunt for a new victim and where they want to hunt it.  After they have clarified where they want to get the new victim says one cousin to another:

\\\"Elena, can you go there already to check out the new hunting ground. Take some pictures of the women who live there. But they should look delicious, too.\\\"

The cousins laugh and look forward to the new challenge.

Elena stands up and takes the photo camera that is on the table. The cousins say goodbye.

Elena walks to the car, gets in and puts the camera on the passenger seat. Then she drives away. The two cousins in front of the house wave to her.

Elena doesn\\\'t notice that a short time later she is being followed by the car that was parked in front of her house.

Elena drives through a beautiful landscape and comes to a town she doesn\\\'t know yet.

Elena. \\\"Oh, it\\\'s beautiful here. Here we will surely find our new delicious food\\\".

She pulls into a parking lot and turns off the engine. She takes the camera and gets out.

The car that followed her also stops in the parking lot. It is an unknown woman and she is watching Elena.

Elena walks with the camera in the parking lot in her high heels and short skirt in black pantyhose and waits to see if she can photograph a beautiful yummy woman that all three cousins then want to catch later.

After a short time the woman gets out of the car and takes a knife. The woman is also wearing high heels. The unknown woman walks towards Elena slowly. Elena stands with her back to the unknown woman and doesn\\\'t notice anything. The unknown woman walks up to Elena and stabs her in the back with the knife and pulls it out again. The unknown woman says:

\\\"Die you cannibal, die, we\\\'ll get you all!\\\".

At that moment, Elena turns around in a flash and accidentally takes a picture of the woman. Elena does not notice that she has taken a picture of the unknown woman. But the unknown woman doesn\\\'t notice that either. The unknown woman runs to her car and quickly drives away.

Elena moans in pain. She struggles to drag herself to the car and gets in with a pain-distorted face and drives back to the house. She puts the camera on the passenger seat.

The two cousins are still sitting in front of the house drinking wine and talking about sacrifices, in which different variations they can best be fried.

The car with Elena slowly comes rolling up to the house and then stops. The two cousins wonder why Elena drives so slowly and doesn\\\'t get out.

One cousin: \\\" You, something is wrong. Something happened.\\\"

The other cousin: \\\"Yes, I think so too. Come let\\\'s go see.\\\"

They quickly walk to the car in their high heels and open the door. They see Elena lying with her head on the steering wheel and breathing lightly.

One of the cousins: \\\" Elena, oh God, what happened?\\\"

Elena: \\\"I got stabbed by an unknown woman. It\\\'s very bad.\\\"

The cousins see the blood on their backs.

Both cousins look at each other and lick their lips.

One of the cousins, \\\" You know the rule of the family\\\".

Other cousin nods her head and says \\\" Yes unfortunately it must be\\\".

The cousins slowly drag Elena out of the car. They see the blood on the back and take some blood with their finger and taste it. The cousins lick their lips.  They both slowly carry Elena into the house.

Elena meanwhile says: 

\\\"I know our rule of the family. If one of us dies with an inflicted injury it will be eaten. Please do it. I love you.\\\"

The two cousins look at each other again with smiles and carry Elena into the house.

They take Elena to a room. In the room, the victims are killed grilled and eaten. They first lay Elena on the floor.

Elena: \\\"I won\\\'t make it. Eat me when I am dead. Eat my flesh so that I can always be with you.\\\"

One of the cousins strokes Elena\\\'s hair and says:

 \\\" That\\\'s what we do. That is our rule. We will roast and eat you according to our tradition\\\".

Then the two cousins walk away to prepare for the feast.

The two cousins are in their Amazon dressing room. They dress like Amazons for the feast and paint their faces. 

There they take off their clothes. They are now dressed only in their black tights and put on their loincloth again. Together they make themselves up like Amazons and apply red lipstick. A beautiful Amazonian jewelry they still tie around themselves.

One of the cousins, while putting on her make-up: \\\"It\\\'s sad what we have to do. I loved her.\\\"

Another cousin: \\\"Yes, me too. But we will avenge you. We will find the woman. But now let\\\'s fry our cousin traditional kill and eat.\\\"

Made up and dressed like Amazons they still take their knives and then go to Elena.

Elena is very weak and barely breathing. The two cousins go to Elena and kneel down in front of her. They undress Elena. Only the black pantyhose Elena keeps on. She is roasted with it traditionally. 

Both cousins now drag Elena by her feet onto a tarpaulin. A pulley hangs from the ceiling.

The cousins tie her feet to the pulley. Before they pull Elena up, both cousins kiss Elena goodbye. Then one cousin pulls Elena up by her feet with the pulley.

Both cousins now feel the flesh of Elena.

One cousin: \\\" She is really tasty.\\\"

The other cousin now gets a bucket and puts it under Elena\\\'s head. She now cuts Elena\\\'s throat. The blood flows into the bucket. Elena wriggles on the pulley for a moment.

Both cousins now wait until Elena is bled out and dead.

They lower Elena down and drag her to the roasting place. The cousins then marinate Elena and roast her on the grill.

The cousins sit cross-legged in front of the grill and hold hands while Elena is roasted. In between, Elena\\\'s meat is marinated every now and then.

After a while, the cousins check with a fork whether the meat is already good. Finally.

Both cousins rub their hands and stomachs. They take Elena off the grill and carry her to the dining area. 

The cousins kneel down in front of Elena and start eating Elena\\\'s meat. First, the belly is cut open and the intestines are taken out and eaten.

One cousin cuts out Elena\\\'s tongue and eats it. The two cousins continue to eat at the neck and breasts. They cut off the breasts and eat the delicious meat.

Again and again the cousins lick their lips and say how delicious Elena tastes.

They also cut the meat from the ribs and eat it as well as the belly meat.

Both cousins then eat the meaty thighs. They chew the meat intensely.

Elena is now turned over and the meat from the ass is eaten.

(IMPORTANT!) Last, they now eat the meat of the soles of the feet. This is eaten with relish.

After a few hours they have eaten Elena.

A cousin: \\\"I\\\'m going to get the camera to see what Elena took a picture of.\\\"

The cousin comes back with the camera. She sits down again in front of Elena\\\'s leftovers and looks at the pictures. All of a sudden, the cousin with the camera looks at the other cousin.

Other cousin. \\\" What do you have ?\\\"

Other cousin \\\"Look. Elena took the picture of the woman with the knife.\\\"

Other cousin: \\\" Let me see it\\\".

The cousin hands the camera to the other cousin. She looks at the picture on the display and says:

\\\"Let\\\'s look for this woman and kill her and eat! We owe that to Elena!\\\"

They both get up and walk away to get ready for the search.
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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