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     Clones 2
    15 minutes
      Clones 2 - CLONES 2 


Epic action sci-fi  thriller


Shooting by gun
Shooting by machinegun
Mass killing
Japan sword deadly fighting
Neck snaps
Plenty of dead poses
15 dead ***** in one scene
More than 100 killing
5 huge bodypiles! 
All clones dress in classic agent-office style  - white shirts, black short skirts, black stockings or pantyhose, shoes with high heels 

After mass clones killing in the first part, another clones were sent to kill anticlones agent to his own house.  Agent was warn that it could happen so he set traps in the garden. But he didn’t know that it would be SO MANY CLONES…

The first group of clones was killed by gun, another – by machinegun. But after the cruel fight began…

 It’s one of the best our action movies with plenty of killing, different ways to die and huge groups of deadly super sexy clones. Tarantino style!  THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death
    22 minutes
      THE COLLECTOR part 1 Lis Death - THE COLLECTOR (Part 1: Murder of Li)



«‘The Collector: Student Reporter’ is nothing short of a masterpiece, what you might call Arthouse Erotic Horror. Full of iconic moments, this video is destined, in my opinion, to become a classic. Make no mistake, what Ugine and team have produced is one of the best videos in the genre, ever, and your money here is well spent.

What I gave Ugine was an insanely complex script. It took the characters seriously, giving paragraph after paragraph to their thoughts and feelings. It linked out to clips from some of the best videos in our genre — specifically, the best portrayals of my favorite elements that I wanted to repurpose for my story. And it had a story arc, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. Not to mention that Ugine even integrated multiple audio clips that I had recorded by a voice actress for one of the character’s internal dialogue. This was truly hard work, and I can’t thank Ugine enough. This was a leap of faith for me, and Dark Rooms delivered!»


Customer’s Review


CAST: Annabelle, Judi, Li, Max






Fetish Elements

Adult Student Girls, Stalking, Shooting to the body with silencer, Shooting and destroying bra for topless, Shooting to the breast, Death, Death Stare, Playing with body (very lot!) , Death Stare With Tounge Out, Stripping Nude, Touching Breasts, Touching Face, Injection to freeze the body



On the campus of The Pence Academy, an all-girls boarding school in the northeast United States, all is quiet. Most of the girls — teenagers, from wealthy families — have retired to their rooms, except for a handful of seniors (all of them 18-years-old), who as leaders of various student organizations are working into the night. One such girl is KAITLIN GALLAGHER, the ambitious daughter of international banker, Robert Gallagher.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, THE COLLECTOR is calm, cool, and collected, as he sits in his car parked across from the Pence Academy senior class house. He is a hitman, and this is his first job in the U.S. His first American target: Kaitlin Gallagher. His job is not just to stop her from publishing the exposè on Petrov, his client, but also to make an example of her.

He gets the task to eliminate Kaitlin Gallagher but he must kill also two her roommates. The Collector is what you might call a high-functioning maniac, doing what other hitmen refuse to do: kill young women. Of course, the young women of interest to his clients usually came from privilege — wielding power they inherited, never earning it. And it was Kaitlin’s status as an American princess — her arrogant adolescent pursuits — that made killing her so tantalizing.


Worse than death was what he did with the girls afterward. In a previous life, he was a Russian defense services officer — a scientist, in fact, tasked by his government to find ways of incapacitating and preserving the bodies of criminals for long-term, inexpensive imprisonment. The result: cryo-nanoparticles, which preserved bodies perfectly, though not without killing them first — often in dramatic fashion. Thus he failed, though not entirely, for he had found a way to turn his victims into living dolls.

His first victim is Ashley Witford, the queen of graduation.

Ashley arrives at the entryway of the house. A distracted look on her face, she begins climbing the stairs — while The Collector watches her unnoticed from his car. He knows what happens to girls who climb stairs in short skirts. Suppressing his excitement, he covers his mouth with his hand.


As she reaches the top of the stairs, her skirt flips up, though not enough, revealing just the bottoms of her ass cheeks — and just briefly. Disappointed, but patient, he continues watching her, trusting the skirt will betray her soon enough.


Now at the door, Ashley goes to find her keys. Letting the left strap slide off her shoulder, she cradles the backpack on her right side and unzips the front compartment. Rummaging through the contents for several moments, she just cannot find her keys. Frustrated, she sets the backpack on the ground and squats to dig through it more thoroughly.


As she squats digging for her keys, she pays no attention to her skirt riding up her ass, finally revealing it. The upskirt is completely accidental, and she would be horrified to know a man was enjoying it. The bulge of her pussy presses against the cotton fabric of her simple panties, framed by the roundness of each ass cheek.

Ashley keeps digging, when at long last she hears a METALLIC JINGLE — she has found her keys. Relieved, she breathes a sigh of relief. Then standing back up, she arches her back to maintain her balance, accentuating her ass before it finds cover under the skirt again.


She picks up the backpack and puts it back on. In a moment of self-awareness — rare for this would-be prom queen — she adjusts her skirt, yanking it down and confirming with her fingers, their fingernails painted white, that her ass is properly covered. Paranoid, she takes a quick look around — noticing the car, though making nothing of it.

Opening the entryway door, Ashley walks into the house, phone in hand. As she walks to her room, the phone BUZZES with a message from someone named Emily Astor.

EMILY ASTOR is texting Ashley from her dorm room. Wearing a sports bra and spandex booty shorts and her hair tied in a ponytail, she stands barefoot on an empty stretch of floor, ready for some yoga — something she feels compelled to tell Ashley.

Daughter of David Astor, a real estate investor, Emily was born and raised in New York City — as she frequently reminds others. She loves yoga almost as much as her mother, and one day, she wants to open her own studio in Manhattan.

Having had enough, Ashley puts her phone down on her desk and starts to get undressed. Undoing the buttons, she removes her blouse, revealing a pair of young breasts suspended in a simple bra. Then tossing the blouse aside, she goes to remove her skirt — when all of a sudden, she hears someone whistling behind her.


She gasps, as she turns to find The Collector pointing a gun at her. Staring blankly at him, she shakes her head no, raising her hands slowly in surrender. With bated breath, she begins pleading with him.

Before the word “no” can leave Ashley’s mouth, The Collector fires into her abdomen, below her navel — the BLAST
agony as the bullet leaves just a small hole in her flesh, spewing a rivulet of
blood that runs down her pelvis.

Clutching her wound with her hands, she YELPS as she doubles over in agony, giving us a look down the cleavage of her breasts from the front — while from the back, we look up her skirt.


In terrible pain, Ashley straightens her back and stares at The Collector. She looks confused as much as she looks scared, and shaking her head, she begins to CRY. This only makes him LAUGH, and grinning widely, he fires two more shots into her chest.

His bullets strike the very middle of her bra — right on target — shredding the fabric and leaving the disconnected cups to fall away from her bare breasts. Her heart pierced through, she is dying, NOISILY CHOKING on her blood. Her eyes cross, then roll back into her head, as blood starts to trickle from a corner of her lips.


Falling, her back finds a wall, and she slides down it. As she does so, her legs bend at the knees and spread apart. Her ass comes to rest on the floor, and we can see the front of her panties under her skirt.

We hear Ashley taking HER DYING BREATH, watching her naked chest rising and falling a few more times, before her long legs spasm and then totally relax.

As a death stare sets on her face, she briefly makes an ahegao face, crossing and rolling her eyes while protruding her blood-soaked tongue. A tear rolls down her cheek, carrying with it some smokey eyeshadow.

Ashley is dead. Breasts exposed, she dies with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. The Collector approaches her body, admiring it. His grin fades as he addresses her.

Looking for Ashley’s phone, The Collector scans the room and quickly finds it on her desk. Encountering the lock screen, he reads the instructions to himself — in English.

he Collector takes a seat next to Ashley on the ground, sitting shoulder to shoulder with her. He opens the photos app on her phone and flips through her selfies. We see one of her in her schoolgirl uniform, but also wearing a tiara. She is smiling radiantly in the images, preening for social media.

Delighted, though no longer laughing, The Collector plants a kiss on Ashley’s cheek, jostling her lifeless head. Then putting her phone down, he moves into a crouch in front of her. He cradles her chin with his fingers, admiring her beautiful, blood-stained face.


He removes her broken bra, unhooking it from the back and pulling the broken pieces off her arms. He takes a moment to admire her breasts, cupping them in his hands to assess their firmness and weight. Then taking her hands in his, he admires her white nailpolish.


Releasing Ashley’s hands, he moves to grab her ankles, then drags her onto her back, away from the wall. As she is being dragged, her skirt bunches up around her waist, revealing her simple panties.







     Death Kaleidoscope
    14 minutes
      Death Kaleidoscope - This movie includes 12 independent clips with short scenes of two sexy **** death:

! Shooting (no-***** bit bullet sound effects, like in crime house shot-dead cocktails) – shooting in busts, headshots, in the back. Super surprised reactions, fear and terror before death, begging for life. Gi....Ls look very sexy and innocent  - bare legs, sexy socks, underwear, topless. They cought by surprise in their own home! Different interesting home furnishings are used: the piano, teeter-tooter, the staircase.

! Neck-breaks   with crunch sound and amazing death stare

sta.......Bing to the stomach and long agonic death, dead body postmortem writing, death stares

throat cut  - with panic, pain and death reaction

synchronous shots to two g.....S

ch.....Ng on the bed

st.....Ling g....L when she was swinging on a swing.

very fresh exotic video

23 female ultra sexy, good acted deaths

if you like many short deaths in one clip check our "shot-dead cocktails" category! Don't miss our other summer seasons clips!  TRAVEL AGENCY
    18 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Pola and Mary

Pola was strangled by tie
Annabelle was strangled at the table with her buttom up
Mary was choked across the window with her legs kicking in the other side (Strangulation+Vore Fetishes!)
Many pantyhose, stockings, foot and legs fetishes in this movie

Fedor is a simple manager in his father’s small travel agency. He works with a young girl Rita who spends her time in the agency only at her free time. She always teases him: he is poor, he can’t do anything without his father, he is stupid. 
This day two rich women come to his firm. They want to travel in luxury tour. Rita offers them to purchase tour to Monte-Carlo, but it’s too boring for Russian wives of oligarchs. Fedor gets woo angry, seems he’s going to loose control - why these bitches have all and he have nothing? 
He suggests one of clients to come to VIP-room and discuss special offer. But he takes off his tie and starts to strangle rich blonde. She is so surprised that haven’t time to cry for help and just gasps in agony jerking her slender legs. He does some great deadly strangling antics and then dies.
The strangulation scene is 4 minutes run time with many fetish elements like legs, face, fighting to life, fear, wheezing, trying to free herself, a feeling of hopelessness. 
When the second rich women comes to VIP room she sees her dead companion, topless, in pantyhose only, with empty dead stare, with eyes wide opened. She was terrible frightened and Fedor attached her and started to strangle with his tie. She falls to the table, face down and in this pose she has no chance to get free. All she can is to catch the tie and try to weaken the stranglehold, make strange face, swollen eyes and struggled to pull legs in stockings. She has 4 minutes to die but it seems for her it’s 4 months. She was dead with sexy death stare and mouth deadly opened and a big cross lied on her face. 
Curious Rita saw this scene in her window. She was so shocked looking how Fedor finished two females and stripped them than forgot to call the police. She just sees this terrible show. But Fedor sees her and attacks. He catches her throat and pulls across the window. She is suspended in air, he pulls her and srangles her. We see her choking dace and we see her jerking legs in black pantyhose, upskirts vies,how shoes fall to the ground and her feet. He vores her lifless strangled body to the room. 
Now three dead fresh females are sitting on the sofa in pantyhose and stockings. Nude bodies, empty stares, glass-eyes, opened mounthes. 15 minutes ago they were people. Now they are corpses.
    9 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Luiza and Lara and also Dan and Alex 

The Empress and her faithful servant dine in the refectory when the sect of killers of queens penetrates the castle. They cut their throats in the most severe way. Blood splashes like a river, filling their breasts. They die with terrific death stares. Killers drink their blood and leave bare bleeding bodies on the table like meat

If you like this movie
    28 minutes
28 minutes
Cast: Emma and Max
General plot: Emma is a spy and gets chloroformed in various scenes.

Scene 1
Emma sneaks around with her gun. She makes a call to her boss and says her mission will be easy. After
she hangs up, an attacker comes up behind her and clamps a white rag over her mouth and nose.Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head
multiple times. The camera can get a little closer for this so we can see the eyerolling.Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the ground. We get a full body shot of her
unconscious body.The attacker then unbuttons Emma’s blouse completely, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face
down and the attacker examines her legs.Emma’s blouse is removed and she is flipped onto her back. The attacker searches her and finds a USB in
her bra. Emma starts to wake up on the ground. The attacker gets behind Emma and clamps the white
rag over her mouth and nose again.
Emma struggles but slowly passes out with lots of moaning and eyerolling. The attacker lays Emma back on
the ground. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 2
Emma is undercover at a party. She snoops around but is attacked from behind. A white rag is clamped
over her mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes
roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the
ground. We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
Emma is then flipped face down and the attacker examines her legs. She is then flipped onto her back.
The attacker searches her purse and finds a gun and badge.
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and asks who sent her. Emma
says she won’t tell, so the attacker chloroforms her again. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll
up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is tossed aside. She is
searched and a USB is found in her bra. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 3
Emma has her gun drawn and is searching for a criminal. She says out loud that she’s going to find them
and arrest them. But suddenly, Emma gets attacked from behind by the criminal she’s looking for. A
white rag is clamped over her mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into
the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp
body is placed on the ground. We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
The attacker then unbuttons Emma’s blouse completely, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face
down and the attacker examines her legs. Emma’s blouse is removed and she is flipped onto her back.
Emma is searched and a USB is found in her bra.
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and chloroforms her again. Emma
moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and
her limp body is tossed aside. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.
Scene 4
Emma is lying down on her bed with her legs up and on her phone. She hears a noise and grabs her gun
and goes to investigate. Suddenly, Emma gets attacked from behind and a white rag is clamped over her
mouth and nose. Emma struggles against her attacker. Emma moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up
into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and her limp body is placed on the ground.
We get a full body shot of her unconscious body.
The attacker strips off Emma’s top, exposing her bra. Emma is then flipped face down and the attacker
examines her legs. Emma’s is then flipped onto her back. Emma is searched and a USB is found in her
Emma starts to wake up on the ground so the attacker gets behind her and chloroforms her again. Emma
moans into the cloth and her eyes roll up into her head multiple times. Emma eventually passes out and
her limp body is tossed aside. We then get a full shot of her body. Emma is then carried away.
    21 minutes
Starring: Annabelle, Max

«Thank you for your excellent work on this custom. Please thank Annabelle  for her excellent work - I’ve never seen her looking so fit and appreciate that she is open minded enough to act out my fantasy.

Thank you!»
Customer’s Review and Feedback 

Cannibal, Splatter, Gore, Gory, Hanging to the hand, Guts, Gutting, Bloody, Very Cruel

Scene 1

Annabel going for a run, dressed approximately as per the picture. Hair  in a high ponytail, makeup as if she was going out for the night. Camera lingers on her breasts bouncing as she runs and her abs, leg muscles. She stops in a park to do some ab exercises (sit ups, crunches, focus on her belly – please ask her to do hard ab exercises to really strain and burn her ab muscles) She gets up and keeps running. Hurts her ankle and knocks on the nearest door for help. 

Scene 2 

Max (or another male actor) opens the door for her (it’s the dungeon where you filmed Tender Meat, or similar) Max knocks her out as soon as she is inside and ties her down to the bench (like she is tied in Forbidden Film Slasher) preferably stretched a little tighter and with a block under her back to make her back arch more and stick her ribcage out more. Max uses a meat skewer to wake her up by pushing it deep into her thigh muscle, shocking her awake. Max uses a 20cm kitchen knife to cut away her running clothes please cut her running top away by cutting up the middle, between her breasts(running shoes can stay on) then uses the knife to trace her body and scare her (breasts, ribs, lots of attention to her belly, thighs..) She should be writhing in terror, lots of arched rib cage shots and show her belly muscles as she fights. Max says (English or subtitles) “thank you for taking such good care of your body, fit girls look so much better being butchered. Try to relax so you don’t make your  flesh too tense and tough..”

After teasing her with the knife, he takes a marker pen and draws the cuts of meat on her body like in the picture. Please make sure the names for the cuts of meat are realistic, and go all around her body so it looks good and can be read when she is hanging upside down..  Make sure there is a dashed line down the middle of her belly and please show this line being drawn..

Once her has finished drawing the cuts of meat on her body, he takes a bottle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and rubs it all over her body (please be very generous with the oil – show it running down her breasts/ribcage and her thigh muscles.. He should be as rough as she can handle when massaging the oil into her breasts. Please knead her breasts like dough when making bread (if she can withstand it) (I’m not sure how will you stop the oil from making the pen markings on her skin run – hopefully you can work it out)

Scene 3

Once she has been oiled down he says ‘lets get you strung up and gutted like a fish’ (can be English or subtitles) He uses the ankle spreader bars (just like in Tender Meat) to suspend her directly off the table she has been tied to. He suspends her so her mouth is at waist height. Show her breasts jiggling as her hoists her up, lots of struggling and back arching from Annabelle. Reapply oil if required. I want to see her oiled ribs exposed and her ab muscles working as she sobs and fights. (my ideal video is Cameron Richardson suspended in Rise Bloodhunter if you need any ideas..) Once she has been suspended, pan the camera over her struggling body then please tie/handcuff her hands behind her back. Max says “hanging you like this makes your body look incredible, I can see every muscle and count every rib.. this is going to be fun” Then he takes the butchers knife and teases her belly with it before roughly gutting her from sternum to pelvic bone like in Tender Meat. Remove her guts (she is still completely conscious as she is being gutted) Once all her guts are removed he can finish her with a slice to the thoat, (please try to make the spurting blood realistic with the neck slice – it should really spurt out under pressure, pulsing with her heart rate) more struggling until she is still. 

Movie ends with her stretched out on the table like this with an apple in her mouth. She should still be covered in lots of oil. Max grates fresh cracked pepper all over each part of her body. Close up of her arms, breasts, ribs, belly and thighs being covered with cracked pepper.

TENDER MEAT (all parts)
PICNIC HUNTERS  Machine Gunned Both Parts
    53 minutes
      Machine Gunned Both Parts - About 100 deaths. Many death scenes. Custom video. Three models are playing being machinegunned (POV, killing each other). Many exitic death poses. agonies.
    20 minutes
      Nerd - 3 hot, long ************* scenes and great bodypile  GOOD COP IN THE HEAVEN
    13 minutes
NATA as a good cop
TIM as a bad cop
JUDI as a gang-girl
MAX as a gangster with a bat
MERCY as a mafia boss (New Model! Available For Custom!)
MIRA GREEN as a striptease-girl (New Model! Available For Custom!)

1.Nata is hit in her hand during firefight  - great pain!
2.A sexy dancer with her gun was shot in her chest during firefight! Great Reaction, Death Stare and Death Pose. The scene is shown from different angles and in slow-motion!
3.Judi was hit to head and fall dead with great death stare during fighting 
4.Nata was very near to be strangled to death during fighting with a gangster
5.Female Mafia Boss was shot to her back when she was trying to escape – great actress reaction, pose and death stare 
6.Gangster was shot to his back and fall dead (male death scene)
7.Nata was  shot to her back by betrayer (surprise reaction, dramatic conversation)
8.Nata was shot to her chest, long agony before her death

	The lair of the bandits who control the drug trade of the city. A corrupt cop is involved in their gang and receives a bribe from the mafia boss. Nata, a police officer from the department who is used to working alone, quietly enters the den. In order not to make a lot of noise, she takes off her boots and sneaks on tiptoe. She sees the bandits and sends a weapon at them: “You are arrested!” The corrupt cop manages to disappear into the darkness, and Nata does not notice her colleague recruited into the mafia. Shootouts and fights to the death begin. First, her colleague, appearing out of nowhere, helps her defeat the bandits. Nata wants to deliver the case with the mafia’s money to the police department, but her colleague says that you need to take money and leave the city. Nata replies that she will never become a corrupt cop, goes to a case with money, trustingly turning her back to her colleague, but gets a shot in the back, and then a shot in the body.
 	 She dies and sees how the vile cop collects bloody bundles of money on the floor, preparing to escape.
 	 “You will be a good cop in heaven!” Says the corrupt policeman and goes into the darkness of the city. 

    22 minutes
      50 SHADOWS OF BLOOD - CAST: Judi, Max



The custom was amazing. As usual the acting was great. Judi acting was awesome. The special effect were great as aways with your production company. I would like to speak on the opening and build up of the film. Your crews creative process is outstanding!!  You guys have a way of taking the customers idea and interpret it so well!!! Thanks again Darkrooms!  Awesome great job by all!


Opening scene: There is a knock at the door. Max opens it. Polina comes it. Shes wearing a tight, short, black cocktail dress(see attached photo). Nicely done makeup(see attached photo) and shes wearing a choker like Annabelle in last film, really nice touch by the way!  He welcomes her in They discuss the terms of the agreement. He explains to her that hell blind fold her tie her up in several ways and gently torture her and take photos of her to sale. He tells her he pays $2,0000 for one session. She agrees. He asks her to model for him so he can check out her body. She walks around some and does some modeling poses. He takes some photos of her. He gives her an envelope with the cash for her services. Hes tells her, alright lets he started. He tells her to take her dress off. She slides the cocktail dress off. The camera pans over her as she undresses. She is wearing sexy black panties and bra with black thigh leggings. He tells her to take her bra off. She does. She has panties and leggings on, nothing else.  He ties her up with her with her hands above her head standing position(like in archer 15). He tells her he is going to put a blind fold on her. He puts the blind fold on her. The camera pans over her while she is tied up. He walks up behind her. He takes both hands he places them in her sides. She jumps a little in surprise. He tells her to relax. His hands slide around to her navel. He gently presses his finger into her navel and fingers it. He then runs his hands up the front of her body and feels up her tits.  She breathing heavy as he touches her stomach. He stops as she is breathing heavy and tells her he is ll be right back. He goes and gets a knife. He takes the knife and puts the tip into her navel. She is startled by the feel of the tip of the blade. He presses the tip into her navel gently. We see her facial expressions change as he presses the tip of the blade in her navel. She asks whats that?, it feels kinda sharp? He tells her its nothing to worry about. As he runs the tip of the blade across her belly several times. He puts the knife away.

Next scene: He unties her and takes the blind fold off. He tells her to lay down on a table. He walks her over to the table. She sees the ropes to tie her up with and notices several surgical scalpels and knifes laying by the table. She acts nervous and asks what are the blades for?  He tells her theres nothing to worry about. She lays down. He takes her arms and ties them above her head like usual.  Then he slides her panties off. Shes naked now except for the black thigh leggings. He then ties her legs. He blindfolds her again. Shes breathing heavy because shes nervous. He gets a cube of ice. He slides the ices slowly down between her tits and over her nipples. He slides it down the middle of her stomach to her navel.  She sucks her stomach in at the sensation of the cold ice. (Make this scene super erotic, she enjoys feeling the cold ice against her skin) He circles her navel and lets the ice drip a few drops into her navel. He then slides in down her lower stomach. Next he drys the water off her stomach. Next he gets some massage oil. He drips it into the middle of her stomach. The oils runs down and pools in her navel. He then rubs her stomach until the oils is rubbed in. As hes rubbing her she acts turned on by the sensation. He asks her if shes ready to feel the next sensation on her skin? She replies yes. She hears max as he puts on his apron and gloves. She tells Max she cant wait for whats next. He lets out a sinister laugh and tells her that shell feel it all deep inside her body! He gets the scalpel. He runs the scalpel down her stomach and circles her navel several times. She tells him that it feels sharp and cold like steel. He stops the scalpel just above her pussy he presses it into her belly. She tells him to stop that hurts.  He stops just before cutting her. Next he takes her blind fold off. We get a POV shot from her of max looking down at her with the a scalpel in his in his hand. She looks surprised and starts to panic. And asks what hes doing and to let her go.  She asks what are you going to do to me?  He tells her hes going to slice open her stomach and gut her like a pig as he runs his finger down her belly and navel. He says to her lets get stated shall we.   He starts the incision just below her sternum and slowly pulls the blade down her belly across her navel, to her lower belly. You guys keep getting better and better at the special effects!  Once hes done cutting her open. She lifts her head to look down at her slashed open abdomen, like the camera view from cheating guts feeling. Shes breathing heavy as shes sees her body sliced down the middle.  She lets out a groan as Max digs his hand into her cut open stomach.  He pulls out her guts in the usual way. Some  camera views from her head down as he guts her. (See attached photo) You did some views like that in snuff film slasher. Her toes curl and her hands clench in a fist as he guts her. She finally lets out her dying breaths and dies her head tilted to the side with blood down the corner of her mouth. He cuts the last of her guts out with a scissor like in forbidden film slasher. We see her death stare. Once hes done he takes her guts and piles them on top of her stomach. He takes some photos of the body. The scene ends with camera views of her body like usual.   
Final scene: Opens with the camera view of her body on the table. Hes cleaned the blood off her body and closed the incision down her belly. He walks up to her he tilts her head back straight. Hes not done with her body he going to get some more photos of her  He unties her and picks her up. He lays her out across a bench so her arms are above her head and legs off. The only part of her body on the bench is her back. Arms and head hang down as well as legs. (See attached photo) For the final blow he gets the knife and stabs it straight into her belly button. The camera views her face eyes open open death stare. The camera then slowly pans over her body(emphasis on her stomach with the knife handle sticking out of her belly button).   Max gets some photos of her body laid across the bench with the knife in her body.
The end

The film should be sexual and erotic up until the time that the actress realizes shes going to be killed in a horrific way. Feel free with ideas that you think may make it better and make more sales. Work your magic!  The end



    15 minutes
      Red Party - 4 women were shot and put in bodypile
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    Welcome To The Crime House Studio on Kinky Clips
    Crime House Fantasy Studio (also Crime House & Crime House and Dark Rooms) is independent production company with female death fetish orientation. Crime House does very erotic stuff, but not porn. Why we advice to offer our videos? 1. SEXY VICTIM-ACTRESSES ONLY 2. REALISTIC DEATH SITUATIONS 3. GREAT ACTING 4. CSGFX EFFECTS 5. NEW MODELS EVERY WEEK 6. ALL DEATH FETISH GENRES 7. NOT PORN BUT VERY-VERY EROTIC AND HOT 8.RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPE HOT MODELS 9. WE DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY SEXY DEATH 10. ALL MOVIES ARE MADE IN VERY HIGH QUALITY

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