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    3 minutes
      SHORT HOLIDAY IN MALLORCA - Crista interrupts Gabrialla’s and Orsi’s mini-vacation by giving Orsi and eye full and Gabriella two lethal implants.  SPEEDERS
    4 minutes
      SPEEDERS - Caroline and Gabriella find themselves accused of speeding by Monica.  Gabriella takes the bait, but Caroline knows the truth.  The blonde hitwoman is taken out by a black haired beauty.

Starring: Caroline, Gabriella, Monica
Keywords: Shooting
    13 minutes
      ALTSIREN STRANGLED BY BURGLAR - AltSiren is sleeping in her bed when burglar Buffy sneaks in the room with a rope, jumps at her and strangles her to death in a struggle. Past this point, there is a lot of limp play and good ragdolling with with dead body.

Lots of funny out takes in the end

Starring: Altsiren, Buffy
Keywords: Strangling  THE DIRTY JOBS
    6 minutes
      THE DIRTY JOBS - Natalie is a busy woman, but when left with no choice she is more than capable of doing her own dirty work.  In this case, Susanne White needs to be tracked down and eliminated.  Natalie breaks into Susanne’s apartment and waits patiently for Susanne to come home.  Susanne pretends to not know who the White woman is, but tips Natalie off when she can’t come up with a fake name fast enough.  Natalie forces Susanne to strip then put a bullet in her bare breast and watches her die.  It’s all quick and dirty, but you can tell Natalie loves her work.

Starring: Natalie and Susanne
Theme: Handgun

Run Time: 06:03
307 MB
    24 minutes
      HOT TUB STRANGLER - Two friends sit in a hot tub in the garage next to the main house. Sara consoles her best friend because her husband left after years together. The girl is clearly upset, and doesn't know what to do. The young lady takes her dogs out to do their business, leaving her friend Sara to sit in the boiling tub while she walked them to the end of the block. Sara tells her to be safe, suggesting she go with her, but the young lady just says, "don't worry, it's a nice neighborhood, and I have the dogs". She sits with her back to the door, taking the whole tub to herself while her friend walks her dogs. A hooded intruder finds his way into the house through the back door. As he is rifling through valuables and jewelry, he hears a noise and follows it. He sees the hot tub, with what he thought was a single woman enjoying a hot tub. He sneaks up behind her and uses her bikini top to strangle her with. He gets it just right and the startling surprise attack makes a big splash, literally. She fights hard and water is going everywhere. She grabs at her bikini top as it digs into her sexy long neck. He pulls her body almost out of the water as he pulls hard on her top, making her face turn a pink to purple. He is really giving it to her hard. She kicks her feet and splashes, trying to fend him off but ends up dead, mouth open wide, eyes bloodshot and still soaking wet. He immediately pulls her soaking wet body from the tub, her hands and feet wrinkled from soaking too long. He carries her to the bedroom so he can molest her. He takes her wet bikini off so she can dry out a bit while he plays. He hears the door open and hides. After a couple of dead body pans and views, the house owner is coming back in from walking her dogs. She heads to the hot tub, noticing that Sara is not there so she gets in, figuring she was in the bathroom or shower. She lays back and relaxes, as the intruder sneaks up in his black hooded sweatshirt and uses her bikini tops strings to wrap around her neck. She is so surprised but she fights hard smacking him on the head, splashing and thrashing like wet and wild style. He just pulls tighter and she just keeps thrashing, going in and out of the water like a bobbing apple, but fighting back like a cat that has been dropped in a cold lake. She slows down after he reefs harder and harder, changing the color of her face a dark red, matching her bloodshot eyes. After a long thrashing bout she slows down and he watches her die POV, then lets her down into the water so she floats, only her head and open death stare seen. He drags her wet body out by her suit top and cradle carries her to the bedroom where he lays her down. He plays with her as he removes her wet swimsuit to match her dead pal. He takes his time to caress and molest them as her drops their arms and legs, kissing and sucking their clean toes and fleshy breasts. He is loving feeling them up and rolling their naked bodies all over the bed, feeling their asses, then their breasts, trying to figure out the best way to pose them. He really would love to screw them both silly but realizes it would hurt his career as a petty thief, and now murderer of sexy ladies in a hot tub. He gets them positioned and set how he would like them, but they tip over into each other on the bed. He takes off to the other room to collect some stuff to sell down the road when the coast clears, as we see their sexy bodies panned and viewed. 

Starring: SaraLiz, Belle Fatale
Keywords: Strangling, Postmortem, Limp play  THERE IS NO ESCAPE
    4 minutes

Susanne and julie are trying to get away, but monica is waiting for them.  Suddenly two shots ring out and the escapees are felled by vicious bullets that tear at their chests.  They die in pain as monica watches.  It’s just another day’s work for the long haired beauty.

starring: susanne, julie and monica

run time: 04:06
517 kb
    12 minutes
      I HAVE MY ORDERS - Special Agents Steevie Paine and Jake Evans are on a special operation, meeting an operative for a drop. As they clear the last room Agent Evans tells Paine they need to have a chat, and asks about something that happened, or was supposed to happen, in Bulgaria in May of 2014, but never did. She has betrayed the Agency and he has his orders to kill her. She seems taken a back by this but quickly uses her special training and starts to try and make a deal with him. She asks him if he remembers what he has always been after since they started working together many years ago. Yes he has always wanted her sex, but he is the ultimate professional, so when the director tells him to take her out and retrieve the missing thumb drive, with all the information she has been selling to the enemy, he must follow through. He figures he will have a little taste and knows she could never take him out so he makes her drop her service weapon, and raise her hands high. She is fully stretched out in her sexy black skirt and tight turtle neck, thigh highs and black leather boots. Her nipples protrude through her white turtleneck and become even more rigid as he slinks up behind her, feeling her breasts and letting her know he will put a slug in her brain if she tries anything funny. She agrees and they both fall into passionate caressing, her hands still above her head, but eventually start to rub his arms and cheek. As he starts to get lost in her scent, sexiness, and slight breaths that escape as she bites her lip and licks her upper lip in ecstasy. She has him nearly seduced but keeps her cool. Right when he least expects it she disarms the silenced pistol from him and turns the tables. Now with the gun on him, he starts to back peddle, letting her know he really wasn't going to kill her, he just wanted to get some. She doesn't believe him and makes him kick her gun, that is on the floor, back to her. As he does he does a sweeping move and grabs her, taking her to the ground and wrestling the silenced pistol back from her clutches, and at the same time she frees herself and goes for her service weapon. They both roll out of their moves into perfect position, guns drawn on each others vitals, Agent Evans has the silencer pointed right between her eyes. She questions him, "I thought you weren't going to do it?" and he quickly responds with, "I lied.", "So this is it huh?" she asks him in desperation, "yep" he retorts followed by the sound of the suppressed forty five caliber slug hitting Agent Paine right between the eyes. Her eyes go wide and head snaps back a bit as she loses all expression and goes backwards to the floor.(Shown a couple times for good measure) She is immediately dead, no movements just still. The bullet wound is round and deep, bruised all around immediately from the impact. Barely any blood shows as it is all escaping into her brain, so there is no mess. Agent Evans immediately and slowly goes to her side, checking for a pulse, and confirming her demise. She is wide eyed and still as he searches for the information and the thumb drive. He knows that she keeps things in her boots, but he wants to check every other place first to make sure she is not hiding anything else, or any boobie traps. He feels her breasts, and then her legs in the thigh highs. He clutches her hair, and rolls her on her side to feel her buttocks. He has always wanted her but is the most professional Agent. After checking and patting down her entire body, as well as feeling and fondling her through her clothing, he starts on the boots taking time to feel and examine each boot, and when he confirms there is a thumb drive in her right boot up by her shin, he unzips the boot, secures the drive, and zips her sexy boot back up. Thank god the agency has new slugs that stop inside the scull and do not cause too much mess, her body and all of it's beauty are in tact on the floor, and her sexy death stare is beautiful. He tells her they could have been a great team, and exits with both weapons.  I DONT DATE COWORKERS
    23 minutes
      I DONT DATE COWORKERS - This is a raw and rough lift up strangle. Perp wearing tight black leather gloves and a double hand throttle lift up, with kicking and dangling feet and lots of postmortem carrying, OTS, Cradle, and a few others, Rag Dolling and Limp play with the corpse. Customer specific with something for everyone.

Belle and Chris work together at an large environmental firm and are closely bonded in the workplace. One evening after a big meeting Belle gets a call at home from Chris. He asks her if she has time for a dinner later in the week to discuss some personal and work stuff. Immediately Belle gets defensive thinking he is hitting on her and trying to get in her pants, so she shuns him in a nice way and tells him "I don't date coworkers". She says she will see him at work, reiterating she doesn't date who she works with regardless of who else is doing it, obviously Chris has been silenced by her rambling accusations since the call began, so he hears her out and hangs up. She is single, home alone with her kitty, and says she "doesn't need anyone, especially from work". Well her kitty isn't impressed with her clingy nature to things other than men, so he runs away from her with a get away from me work. Belle shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen for some wine. She sees she is out so she grabs whiskey and an icy tumbler to pour it into. As she pops the cork and pours her glass, a figure appears behind her in tight leather gloves. When she spins around to set her glass on the counter he is already reaching for her neck, grabbing her throat with two hands and lifts her off of the ground. He chokes her as she fights with him slapping his arms and face as she kicks and thrashes about. He keeps her up off the ground with brute strength and thoughts of rejection and misunderstanding. He throttles her and starts to walk with her in the air to the counter. He sets her ass on the counter and lays her back getting a good grip as she straddles him kicking with her bare feet and legs, then wrapping them around to get leverage. He throttles her but wants to get the job done so he spins her as he walks around the counter to the living room and lifts her up again. He walks to the middle of the room and continues throttling her hard up off the ground. Her face gets red and her feet kick as they dangle off the ground. She tries to fight him but she is getting weaker and her arms are having a hard time doing anything to pry or claw. Her face gets redder and eyes bloodshot as she is now twitching and her feet pointing to the floor. After she is hanging there dead, dangling feet barely twitching postmortem, he drops her to the floor like garbage. He gets over her and checks her out, rolling her over and checking her limbs to see if she is dead. He picks her up like she is a small sack of potatoes and throws her over his shoulder. He carries her around a bit, back and forth letting her body sway back and forth limp as he holds her legs. He continues to carry her, then lets her down partially turning to a cradle carry and doing a few laps around the room slowly carrying her limp dead corpse, freshly strangled to death. After he carries her he takes her to the counter top. He lays her out lifting up her blouse and feeling her breasts with his tight kid leather gloves on, then pinching the nipples, then lifting her skirt and seeing her bare shaven pussy. He is not the type of man that wants sex on the first date, in fact she had him all wrong. If she wouldn't have been such a bitch, she would have met him for dinner to find out he was opening a new firm and asking her to be senior partner. So much for that plan, so Chris drinks a nice pull from her smoky whiskey and then puts her legs over his shoulders, then grabs her up in his arms, carrying her folded up with her ass on his chest and head on his shoulders in a frog position. He takes her to the sofa and sits down so she falls into his lap straddling him. He lets her arms and torso go back and to the floor then lifts her again repeating, pulling up her skirt to expose her sexy ass, then pushing her shirt up to show her tits. After a few times and rag dolling he picks her straight up legs dangling and carries her to her bed. He tosses her like rubbish on to the bed, but then straightens her up, flopping her around, rolling her over, undressing her while he caresses her perfectly toned body. He knows she was a total bitch and nobody will have to worry about her any longer. He will still move away and open his own firm. He plays around with her and then gets her set up on the bed, spread eagle, one arm up one down in a nice pose. She looks so beautiful and naked. Before he says goodbye he puts a blanket over her legs so she looks like she is sleeping with her eyes open. He tells her corpse about where she went wrong and the opportunities she missed. Then says, "thanks for the whiskey" as he heads back to the kitchen to finish the tumbler of smokey whiskey on the rocks. Her body is viewed and panned from different angles.

Starring: Belle Fatale
    4 minutes
      JO HANGED - Jo is going to be executed by Sadie. She is sentenced to death by hanging for killing her husband. However Jo screams she is innocent. Sadie puts the noose around Jo's head and then lets Jo drop. Jo is gasping for air as the noose tightens around her lovely neck...

Starring: Jo, Sadie  I39d Rather Die
    5 minutes
      I39d Rather Die - Annica is looking for Monica’s ****** and detains and beats Monica in order to find his location.  Monica is tough and would rather die than sacrifice any of her family members.  Annica has no qualms about killing, so she takes Monica downstairs and ***** her.  Unfortunately, Monica’s rescuer is a bit too late to save her, but she puts a fatal bullet in the ruthless Annica.

Starring: Annica and Monica
Theme: ******* and shooting

Run Time: 05:29
284 KB
    19 minutes
      A SPIES BATTLE - Agent Jaimie Fox is a ruthless secret agent that loves to take her time disposing of her kills so after a nice long bout with a poor, young, agent across town, she heads back to the hideout to post up and relax. She calls HQ and talks to the boss, finding out where to drop the disk she confiscated from her last mark. As she takes not of the time and place, she hears some boots trying to sneak up on her. She is calm and cool and doesn't even stop her conversation, in fact she extends it, to the point of pissing off Agent Alba who is standing pointing her 9mm at her face. "Agent Fox, put down the phone, I am the one with the gun here!" Agent Fox lowly lowers her phone, hitting a few keystrokes before setting it down on the counter. Agent Alba is annoyed but is caught off guard when the phone rings and she looks at it for a split second, letting Agent Fox take the gun and toss it to the floor in one move. Agent Alba is perturbed and runs at Fox with her fists up ready to brawl, but Agent fox lets her get close then gives her an open palm to the nose. This stuns her and she staggers back long enough for Lexxi to take her heels off and get ready to kick ass, she does just that. She grabs Alba after she swings and misses, kneeing her in the gut three times to get her hurting a bit, then she head butts Alba knocking her on her back. Alba is stunned and on the ground grabbing her head. Fox heads to grab the para cord on the counter but decides she is feeling playful today and wants to show the opposition she can't be messed with at all. She picks Alba up by her hair to her knees, but Alba surprises her with a gut punch and a big "It ain't over bitch!", leaving Fox stunned momentarily, enough for Alba to come at her and grab her two handed by the throat to choke her out. Fox returns the favor and the two are locked in a strangle me I will strangle you bitch kinda position, standing up and throttling each other hard. Alba tries to break free but when she does Fox takes advantage of the situation and Starts to throttle Alba hard, so hard she let's go and is being choked out. Fox takes her to the sofa, standing over her and her skirt hiked up as she chokes out Alba. After a long hard strangle Alba weakens and her arms and head go limp. Fox relaxes a bit thinking she has this one in the bag, but Alba has a boot knife and was bluffing, she stabs Fox in the gut with the tip of the knife making her jump and back away stunned. She looks up at Alba who is regaining her strength and breath, holding the knife ready to stab her. She pokes the knife at her slashing at Fox but Agent Fox is too much of a pro and after a couple misses she timesd and targets her arm, in one motion she disarms the knife and breaks Alba's right arm and wrist. Alba screams out in pain, she stumbles around in shock and pain. Agent Fox is not messing around anymore and goes behind Alba with a choke hold. She chokes her out hard taking out all of her aggression on Alba. After she chokes her out for a while, the Agent Alba weakens and goes down, limp and almost unconscious, Fox puts the squeeze on her some more to make sure and she is out. Agent Fox heads to the phone, straightening her skirt, and calling her boss to say she is running a bit late but not to worry she' about to dispose of the body. She comes back to the unconscious sexy Agent Alba, who's skin tight leggings and tight top, black boots, and sits on her knees by her head. She caresses and kisses her face, telling her that unfortunately for her, she likes to take her time disposing of her victims. She is about to have some real fun. She gets behind Alba and puts her arms locked under her breasts around her body. She lifts her up, dead weight from being out cold, but she quickly awakens screaming when Fox crushes a couple of her ribs with a jolt, she repeats, breaking most of her ribs, one or a couple at a time(ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL), then repeating and ending with a knee to the back breaking her ribs in the back, and her back in a couple places. She still has use of her legs, but her right arm is broken and she is screaming in pain begging and crying not to die. Tears roll down her face as she is in great agony from the pain. She begs Fox not to kill her but Fox is a cold blooded agent that has no problem making them suffer before they die. Fox stands up after she drops Alba to the floor and grabs the para cord. She fashions it around her hands to make sure she has a nice grip. She gets in position as the moaning Alba is on the floor, twitching a bit and trying to plead, but to no avail. She gets the cord around her neck and starts to pull Agent Alba immediately forgets that her ribs are broken in her fight for life, the tears and make up smears do not matter anymore it is life or death. She kicks her legs, bucks and tries with the one good arm to claw at the cord but she can't do much with a pro who has leverage and hundreds of kills under her belt, or skirt... Agent fox takes her time and kills her good, Alba's eyes bug out and her tongue lols to the side, her smeared eyeliner show the scars of battle. She finishes her off and lets her down to the floor. She sits her upright, dead, but always makes sure, plus she loves the sound of bones snapping, especially vertebrae. She rolls her head to and fro the snap, twisting Alba's body one eighty degrees and face down on the floor. She admires her kill and stands up dragging the fresh hot corpse to the corner of the sofa sections so she can keep an eye on her, even though she is dead, while she gets ready to leave. Just as she is finishing up positioning the body, she hears another boot heel on the floor. It is another Agent from the Black Force, Gentry this time a leggy blonde. She tells Fox to freeze as she has the gun near her back. Agent Fox just chuckles and smirks,  "No way, three times today?" She spins and knocks Agent Gentry to the ground in one left cross punch to the crown. She is on her like white on rice, knowing she is running out of energy today from all the agents coming at her, plus her own mission to grab the information on the disk. She chokes her out in a hard choke hold, behind her on her knees getting good leverage. After a battle for a minute she starts to think she is tired and this is enough. She lets up the choke hold and grabs her head rolling it back and forth as the Agent tries to catch her breath. She snaps her neck so quickly it twists the leggy blonde's entire body twisting it hard(.NECK SNAP SHOWED FROM 2 ANGLES) She gets up and straightens herself up, fixing her hair with her fingers and putting on her sexy high heels. What a hot Agent fox is, working in high heels all day, as a killer....

She exits and makes way for sexy pans of the dead agents Gentry and Alba. 

Starring: Lexxi, Ryanne, Ashley Lane
Keywords: Strangling, girlfight  PRISONER LAURA GUILLOTINED
    5 minutes
      PRISONER LAURA GUILLOTINED - Very simple, the death sentence is read, Laura can''t believe her ears. In the next scene she is lead into the execution room in a prison uniform, and she is ordered to strip to underwear. She is then arranged and strapped on the guillotine and we have some unnerving wait, with many face and feet shots.

Finally the blade drops, her body shooks and goes limp, headless. There are TWO different takes of the blade fall scene, with slightly different body reactions.

Starring: Laura
Keywords: Guillotine, Decap
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